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About CraigusMcGooch

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  • Birthday 11/11/1990

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  1. CraigusMcGooch

    Server Down

    Poor kid. Someone should play the violin.
  2. CraigusMcGooch

    [SOLVED] This *was* a rant.

  3. CraigusMcGooch

    Exile Logos

    my submission
  4. CraigusMcGooch

    [SOLVED] This *was* a rant.

    Most people when they give up, simply give up. A rant/post only draws attention to yourself. The same in suicide (hate to use this to get my point across) that when a person says that they are "giving up" they generally only do this as a cry for help or attention in today's modern youth. The same with your original post. If you were going to give up, you would. To blame the issues on the mod when really it's about how much time you can dedicate to the running of your server it's a classic 'pass the blame' scenario. Please also bare in mind that Exile itself isn't at 1.0 yet and still in development.
  5. CraigusMcGooch

    [SOLVED] This *was* a rant.

    If every community leader or coder left arma cause of problems we all wouldn't be here. Now I use the very demeaning phrase 'Nut up or shut up' I feel this status was all about getting help for the problem by sticking a huge red light up in the forums instead of going to TS, or using the appropriate means to dealing with a problem.
  6. CraigusMcGooch

    Concrete Constructions - Part 2

    Looking at the images the size of the player model to the concrete looks the same ratio as the wood parts, I'd bet it's the same size.
  7. CraigusMcGooch


    I'm for a pop tab limit system. You can hold say 20k Pop Tabs then after that goes into a loose physical "spare change" section that you lose when you die.
  8. CraigusMcGooch

    Car/Chopper Bug after the Restart

    Is this happening with all vehicles or just this one?