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Everything posted by TandelK

  1. TandelK

    Open Source Linux Server Monitoring

    Also if you have Linux Server installed and want to monitor its resources like Memory Usage and other , you should try best available tool called Prometheus
  2. TandelK

    MOCAP Melee Issues

    After installing MOCAP Melee on my server i was trying to figure out how can i make it working in safe zone as it does not have any bullets or something in air that we can remove with the exile safe zone script. If anyone was able to configure it properly please let me know. Also for Scripters information is available that MOCAP Melee has 2 modules available which once activated can disable all the animations . Modules are Disable Grab and Disable Takedown. Module names : MOCAP_disable_fighting and MOCAP_disable_grabs. Is there any ways i can activate this modules if they are inside the trigger area itself of safe zones. I am trying my hard but while in safe zone people are able to kill each other and plus can even kill Traders and loot their body which results in spam of items as traders are spawned client side and people can pick up from there inventory. I tried doing with my Trader in Safe Zone , killed him with Melee and than i took all his stuff from his body. And sold to him itself while he was dead. Later on in 2 minutes , i left the server and came back he was back alive so again i killed him looted him and traded items with the same dead body. This is way annoying of this wonderful mod which is not even caring it support for community.
  3. Me trying to set up a Hardcore Survival Server where we want to remove after killing enemies / AI messages that show Poptabs and Respect Earned. Can someone let me know where can i hide this ?
  4. TandelK

    Custom Spawn Points

    I am trying to create custom spawn point for my server and i am trying to use EXILE Official 3DEN Editior. I kept 2 markers on the locations and one is spawn area with sphere not visible for 200x200 and other one with Normal Icon with Attributes selecting from Exile EDEN Marker selection area to be Spawn Zone and Spawn Point. After that i have copied all the informatoin from the Markers file given by EXILE 3DEN Editor. I opened up mission.sqm and added below code. I tried running on server but it didnt work class Entities { class Item1 { dataType = "Marker"; position[] = {11747.2, 0, 3155.24}; name = "ExileMarker1"; text = "USA FOB"; markerType = "ELLIPSE"; type = "ExileTraderZone"; colorName = "ColorBlack"; fillName = "Border"; a = 1; b = 1; drawBorder = 1; id = 101; atlOffset = 0; }; class Item2 { dataType = "Marker"; position[] = {11747.2, 0, 3155.24}; name = "ExileMarker2"; text = ""; type = "ExileTraderZoneIcon"; id = 102; atlOffset = 0; }; class Item3 { dataType = "Marker"; position[] = {11052.3, 0, 11527.5}; name = "ExileMarker3"; text = ""; markerType = "ELLIPSE"; type = "ExileSpawnZone"; colorName = "ColorBlack"; alpha = 0; fillName = "Border"; a = 1; b = 1; drawBorder = 1; id = 103; atlOffset = 0; }; class Item4 { dataType = "Marker"; position[] = {11052.3, 0, 11527.5}; name = "ExileMarker4"; text = ""; type = "ExileSpawnZoneIcon"; id = 104; atlOffset = 0; }; class Item5 { dataType = "Marker"; position[] = {11547.4, 0, 3210.05}; name = "ExileMarker5"; text = ""; markerType = "ELLIPSE"; type = "ExileSpawnZone"; colorName = "ColorBlack"; alpha = 0; fillName = "Border"; a = 1; b = 1; drawBorder = 1; id = 105; atlOffset = 0; }; class Item6 { dataType = "Marker"; position[] = {11547.4, 0, 3210.05}; name = "ExileMarker6"; text = ""; type = "ExileSpawnZoneIcon"; id = 106; atlOffset = 0; }; items = 6; };
  5. TandelK

    MOCAP Melee Issues

    It seems no one is interested in MOCAP Melee Mod . If i will get fix i will surely let you know about it.
  6. TandelK

    No More Safe Zone Killings

    Talking about No Kill Zone , does this script basically makes the player no damage or delete the bullets or anything fired. Because i have been playing with Mocap and i can kill everyone in the Default Safe Zone.
  7. TandelK

    CBA Battleye filters?

    I tried using this but didnt work out. Where does i need to add this information to add in the Scripts.txt or somewhere else
  8. Got it working this but have one more issue While joining Exile Server specific one everyone on Map Loading screen gets memory Error
  9. Recently updated Arma 3 Exile mod to version 1.0.0 and tested out to join one of server. I tried to get in and is getting issue with Key not accepted. For some reason i am unable to join in.
  10. I downloaded the same version from the server. I downloaded properly on Server and uploaded to my PC using FTP. All files are verified and not corrupted. Tested it out. All the clients are getting kicked for some reason.
  11. TandelK

    Getting kicked from all exile servers

    Wrong area of posting
  12. TandelK

    EXiLE Sahrani

    Awesome Server. High FPS , No Lag issues, Good AI Missions and many more functions. Thank you xBloodshed for this wonderful EXiLE Saharani.