Honest Jon

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  1. Honest Jon


    Apologies for my late response- been busy with work yeah i have that option for vac ban checks on but the issue is someone we know has a vac ban for counter strike and with the check on we can't let him on but with it off then we're open to lots of others we don't know. was hoping this feature stopped that VAC check for UIDs in that list maybe you could look into that as a feature request
  2. They dont seem to enter the metal buildings - I think maybe thats the issue - Normal buildings AI have always entered an searched - It seems like they only dont enter the metal military ones maybe ??
  3. You could try combining it with a claim ownership script as below - should work As it works for DMS vehicles- I had issues with the occupations ones but fairly certain it works with ZCP basically apply this then if your players have a code lock then they can claim it not perfect but a workaround
  4. I thought the DMS AI would hunt in buildings ? Or occupation ? Either way I thought you all use the DMS AI ? Appriciate all the effort of the mod though sir New town stuff is great !!!
  5. Occupation has nothing to do with database saving vehicle locations or containers ? AI will spawn as per your settings - what map are you on ? I use this on Altis - Tanoa & Esseker and they spawn just fine - Server crashes randomly ?? How is that linked to occupation ? Does it only happen when occupation is installed or without it too ?
  6. They don't retake as such - just try to kill whoever is capturing it is possible to hide unfortunately - @Zupa I asked a while ago would it be possible to have the AI enter and search buildings like other AI can ?
  7. Honest Jon


    @infiSTAR They have a VAC ban that's all (the usual CS one) I was under the impression that's what this was for ? Stopping that check ? please correct me if I am wrong thanks in advance !
  8. Honest Jon


    Hey @infiSTAR Cant seem to get the new UID_SKIPBLACKLIST working, I have added a players UID to the section but still they cant get in They were in the bans.txt - I removed them - they tried again but were banned and the ID went back into bans.txt Any ideas ?
  9. @Zupa Hey man just an FYI there seems to be a file missing from the functions folder x\addons\ZCP\functions\fn_createEdenConvertedCity.sqf not found I checked the pbo and normal folders from your git hub and dont see it Thought you should know
  10. Sounds like you already had brain damage before you started - this script DOES work fine - been using it for over 6 months ! Coming on here and slagging off the guy who wrote it really isn't going to help. either is it. Sounds like you just can't add it correctly - be nice and maybe someone would help you - be an ass and they won't !
  11. Honest Jon

    supplybox on Tanoa

    Here you go - this is defined in the @ExileServer\addons\exile_server_config\config.cpp file It will spawn by default when 10 players are on
  12. Honest Jon

    [SOLVED] Familys

    Only benefit I see is I do not have to create a party each time I join and invite my friends Unless of course your referring to real life in which case the dictionary defines family in several ways. One definition is "a fundamental social group in society typically consisting of one or two parents and their children." While this definition is a good starting point, there are several modern family structures that are excluded by this definition, such as childless couples or other variations on the family unit. Another definition is "Two or more people who share goals and values, have long-term commitments to one another and reside usually in the same dwelling." This definition encompasses the vast majority of modern family units; for the purposes of this article, the second definition will be used.
  13. Honest Jon

    Grow your own Marijuana

    I live in Colorado - I dont need this in game lol
  14. Honest Jon

    [SOLVED] Feature question

    You sir are amazing thanks !
  15. Honest Jon

    ExileZ 2

    Yeah they do - they appear dependent on the below and dont use the mission triggers (or at least thats how they seem to function on my server) HarassingZombieAtNightOnly = true; // Spawn harassing zombies at night only. NightStartTime = 18; // Time at which it is night in hours NightEndTime = 6; // Time at which it is no longer night in hours ** Also obviously this on too UseHarassingZombies = true;