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Everything posted by YaBoySeto

  1. YaBoySeto

    [UK] BSB Network - Est. 2002

    I'll try again
  2. YaBoySeto

    [UK] BSB Network - Est. 2002

    submit the Affiliation form on your website and just waiting for a reply now!
  3. YaBoySeto

    Sons of Anarchy | OPEN AS F**K

    1. What is your Arma 2 and/or 3 experience?, post a screenshot below. -Arma 2 : https://gyazo.com/6f266e117226acd16e7c3be74f50cfea -Arma 3 : https://gyazo.com/f12674aee37ac9118f83aba14c3ac261 2. How often do you play and during what times? CONVERT it to U.S Central standard time. - Around 3 hours every day. I usually play somewhere around 14:40 -18:40 in U.S Central standard time. 3. How old are you? 16+ is preferred but if you genuinely seem like a mature smart player we won't have problems - I am 18 years old. 4. What role would you like to be(typically and most optimally There are the big 3). Any role will suffice but I prefer Marksman. After applying you can go on our TeamSpeak its soaclan.typefrag.com
  4. YaBoySeto

    How's life in the old tavern

    Gonna upgrade to I7 4790k in a one weeks time. Need some good servers to play on, Preferably not empty ones! and hopefully with a good group of people!
  5. YaBoySeto

    I am fuckin wet... :D

    Can't wait to shoot up some fuckers with my russian Mosin Nagant and the british Enfield!
  6. Looking for something new, maybe a good team to play with for the next 6-9 months, maybe even more. Maybe along the way get some friends like my mother would always ask me to.. I am 17 and 2/3, not to young or old, I think haha.. Good team player.. maybe Irish and proud(ish) Anybody up for a bit of Banter?
  7. YaBoySeto

    [CLOSED] Spawn as a deadbody

    I've been playing on, CCG Exile Namalsk for a while and I've been doing great, I've went for a brake and when I joined back on the server I spawned somewhere randomly and I was already dead, every time I re-spawned I was dead and I couldn't type in the server side, I've read this forum and It said that I had to contact the server admin to delete my character database, or some line or raw at least to fix the dead spawn issue, It's called Death loophole spawn. If somebody could please help me contact the server admin, or contact them to delete my character of the server so I can play again, I'd help to get a refund of 2k ingame to get my stuff back, if possible! The owner of the server is maca134. My Player ID is 76561198025467328 Player Name: AlexTheRanger Please if somebody can help, I'd want this matter resolved as soon as possible as it's a very nice server and I've got friends who are very excited to play again!
  8. YaBoySeto

    [CLOSED] Spawn as a deadbody

    I've send them a request to fix it, I hope they see it!
  9. YaBoySeto

    [CLOSED] Spawn as a deadbody

    Sorry! I've just posted here and there so both sides could help somehow! I'm just very desperate to play again!
  10. YaBoySeto

    What is Contractc*****?

    Unbelievable! these guys have to be stopped!
  11. YaBoySeto

    Would I fit in with all the guys who suck?

    Sounds like fun! thanks I'll check your group and in a few!
  12. YaBoySeto

    [SOLVED] SQF Function Wiki?

    Would be great idea for the newcomers
  13. YaBoySeto

    Would I fit in with all the guys who suck?

    Just looking to join someone!, sorry If I was unclear