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About Fulysic

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  1. Fulysic

    Server wont run after clicking steam update

    Problem fixed corrupt download of Steam update
  2. Fulysic

    Server wont run after clicking steam update

    We are running Altis
  3. Hi We have a GTX server and we clicked Steam update but since doing the Steam update on the server we get following message in the RPT see below we have contacted GTX support who said it was mod but honestly were not much help we tried removing some mods but had no luck we are pretty much stuck and would atleast like to get the server to run once again We only used the steam update option on GTX then it broke Thanks for any help or solutions
  4. Fulysic

    Disable vehicle thermal and certain weapons

    just wonder if this is still working with potato on Tanoa trying to solve players abusing GBU's etc
  5. Fulysic

    DMS - Defent's Mission System

    is there a way to limit this part please AI helis just keep on spanwing end up with 12 flying around DMS_ReinforcementHelis = [ // List of helis that can spawn for AI paratrooper reinforcements.
  6. Fulysic

    ACiDy Tanoa Bridges

    hi on west bridge there are still trees at one end in two places i cant work out how to use infistar coords to add them to list any one have coords for those awesome addon by the way
  7. Fulysic

    DMS - Defent's Mission System

    can any one tell me if this will work please ["_extraParams",[DMS_ArmedVehicles] // Check calling parameters for manually defined mission position. // You can define "_extraParams" to specify the vehicle classname to spawn, either as _classname or [_classname] _OK = (_this call DMS_fnc_MissionParams) params [ ["_pos",[],[[]],[3]], ["_extraParams",[DMS_ArmedVehicles]
  8. Fulysic

    Statusbar Script?

    Hi class RscTitles { #include "addons\StatusBar\statusBar.hpp" }; adding that did the trick thank you i thought i didnt need whole rsc part learn something new every day by the way excellent job on this mod very awesome
  9. Fulysic

    Statusbar Script?

    Thank you i will try it and see how i go I also had to delete this from Statusbar.sqf it was on line one [] execVM "addons\statusBar\initt.sqf"; I tried removing extra T but people started turning into rabbits
  10. Fulysic

    Statusbar Script?

    players see this when joining no status bar displayed Resource title osefStatusBarAdmin not found Description.ext init.sqf [] execVM "briefing.sqf"; //INTRO [] execVM "intro\intro.sqf"; //VIRTUAL GARAGE [] execVM "VirtualGarage\VirtualGarage_Client_Init.sqf"; //REVIVE [] execVM "Custom\EnigmaRevive\init.sqf"; //Status bar [] execVM "addons\statusBar\statusBar.sqf";
  11. Fulysic

    Statusbar Script?

    thank you
  12. Fulysic

    Statusbar Script?

    do i need to pack status bar folder into PBO
  13. Any idea what i may have touched that causing DMS completed and failed marker to not disappear i have only adjusted occupation and not dms EDIT: think had to much spawning in still testing Just a random question alot of vehicles and gear crates seem to spawn on Tanoa top left island rather than main island just wonder if i can change it
  14. thank you trying it now have you ever tried jets i was going to try but didn't want to break the server
  15. any one know if this will work trying to add some heli variety for ai // Array of aircraft which can be used by AI patrols (the number next to next vehicle is the maximum amount of that class allowed, 0 for no limit) SC_HeliClassToUse = [ ["Exile_Chopper_Huey_Armed_Green",2], ["RHS_ka52_vvs",1], ["B_heli_attack_01_F",1] ]; Also made donation because people on my server love this addon