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Everything posted by AntonivkA

  1. AntonivkA


    поднимайте headless клиент, что бы a3xai не грузил сервер
  2. AntonivkA


    в прошлом или позапрошлом году, писали что эти патрули сильно нагружают сервер.
  3. AntonivkA

    [HELP] new p3d version

    I came across a new version of P3d files ODOL53. The model does not open in any editor, it can not be converted to another version and ARMA hangs with the error "EOF in string". What can you advise how to convert it, for example to ODOL52? EDIT: Lets not being sharing other peoples work.. Error in Mikero DeP3d
  4. AntonivkA

    [HELP] new p3d version

    Even if it is, it's for education. I do not violate the license downloading the mods, I do not create them =)
  5. AntonivkA

    [HELP] new p3d version

    blah blah blah. Do you have such crooked fingers that you can not write normally or do you have too much fun with your boyfriend?
  6. AntonivkA

    [HELP] new p3d version

    Perhaps these are files from Dayz. I came across them, downloading the pack with new buildings. Some objects work, part does not work. Even so, it's not entirely clear why it does not work, I have some objects from there, they work fine. your boyfriend?
  7. AntonivkA

    php статус сервера

    Есть ли у кого-нибудь скрипт php статуса сервера, аля онлайн\оффлай, кол-во человек, аптайм и т.п. ? marma - не подходит phparma2serverstatus - не работает
  8. AntonivkA

    battleye kick #0

    mpeventhandler.log : 03.05.2016 08:55:08: antonivka - #0 "Hit" 2:887 Exile_Unit_GhostPlayer - "[_this,"bis_fnc_curatorrespawn",false] call bis_fnc_mp;" 03.05.2016 09:09:40: antonivka - #0 "Hit" 2:931 Exile_Unit_GhostPlayer - "[_this,"bis_fnc_curatorrespawn",false] call bis_fnc_mp;" 03.05.2016 09:20:30: antonivka - #0 "Hit" 2:904 Exile_Unit_GhostPlayer - "[_this,"bis_fnc_curatorrespawn",false] call bis_fnc_mp;" 03.05.2016 09:25:37: antonivka - #0 "Hit" 2:921 Exile_Unit_GhostPlayer - "[_this,"bis_fnc_curatorrespawn",false] call bis_fnc_mp;" 03.05.2016 09:29:54: antonivka - #0 "Hit" 2:903 Exile_Unit_GhostPlayer - "[_this,"bis_fnc_curatorrespawn",false] call bis_fnc_mp;" Getting kick after lobby
  9. AntonivkA

    Exilemod Loot Position Creator

    can anyone upload to the mirror? can't download via workshop
  10. AntonivkA

    [scarCODE] Server Info Menu

    awesome, thank u!
  11. AntonivkA

    [scarCODE] Server Info Menu

    how to change name of classes General, Rules, Admin, etc, on other language? if i change classes name on English - this work, if other language - don't work.