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Everything posted by BlurGaming

  1. Wow, its been a while since I did anything for Arma. I was bored tonight, so I decided to port over my SUPER OLD custom spawn script that was just the Cooliest from arma 2 (DayZ). So here ya go... Even put in a song for you. <3 Let me know if you find any bugs (: LETS GET STARTED! 1) Make an SQF named "playerspawn.sqf" // Written by blur <3 //you can edit the text here to say anything you want. //you can change the color of the text by changing color='#ff0000 //you can change the font type by changing font='Zeppelin33' //you can change the text size by changing size='2.25' waitUntil{!isNull (findDisplay 46)}; _textString1 = "<t size='2.25' font='Zeppelin33' color='#ff0000' align='center'>Welcome to\nBlur Gaming</t>"; _textString2 = "<t size='2.25' font='Zeppelin33' color='#ff0000' align='center'>Welcome to\nBlur Gaming</t>"; _textString3 = "<t size='2.25' font='Zeppelin33' color='#ff0000' align='center'>Welcome to\nBlur Gaming</t>"; _textString4 = "<t size='2.25' font='Zeppelin33' color='#ff0000' align='center'>Welcome to\nBlur Gaming</t>"; _textString5 = ""; //Leave this blank if ( alive player ) then { //if ( alive player && ! isTouchingGround player ) then { //this might work to make it so the music only plays when you are haloing in. sleep 5; playSound "IntroSong"; hint parseText (_textString1); sleep 5; hint parseText (_textString5); hint parseText (_textString2); sleep 5; hint parseText (_textString5); hint parseText (_textString3); sleep 5; hint parseText (_textString5); hint parseText (_textString4); sleep 5; hint parseText (_textString5); }; 2) Put said script into your mission PBO. 3) Open your "init.sqf" file. Put this bad boy in there. //written by blur <3 [] execVM "playerspawn.sqf"; 4) find your "description.ext" and open it, then find a nice cozy place for: //Written by blur <3 class CfgSounds { sounds[] = { introSong }; class introSong { name="introSong"; sound[]={introSong.ogg,0.9,1}; titles[] = {}; }; }; WOW! You're basically a full on hacker now! Go ahead and download this song file, or use one of your own! please note: The song must be in .OGG format! You can make it into an OGG by converting it in Audacity. woop woop you are the best! and give me all your pop tabs or the puppy gets it.
  2. @insertcoins yeah it should work as it is playSound
  3. BlurGaming

    THANK YOU Exile Team.

    thanks for making arma fun again guys.
  4. BlurGaming

    What is Contractc*****?

    you're right. I will reassess the situation.
  5. BlurGaming

    Need Help

    post your teamspeak. i will come and talk to you.
  6. Actually, Quite the opposite. I worked with infistar to release early versions of his antihack (:
  7. BlurGaming

    Great to see so many familiar names on this forum

    I just made an account... going to be releasing some sick scripts. (: