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Everything posted by qfx_rock

  1. hi guys one of my friends had problems adding custom billboards to his server but he figured it out then he gave me a guide on how to do it. he also said i should put it up on the exile forums to help people coz he knows how much of a pain it can be. So here it is: file_1 = name that will be given to billboard in admin menu file_2 = name of the image to be loaded in (EXAMPLE) just say that my image is in a folder called image_file and image_file is in a folder called billboards then: {"file_1","billboards\image_file\file_2.paa"} but remember if there is a space between words then use an underscore_ you will need to edit your infistar file aswell and all you need to do for that part is: download and unpack your infistar file then look for the file called EXILE_AHAT_CONFIG.hpp and then look for these {"Doggy","exile_assets\texture\flag\flag_mate_21dmd_co.paa"}, {"Spawny","exile_assets\texture\flag\flag_mate_spawny_co.paa"}, {"Dickbutt","exile_assets\texture\flag\flag_misc_dickbutt_co.paa"}, {"Vish","exile_assets\texture\flag\flag_mate_vish_co.paa"} thats when you add {"file_1","billboards\image_file\file_2.paa"} to the preset ones like this: {"Doggy","exile_assets\texture\flag\flag_mate_21dmd_co.paa"}, {"Spawny","exile_assets\texture\flag\flag_mate_spawny_co.paa"}, {"Dickbutt","exile_assets\texture\flag\flag_misc_dickbutt_co.paa"}, {"Vish","exile_assets\texture\flag\flag_mate_vish_co.paa"}, {"file_1","billboards\image_file\file_2.paa"} now repack your infistar file and upload to your server P.S you will need to upload the image to your server aswell thats why the top part of the guide is there your image will also need to be .paa
  2. plz could someone help me i need help getting rid of the zombie spawn markers that have been preset with ryan zombies (they are also preset for altis but the map i have is namalsk) any help is greatly appreaciated ROCK
  3. qfx_rock

    Add custom billboards server side

    if u have infistar then heres my guide on how to do it if u dont have infistar then in my guide m6mal from expendables uk also shows how to do it without infistar
  4. qfx_rock

    (fixed) problem with TRYK (in traders)

    never mind lol i forgot to add the TRYK fix to my command line well thats that out the way hahaha
  5. hi guys i have a problem with tryk in my traders i have a price tag but there is no image so it wont let nobody buy them i have no clue whats wrong any help is greatly appreciated ROCK
  6. qfx_rock

    How to customize trader city with eden?

    these might be of some use to you (my friend showed me them) http://exile.majormittens.co.uk/download-all-the-files/Exile3DEN-1.0.0.zip https://github.com/maca134/m3e_3den http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=30461
  7. needed to go to file manager > \@exileserver\addons\exilez\init\ <<<<<<<<<<<< then i can go to fn_init.sqf to edit the trigers (etc) or ^ ^^^^ <<<< i could go to zmission.sqf to edit the loot and death mission ^ ^ < i could go to triggerpositions.sqf (the one i needed)
  8. its ok i found out how to do it
  9. qfx_rock

    Crash the server!

    what ?
  10. qfx_rock

    Crash the server!

    or if u have a # include and u dont want to use that thing u might do : \\# include to stop it but that is wrong it is : //# include
  11. qfx_rock

    Crash the server!

    i mean commas ( , ) that are slightly out of place (in the wrong place)(or not meant to be there at all)
  12. qfx_rock

    (Fixed) got an error i cant figure out

    go to your server config and look for , that are out of place or if u are trying to stop something in your server wothout deleting it then make sure u used / and not \
  13. hi guys plz could i get some help coz me and a friend has set up a server and we got an erroer saying : 4:26:04 Connected to Steam servers 4:26:04 "Arma3/BIS_fnc_log: [script] initServer.sqf" 4:26:04 "Arma3/BIS_fnc_log: [postInit] BIS_fnc_missionFlow (0 ms)" 4:26:04 "Arma3/BIS_fnc_log: [postInit] BIS_fnc_initParams (0 ms)" 4:26:04 "Arma3/BIS_fnc_log: [postInit] BIS_fnc_initRespawn (0 ms)" 4:26:04 "Arma3/BIS_fnc_log: [postInit] CUP_fnc_emissiveLights (0 ms)" 4:26:04 "Arma3/BIS_fnc_log: [postInit] BIS_fnc_reviveInit (0 ms)" 4:26:04 "Arma3/BIS_fnc_log: [postInit] ExileClient_fnc_postInit (0 ms)" 4:26:04 "ExileServer - Job with handle 10000 added." 4:26:04 "ExileServer - Job with handle 10001 added." 4:26:04 "ExileServer - Job with handle 10002 added." 4:26:04 "ExileServer - Job with handle 10003 added." 4:26:04 Weather was forced to change
  14. qfx_rock

    Crash the server!

    go to your server config and look for , that are out of place or if u are trying to stop something in your server wothout deleting it then make sure u used / and not \
  15. qfx_rock

    (Fixed) got an error i cant figure out

    in your rpt does it come up Error generic error in expression and just above or below that it has some object names ?
  16. qfx_rock

    (Fixed) got an error i cant figure out

    so your problem is Error generic error in expression ?
  17. qfx_rock

    (Fixed) got an error i cant figure out

    what is your error ?
  18. qfx_rock

    Since When ExileAdstractAction?

    then u can say goodbye to 1.66 and no players and hello to 1.68 and any player that wants to join
  19. qfx_rock

    Since When ExileAdstractAction?

    for 1.68 update on your server all u need to do is go to your control panel and select steam update that should update mods (in this case Exile) to their newest version
  20. qfx_rock

    Since When ExileAdstractAction?

    and also http://exile.majormittens.co.uk/topic/12412-solved-the-new-features-on-other-maps/
  21. qfx_rock

    Since When ExileAdstractAction?

    not sure if this will help you any but it might so here you go (check it out) http://exile.majormittens.co.uk/topic/18905-chernarus-winter-undefined-base-class/
  22. qfx_rock

    (Fixed) got an error i cant figure out

    found out how to fix it tho
  23. qfx_rock

    (Fixed) got an error i cant figure out

    got wrong part of rpt lol
  24. qfx_rock

    Exile TraderCity Sign (custom skin)

    i have posted a guide on how to do it if you have infistar (which you do because ive been on your server M6mal)