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About MadRoller

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  1. MadRoller

    Auction Mod pre-release demo video

    ah ok.. I get it... I will look into this... safes would be kinda neat as a "blind auction" you never know what would be in it. something in the config that sets the starting bid for different items..
  2. MadRoller

    Auction Mod pre-release demo video

    Warsheep, I am not really sure what you mean. Can you or someone explain that a little more. Please keep in mind, I have only been playing Arma for a month or so, and most of that has been Exile Mod, until the server I played on keep giving the Memory Allocation Error. I decided to take a break from playing till it got sorted and start looking at the programming side. The auction script is not a "port" from something else, it is built by me and only for Exile
  3. MadRoller

    Auction Mod pre-release demo video

    Hey guys thanks for the comments... Vehicles is planned for the release... I will add setting to to allow taking from auction storage on the main auction screen.. in so far as removing the "Air Drop" just don't install the XM8 part Wow more GUI layout fun.. lol
  4. Ok first let me start by saying "I am not a videographer" I am a programmer.. be happy it has some music.. lol I am getting ready to finish up a little auction script mod. I am putting up this pre-release video so people can make suggestions, requests before I release it next week. Still need to clean up the code, add in paging etc. All data is persistent, the auction backend is run by the server. No custom server calls etc.. all Exile security in place. Auction items go into "Auction House Storage" when won or expired. If users are online they will get notified about won auction, out bidding, expired auctions etc. Not tied to CfgExileArsenal, uses its own config. You have fine grained control over what and can't be auctioned. If its not in the list, it cant be auctioned. If you add a description to an item, it will overwrite the Arma description. short piece of config so far, need to swap out more hard coded into settings Let me know what you think, and if I missed anything important.
  5. MadRoller

    Editing Difficulty in Config.bin

    Simple answer, you don't.... lol.. this has been answered but can be hard to find as its in the Arma 3 latest release bugs thread. Real answer: You edit the (user).Arma3Profile file and @ExileServer\config.cfg (user).Arma3Profile : for me this is: C:\ArmaExile\Server\SC\Users\SC\SC.Arma3Profile (based on startup command "-profiles=SC -name=SC" ) add this and set to what you want. difficulty="Custom"; class DifficultyPresets { class CustomDifficulty { class Options { groupIndicators=2; friendlyTags=0; enemyTags=0; detectedMines=0; commands=0; waypoints=2; weaponInfo=2; stanceIndicator=0; reducedDamage=0; staminaBar=0; weaponCrosshair=1; visionAid=0; thirdPersonView=1; cameraShake=1; scoreTable=1; deathMessages=0; vonID=1; mapContent=0; autoReport=0; multipleSaves=0; }; aiLevelPreset=2; }; class CustomAILevel { skillAI=1; precisionAI=0; }; }; Edit your @ExileServer\config.cfg to class Missions { class Exile { template = Exile.Altis; <-- what ever map difficulty = "Custom"; <-- this matches whats in the profile file }; }; GL
  6. MadRoller

    Can anyone see the issue with this filter?

    Jamie, Thanks for your time on TS... very informative and solved the problem !
  7. MadRoller

    Can anyone see the issue with this filter?

    Jamie, as you can see from the above filters, I do the same thing and do think its required to escape the quotes. Even posting the filter on this board confuses the display. I tried is because I am about willing to try anything at this point. The Auction script is done, just need to do the delivery system and wanted that in the XM8, should have been a quick and easy thing to write... bloody Battleye.. lol
  8. MadRoller

    Can anyone see the issue with this filter?

    ok tried that, still did not work.... from scripts.log ... showing error from my addition last night and Mr Sin today. 19.05.2016 23:27:36: MadRoller ( 3701048fbbde9b85eeb29aec02007cfe - #0 "it 0; _GoBackBtn ctrlSetText "Go Back"; _GoBackBtn ctrlSetEventHandler ["ButtonClick", "[] call ExileClient_BBNAuction_XM8_util_" 20.05.2016 13:53:25: MadRoller ( 3701048fbbde9b85eeb29aec02007cfe - #0 "it 0; _GoBackBtn ctrlSetText "Go Back"; _GoBackBtn ctrlSetEventHandler ["ButtonClick", "[] call ExileClient_BBNAuction_XM8_util_" relevant scripts.txt 7 eventHandler !=";\n};\n\n\n[_display] call _fnc_animate;\n{\n_display displayaddeventhandler [_x,_fnc_animate];\n} foreach [\"mousemoving\",\"mouseholding" !="_colorConfigToRGBA\",\"BIS_fnc_keyCode\",\"BIS_fnc_addScriptedEventHandler\",\"BIS_fnc_removeScriptedEventHandler\",\"BIS_fnc_removeAllS" !="[\"A3\\functions_f\\Misc\\fn_addScriptedEventHandler.sqf\",\".sqf\",0,false,false,false,\"A3\",\"Misc\",\"addScriptedEventHandler\"]" !="[\"A3\\functions_f\\Misc\\fn_removeScriptedEventHandler.sqf\",\".sqf\",0,false,false,false,\"A3\",\"Misc\",\"removeScriptedEventHandler\"]" !="[\"A3\\functions_f\\Misc\\fn_removeAllScriptedEventHandlers.sqf\",\".sqf\",0,false,false,false,\"A3\",\"Misc\",\"removeAllScriptedEventHandl" !="[\"A3\\functions_f\\Misc\\fn_callScriptedEventHandler.sqf\",\".sqf\",0,false,false,false,\"A3\",\"Misc\",\"callScriptedEventHandler\"]" !="[\"A3\\functions_f_EPA\\Misc\\fn_addStackedEventHandler.sqf\",\".sqf\",0,false,false,false,\"A3_EPA\",\"Misc\",\"addStackedEventHandler\"]" !="[\"A3\\functions_f_EPA\\Misc\\fn_executeStackedEventHandler.sqf\",\".sqf\",0,false,false,false,\"A3_EPA\",\"Misc\",\"executeStackedEventHand" !="[\"A3\\functions_f_EPA\\Misc\\fn_removeStackedEventHandler.sqf\",\".sqf\",0,false,false,false,\"A3_EPA\",\"Misc\",\"removeStackedEventHandle" !="functions_f\\Missions\\fn_missionHandlers.sqf\"\n\n\n\naddMissionEventHandler [\n\"ended\",\n{\n\nBIS_fnc_missionHandlers_end = _this;\nBIS_fn" !="hen {\n\"BIS_fnc_getServerVariable_packet\" addpublicvariableeventhandler {\n_packet = _this select 1;\n_target = _packet select 0;\n_" !=" { !(IsNull findDisplay 46) };\n(findDisplay 46) displayAddEventHandler [\"KeyDown\", { _this call ExileClient_gui_hud_event_onKeyD" !="le [\"BIS_fnc_feedback_postResetHandler\", true];\nplayer addeventhandler [\"PostReset\",{BIS_EnginePPReset = true;} ];\n};\n\n\n[\"Health" !="andledPlayers pushBack _unitVar;\n\n\n\n\n\"@\" addPublicVariableEventHandler [_x,\n{\n_this set [0,\"update\"];\n_this call bis_fnc_sharedO" !="omData];\n\nsleep 0.1;\n};\n\nsleep 0.1;\n};\n};\n\n\n\n\n\n\naddMissionEventHandler [\"Draw3D\",\n{\nprivate[\"_customData\",\"_tasks\",\"_task\",\"_dat" !="t enabled.\"] call {};};\n\n\nif (isServer) then\n{\naddMissionEventHandler [\"HandleDisconnect\",\n{\nprivate[\"_playerVar\"];\n\n_playerVar" !=" = (\"RscExileHUDLayer\" call BIS_fnc_rscLayer);\ninGameUISetEventHandler [\"Action\", \"_this call ExileClient_gui_hud_event_onAction" !="\nExileClientLastMusicmode = \"\";\n0 fadeMusic 0.01;\nsetMusicEventHandler [\"MusicStart\",\"ExileClientCurrentMusic = _this select 0\"]" !="ECKVISIBLE\";\n_trader allowDamage false; \n_trader removeAllEventHandlers \"HandleDamage\";\n_trader setFace _traderFace;\nif (isNull " !="isNormal)then\n {\n (findDisplay 46) displayRemoveAllEventHandlers 'KeyDown';\n };\n (findDisplay 46) displayRemoveAllE" !="ion select 4) == \"Development\") then\n{\n_display displayaddeventhandler [\n\"keydown\",\n\"\n disableserialization;\n _key = _th" !="e\", -1];\n\n_idc = 1001;\n(_display displayctrl _idc) ctrlAddEventHandler [\"LBSelChanged\",\n{\nprivate[\"_ctrl\",\"_lbIndex\",\"_lbData\"];" !="tTime)then\n {\n \n (findDisplay 46) displayRemoveAllEventHandlers 'KeyDown';\n (finddisplay 46) displayAddEventHandler [" !="his select 4)))exitWith{};\n 'heartbeat' addPublicVariableEventHandler {};\n admin_d0 = {[_this,0] call admin_d0_MASTER;};\n adm" !="Client_object_player_event_hook.sqf\"\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nplayer addEventHandler [\"Killed\", { _this call ExileClient_object_player_event_o" !="ickTime;\nExileNextAutoBreathAt = diag_tickTime;\nplayer addEventHandler [\"SoundPlayed\", {[] call ExileClient_system_breathing_bre" !="HUD\", \"PLAIN\", 1, false];\nExileHudEventHandle = addMissionEventHandler [\"Draw3D\", { _this call ExileClient_gui_hud_event_onDraw3" !="eLocal = _display displayctrl 1;\n_ctrlExecuteLocal ctrladdeventhandler [\"buttonclick\",\"with uinamespace do {['executeButton',[_t" !="Message_defaultPositions\",_positions];\n_display displayaddeventhandler [\"unload\",\"uinamespace setvariable ['BIS_fnc_guiMessage_d" !="ocessing_toggleDialogBackgroundBlur;\n_ctrlButtonOK ctrlSetEventHandler [\"ButtonClick\",\"call ExileClient_gui_keypadDialog_event_o" !="trolSuicide ctrlSetText \"Respawn\";\n_controlSuicide ctrlSetEventHandler [\"ButtonClick\", \"[] call ExileClient_gui_escape_respawn\"]" !=" \n\n\n_control = _display displayctrl 2400;\n_control ctrladdeventhandler [\"buttonclick\",\"with uinamespace do {['keyboardGroup',_th" !="\n\n\n_control = _display displayctrl 2406; \n_control ctrladdeventhandler [\"buttonclick\",\"with uinamespace do {['hide',_this,''] ca" !="eneral = _display displayctrl 2402;\n_ButtonGeneral ctrladdeventhandler [\"buttonclick\",\"with uinamespace do {['general',_this,'Rs" !="lPresets = _display displayctrl 2101;\n\n_ctrlTags ctrladdeventhandler [\"lbselchanged\",\"with uinamespace do {['lbSelChanged_tags" !="utton = _display displayctrl 21995;\n_assetsButton ctrladdeventhandler [\"buttonclick\",\"with uinamespace do {['DLCTabClicked',_th" !=" player) then\n{\nplayer allowDamage false;\nplayer removeAllEventHandlers \"HandleDamage\";\n};\n_vehicle = vehicle player;\nif !(_vehi" !="tSafeZoneVehicle) then\n{\nExileClientSafeZoneVehicle removeEventHandler [\"Fired\", ExileClientSafeZoneVehicleFiredEventHandler]; \n" !="ThreadHandle = nil;\n};\nplayer allowDamage true;\nplayer addEventHandler [\"HandleDamage\", {_this call ExileClient_object_player_ev" !="\", 1, false];\n_keyDownHandle = (findDisplay 46) displayAddEventHandler [\"KeyDown\",\"_this call ExileClient_action_event_onKeyDown" !=" };\n \n }\n else\n {\n \n (vehicle player) removeAllEventHandlers 'GetOut';\n (vehicle player) addEventHandler ['GetOut'," !="tTime)then\n {\n \n _id = (finddisplay 46) displayAddEventHandler ['KeyDown',{false}];\n if(_id > 2)then\n {\n _log " !=" _vehicle, true, 2];\n if(_good)then{_vehicle removeAllEventHandlers 'GetOut';};\n };\n " !="bject_player_event_unhook.sqf\"\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nplayer removeAllEventHandlers \"Killed\";\nplayer removeAllEventHandlers \"Fired\";\nplayer " !=" 24003;\n_spawnButton ctrlEnable false;\n_display displayAddEventHandler [\"KeyDown\", \"_this call ExileClient_gui_loadingScreen_eve" !="live player) then\n{\nplayer allowDamage true;\nplayer removeEventHandler [\"Fired\",ExileSafeZoneFiredEH];\nplayer addEventHandler [\"" !="[\"BIS_fnc_advHint_hintHandlers\",true];\n_display displayAddEventHandler [\n\"KeyDown\",\n\"\n _key = _this select 1;\n \n " !="e do {\n\n\ncase \"Init\": {\nBIS_fnc_camera_draw3D = addmissioneventhandler [\"draw3d\",\"with (uinamespace) do {['Draw3D',_this] call b" !="space);\n };\n \n };\n (findDisplay 46) displayRemoveAllEventHandlers 'KeyUp';\n (finddisplay 46) displayAddEventHandler ['Key" !="isNormal)then\n {\n (findDisplay 46) displayRemoveAllEventHandlers 'KeyDown';\n };\n \n \n while{true}do{call (_thi" !="n\n {\n \n };\n (findDisplay 46) displayRemoveAllEventHandlers 'KeyUp';\n \n while{true}do{call (_this select 6);};" !="t='RobotoMedium'>XM8 Apps</t>\";\n_esc = _display displayAddEventHandler [\"KeyDown\", \"if(_this select 1 == 1)then{ExileClientXM8Cu" !="true};\n _handle\n };\n (finddisplay 46) displayAddEventHandler ['KeyUp',_keyUpfnc];\n _keyDownfnc = {\n _keyCode = " !="lding);\n } forEach _buildings;\n };\n \n player removeAllEventHandlers 'InventoryOpened';\n player addEventHandler ['InventoryO" !="rEach _lineIntersectsObjs;\n \n };\n \n\nplayer removeAllEventHandlers 'GetOutMan';\nplayer addEventHandler ['GetOutMan', _GetOu" !="ue, \"\", \"call ASL_Pickup_Ropes_Action_Check\"];\n\nplayer addEventHandler [\"Respawn\", {\nplayer setVariable [\"ASL_Actions_Loaded\",fa\"" !=" \"\", \"call SA_Pickup_Tow_Ropes_Action_Check\"];\n\nplayer addEventHandler [\"Respawn\", {\nplayer setVariable [\"SA_Tow_Actions_Loaded\"" !="r && hasInterface) then {\n\"adjustrating\" addPublicVariableEventHandler {((_this select 1) select 0) addRating ((_this select 1) " !="12)];\n_8gNetworkPic ctrlCommit 0.01;\n_8gNetworkPic ctrlSetEventHandler [\"ButtonClick\", \"execVM'xm8Apps\XM8Apps_Init.sqf';\"];\n_8g" !="le \"BIS_RscMissionScreen_video\") displayctrl 1100) ctrladdeventhandler [\"videoStopped\",\"bis_fnc_playvideo_videoStopped = true; \"" !=" - Playing intro...\";\n\n\nplayMusic \"ExileTrack01\";\naddMusicEventHandler [\"MusicStop\", {[] spawn {sleep 10; playMusic \"ExileTrack0" !=" (0.04)];\n_newControl ctrlCommit 0.01;\n_newControl ctrlSetEventHandler [\"ButtonClick\", \"execVM'xm8Apps\XM8Apps_Init.sqf';\"];\n_ne" !="lShow [4092, false];\n_esc = (findDisplay 24015) displayAddEventHandler [\"KeyDown\", \"if(_this select 1 == 1)then{ExileClientXM8Cu" !="it 0;\n_GoBackBtn ctrlSetText "Go Back";\n_GoBackBtn ctrlSetEventHandler ["ButtonClick", "[] call ExileClient_BBNAuction_XM8_util_" this is the first time I've had an issue adding exceptions other then the damn variables files.. lol
  9. I am writing a little mod... I am having an issue with battleye... The kick message.. (2016-05-19 | 23:27:30) : Script Log: #0 MadRoller (3701048fbbde9b85eeb29aec02007cfe) - #0 "it 0; _GoBackBtn ctrlSetText "Go Back"; _GoBackBtn ctrlSetEventHandler ["ButtonClick", "[] call ExileClient_BBNAuction_XM8_util_" (2016-05-19 | 23:27:31) : Player #0 MadRoller (3701048fbbde9b85eeb29aec02007cfe) has been kicked by BattlEye: Script Restriction #0 What I have added to Line 2 (eventHandler)... !="it 0;\n_GoBackBtn ctrlSetText \"Go Back\";\n_GoBackBtn ctrlSetEventHandler [\"ButtonClick\", \"[] call ExileClient_BBNAuction_XM8_util_" but I still keep getting kicked... can anyone see what might be the issue..?
  10. MadRoller

    Russian Roulette

    Nice work guys... As a programmer for more then 20 years, I understand the need to do a diversion task that is "fun". Can't wait to see it in a release!