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Everything posted by Spackler

  1. Spackler

    [Resolved] Line Drawing on Map

    Ok I swear I saw somewhere that infistar would delete any lines drawn by players and then log it. I cannot find that setting and does not seem to be working. Any help is greatly appreciated. Thanks.
  2. Spackler

    New XM8 App coding?

    Tested this and does pull up scarcode, but you get the following script error as well.
  3. Spackler

    [UPDATE] VCOM AI (Exile 1.0.4)

    VCOM.hpp is missing from the download.
  4. Spackler

    [Updated] R3F Logistics Exile (with CUP)

    @Super Jerome Just wanted to let you know that we noticed our lifting has stopped working. Applied your latest update and now all is working great again. Guys really like the hooking animation. Keep up the great work.
  5. Spackler

    [Release] xsSpawn | Ground Spawn or Halo Selection

    Does anyone have this with a timer so that you cannot keep spawning in the same location over and over.
  6. Spackler

    [scarCODE] Server Info Menu

    You need to change addaction to 0 to remove the scrholl wheel, and then the user7 is the Custom User action 7. So it is whatever the user has for their custom action 7. To us somnething else you would have to set a different key.
  7. Spackler

    [scarCODE] Server Info Menu

    It is already in the serverinfomenu file.. openKey = "User7"; //
  8. Spackler

    AVS - Advanced Vehicle System

    Does anyone have this working with the latest infistar?
  9. Spackler

    [Release] xsSpawn | Ground Spawn or Halo Selection

    Anyone have a way to add a spawn cooldown. Like you can only select a spawn every 5 minutes or something like that. So you get killed you cant just keep coming back. Thanks.
  10. Spackler

    [scarCODE] Server Info Menu

    Any way to delay the start of the menu when we use openatlogin?
  11. Spackler

    [Release] Sell Crates to Waste Dump

    Do you run safe zone anti-theft?
  12. Spackler

    [Release] Sell Crates to Waste Dump

    Is there a way so that they can only sell the entire crate? Do not want the traders filling up with empty crates. Or maybe a way to remove the empty crates after so long or at reboot? Thanks.
  13. Spackler

    [Solved]Tanoa 999999 Pop Tabs

    So long ago honestly don't remember.
  14. Spackler

    [Solved]Tanoa 999999 Pop Tabs

    I downloaded the latest infistar as of like 30 minutes ago, and when we open our inventory we show poptabs and lockers as 999999. Someone said update infistar. Any other ideas?
  15. Spackler

    Kill Feed By ChasEE (Having Issues With It)

    I just see 0 downloads and wont let me download it. Maybe the file has been removed from the site.
  16. Spackler


    Yeah this is a plague of so far unless someone can say otherwise every Esseker map that runs Exile. I have seen a lot of other server owners ask about this issue.
  17. Spackler


    Yeah same here...A2OP keeps vehicles from sinking on Esseker. We have been testing for a couple of weeks and about to make the switch....Back to the drawing board...Maybe you can help CUP fix this issue since yours seems to not make them sink....Thanks for all your great and hard work.
  18. Spackler

    Kill Feed By ChasEE (Having Issues With It)

    Can't download it from Armaholic to see how to help. Unless you have somewhere else to get it..Can't provide any help.
  19. Spackler

    No items in traders

    Need to remove that , after CUPSniperRifles Line 6458
  20. Spackler

    No items in traders

    Follow these directions to help you with this.
  21. Spackler

    No items in traders

    Check line 5645. You threw an xm8 class in between your trader categories.
  22. Spackler

    No items in traders

    Check your server RPT file, and I would paste it here for others to help you find anything as well.
  23. Spackler

    Drag body script

    Anyone get anywhere with this?
  24. Is the github the latest that everyone is using?
  25. Spackler

    Exile.Esseker Read From Bank problem

    Check your missions.sqm in the addons section up top. If it is there remove it, if it is not add it and see what that does. Warning Message: You cannot play/edit this mission; it is dependent on downloadable content that has been deleted. a3_characters_f