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  1. Pixmaip

    Unable to connect with RCON

    Battleye defeated us. Any other ideas ?
  2. Pixmaip

    Unable to connect with RCON

    Absolutely, Battleye is running. I installed some scripts an hour ago and I had to add some filters because it kicked me
  3. Pixmaip

    Unable to connect with RCON

    Even with this, still nothing ...
  4. Pixmaip

    Unable to connect with RCON

    I already removed -bepath and I tried the -name=XXX option, still nothing. I'm starting to think that I'm not using the right tool to connect to the RCON. What tool are you using (or you know would work) ?
  5. Pixmaip

    Unable to connect with RCON

    So I tried the -profiles=XXX option. It created a folder named XXX in my server root but not a battleye folder. So I created a battleye folder in which I added my BEServer.cfg, with the proper RCON password. But still nothing, impossible to connect with any of the RCON tools.
  6. Pixmaip

    Unable to connect with RCON

    Hi everyone. I know there are a lot of existing threads about that subject: I read and tried all of them. But I still can't get my RCON to work. First of all, I am running a Linux server (Ubuntu 15.04) so: NOT Windows. The RCON password is set in the BEServer.cfg in /serverroot/battleye/. The same password is set in the repacked exile_server_config.pbo and in the config.cfg. My startup script contains the option "-bepath=[path-to-battleye]" (this path is also correct). I double-checked everything I just said. The server is perfectly running, I can join and play on it. Battleye is running (the console is showing it, and I can get kicked for using non-authorized scripts). I tried to connect with a ton of different RCON tools like EPM, DaRT, MsRcon... even locally from a python script (as all of the RCON tools are Windows-only) and it didn't work. Here's some of the errors: Connection failed for server : [servername] Couldn't connect to server! 2016-03-13 13:11:50,344 INFO Connecting to #1 2016-03-13 13:11:50,344 DEBUG Sending login information 2016-03-13 13:12:00,355 ERROR Socket timeout: timed out [2016-03-13 | 12:53:55] Failed to connect. Please make sure that you properly set a password in beserver.cfg and the server is running. I know these errors are not really helping but this is the only thing I have. I spent the last 3 hours (and the entire last night) searching the internet for clues, but after all this time, still nothing. Can you help me find a solution? Thanks to you all, Pixmaip.