]CIA[ Alcapone

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About ]CIA[ Alcapone

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  1. ]CIA[ Alcapone

    Suggestion For Trade

    from what i heard from a admin for a server i play on, to add something like that they would have to redesign the trader and do a bunch of client side overwrites which would make the mission file huge and take even longer to get in every time they do a small update.
  2. ]CIA[ Alcapone

    mass sell same items and mass select

    This is a must, i really hope they add this in, almost sold my knife which is rare on my server.
  3. ]CIA[ Alcapone

    Mass Buy

    Would really love to see mass buy added in cause it's a pain trying to buy a lot of weapons and ammo or base supplies. On some servers i can sit at trader for 10-30 mins just trying to buy the stuff i need for base. When i could be already traveling back to base and then getting back to pvp. mass buy could work just like the money transferring.
  4. ]CIA[ Alcapone

    Ability to save loadouts

    think that would be really nice and save some time and create more pvp instead of having players just sitting in the safe zones trying to figure out what to buy every time they die and go back.
  5. ]CIA[ Alcapone

    Spawnpoint in base

    This is exile everyone dies, you can try not dying but you will still die.
  6. ]CIA[ Alcapone

    Spawnpoint in base

    They could easily do this and not have it be a bad thing for raiders. Very simple to do, just have the flagpole be the respawn point and if any enemy comes within the max radius that a lvl 10 base has it will not allow you to spawn just like it does in wasteland. I would love this cause i to hate having to be forced to build a base close to a spawn town just to be able to actually make it back to my base and not travel across the map.