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  1. vitalymind

    ACD - Arma3 Containers And Decorations

    ACD - Arma3 Containers And Decorations This mod adds 115 containers and over 700 decoration elements to use inside Eden editor or with plain scripting. Mod does not add any new models, it uses only models already found in Arma3. Maximum load for containers is calculated according to common sense and model size. In addition, all containers have 15k version, maximum load in them is big enough to hold plenty of items. Addon include functions to create ready to use scripts to create objects ingame. To do that place several objects in Eden editor >> select them >> hover mouse over one of them >> right click >> select "Export to script" and then a type of script. This will copy ready script to clipboard. Most of decoration objects provided in this addon are already configured in arma, however, sometimes they have PhysicX simulation, which is not appropriate in all cases. All decorations in this addon have "house" simulation (they will not be affected by gravity or hits) and can not be destroyed. It is worth mentioning, addon have all trees, bushes, rocks and flowers, in case if someone wish to make a nice looking garden in their mission In addition, you will find acd_Namalsk.pbo in optional folder. It will add 135 decoration items and 28 containers. Those vehicles use models found in Namalsk map DOWNLOAD Steam workshop Google drive INSTALLATION This mod adds vehicles, this mean it have to be installed both on clients and server. It should not be optional, otherwise clients without mod will not see objects. Place "@acd" folder in your arma3 root folder. OPTIONAL Servers with Namalsk map may require you to have acd_Namalsk.pbo as well, it is found in "@acd\optional\" folder, copy paste it into "@acd\addons\" folder. PLANS I have plans to include objects from AIA/CUP, this is hard thing to do due to amount of models. If you feel like helping me in this work, send me PM here. LICENCE This work licensed under GPLv3. Your are free to use it in your own projects, however please give credits to original author.
  2. vitalymind

    [Release] Improved XM8 apps

    According to provided screenshots it is not true. As far as i can see AdminToolKit, have nothing to do with XM8 anyway. If you still have this problem, can you post your "ExileClient_gui_xm8_show.sqf", i am sure problem is in there.
  3. vitalymind

    [Release] Improved XM8 apps

    This is not shix`s XM8 apps. You dont use it in same way. You should NOT execute this script. It is executed once, automatically, when player login. "" execVM "XM8_apps\scripts\XM8_apps_init.sqf"; change fnc_goBack to following fnc_goBack = { (uiNameSpace getVariable ["RscExileXM8", displayNull]) closeDisplay 0; call ExileClient_gui_xm8_show; ['sideApps', 1] call ExileClient_gui_xm8_slide; }; This will simply close XM8 apps, open it again, and slide to apps.
  4. vitalymind

    [Release] Improved XM8 apps

    Show me your fnc_goBack. Use "RscPictureKeepAspect" instead of "RscPicture" - Picture will not stretch then also. following is wrong. _newControl ctrlSetEventHandler ["ButtonClick", "createDialog 'RscDisplayServerInfoMenu';"]; use _newControl ctrlSetEventHandler ["ButtonClick", "['serverInfo', 0] call ExileClient_gui_xm8_slide;"];
  5. vitalymind

    [Release] Improved XM8 apps

    Scrollbar is there, because additional controls are added to "apps" control group. Nothing like this possible with default version of improved XM8 apps. Have you changed anything in code? Have you followed installation exactly?
  6. vitalymind

    [Release] Improved XM8 apps

    This makes no sense at all. You cant use improved XM8 in the same way as shix`s XM8. You cant just change one line to another and have everything magically working. First of all XM8_apps_init.sqf is called once when player login, it does not need to be called each time you press "back button". Second i mentioned in BOLD in first topic, that go back button will not work properly. In order to fix it, read proper manual (found in downloaded folder). Third as i already advised, send me your mission, i will study it, and show you where you have mistakes.
  7. vitalymind

    [Release] Improved XM8 apps

    Sound very strange. Consider sending me you mission folder, so i can check this out. Send it via PM for privacy.
  8. vitalymind

    [Release] Improved XM8 apps

    Check your playerInit.sqf You have execVM "XM8_apps\scripts\XM8_apps_init.sqf"; It should be "" execVM "XM8_apps\scripts\XM8_apps_init.sqf"; Sorry, my mistake in instructions
  9. vitalymind

    [Release] XM8 Repair Mate

    Should be like ages ago... My friend, the artist, who made audi, is heavily occupied IRL. Hopefully this post will put some pepper in his ass eyes. Sorry for delay
  10. vitalymind

    [Release] XM8 Repair Mate

    I is my mistake in installation guide. use "" execVM "XM8_apps\scripts\XM8_apps_init.sqf"; instead of execVM "XM8_apps\scripts\XM8_apps_init.sqf";
  11. vitalymind

    [Release] Improved XM8 apps

    Yeah. However, for proper work, some adjustments to advanced banking script required. Please ask author to make support for improved XM8 apps, there are all needed materials, examples and guides included in download (see first post).
  12. vitalymind

    [Release] XM8 Repair Mate

    How advanced banking may be used in vehicle repairing?
  13. vitalymind

    [Release] Improved XM8 apps

    @NickMiner69 You probably have older version of repair mate. Try download this one. Separate thread for Repair mate was posted yesterday, but it is still under moderators check.
  14. vitalymind

    [Release] XM8 Repair Mate

    XM8 REPAIR MATE SCRIPT FOR EXILE MOD This script adds more advanced repair mechanics to Exile. Different items can be used to perform repair, some will be consumed as materials others are used as tools. There are 5 types of repairs for cars. They are engine, wheels, glasses, fuel and body. Script is highly configurable, and allows to set exact material costs and required tools for different types of repair. It is allowed to have materials and tools inside vehicle being repaired. Script requires improved XM8 apps to work. AUTHORS art and design - z3ro code - vitaly 'mind' chizhikov VIDEO FUTURE PLANS 1. Support for helicopters (mostly done, will be added soon) 2. Support for boats (WIP) DOWNLOADGet script from GoogleDriveSee open source at GitHub INSTALLATION
  15. MAKING OWN APP FOR IMPROVED XM8 APPS Feel free to ask questions and leave comments here. In this thread i will try to help you out in creating your app with improved XM8 apps framework. Disclaimer This guide assumes you have lesser scripting skills, i will try go step by step and keep things simple. However some scripting knowledge still required. Overview This guide will help you create your app in such a way that it will be compatible with Improved XM8 apps. Before reading this guide, download Improved XM8 apps from HERE. There you will find empty app and example app. First can be used as blank project, second as "how to" reference. Don`t hesitate to read through Example app, it is HEAVILY commented and should have all needed info to make your apps even without reading this guide, given you have enough skills and understanding of sqf. This guide is useless without example app, as example app have alot of comments and explanations, Also see repairMate for numerous GUI elements examples. Structure of both apps is identical to structure of emtpyApp. Also see example mission. Open mission in editor with Exile mod enabled. Preview mission. From scroll menu press "open XM8". This will simulate XM8, and you will be able to test your app FAST. There are no "server side" staff of course, but user interface is essentially same as on real server. Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Step 4 Step 5 Step 6 This actions will give you slideable app, to which you can add controls, effects and mechanics. The rest is up to you, figure out what GUI elements you need and create them. Use example app as reference, see functions.txt for GUI making functions. Please don`t hesitate to ask for help! BUT do not ask to do it for you!