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Everything posted by JackCapwell

  1. JackCapwell

    XM8 Discord Bot

    Cancellation To unregister your server and admin accounts, send an email with your server address and key file to [email protected]. https://xm8.exile.majormittens.co.uk/terms
  2. JackCapwell

    Mirror Host

    Want to host a mirror? Ping @Eichi in a topic! @Eichi
  3. JackCapwell

    Looking for people.

    Hello, I want to introduce you to Scorpion Network. We are a Platform. A place where communities come together. We are looking for Management Officials & Built-up community looking to join us. I am available anytime if anyone is interested. I would say if you want to know more, to look at the following links. Added me, is also an option. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1uOOoTjoci6oYGYWrDA9Y_NWi25W66o_h6zaVH_z6ecw/edit?usp=sharing https://forums.bistudio.com/topic/200478-feedback-greatly-appreciated-scorpion-network-platform/ https://steamcommunity.com/id/fifthcohort/ Thank you for reading.
  4. JackCapwell


    If you could list things that you needed doing, then that would get more responses.
  5. JackCapwell

    Mobile XM8 App

    Could I suggest that you place all android devices that are (not) compatible? Samsung Galaxy S4 Mini - Not Compatible (06/09/16 (UK DATE))
  6. JackCapwell

    Dedicated Server Performance

    No problem.
  7. JackCapwell

    Dedicated Server Performance

    Hello, @Georgie These are prices from OVH correct. These are good servers. ----------------------------------------------- From a technically opinion and look, you can have: let's say 4GB RAM for each server, so 32 / 4 = 8 You could from a RAM and application perspective you can have around 8 servers. All running at the same time. Now for 64GB I would say 10 servers, now yes, that doesn't use the same "equation" but, if there was a core and thread increase to accompany the RAM difference, then I would say 16 servers. Now to also looking at @Warsheep's response, I have ran so many servers on different boxes and even VPS (which are sliced Dedicated Boxes). I would say, to minimize your problems, do one server, and test it, for about a week, just plain vanilla. Then copy and keep a backup, that you won't run, then paste new servers, and change the parameters to suit each server location and then add each mod that you want and every mission to see if it works. In @Warsheep words: "Simple test it."
  8. JackCapwell

    Willing to pay for Server Setup

    Feel free to PM me or message me on Steam: http://steamcommunity.com/id/fifthcohort
  9. JackCapwell

    Looking for help

    If you want to start "modding", that is a long and quite complex process. But if you are looking to implement scripts and addons, then that I can help you with. Feel free to PM me or message me on Steam: http://steamcommunity.com/id/fifthcohort
  10. JackCapwell

    This is GTX customer service

    I personally dealt with Matt, he phoned me up and all was good. But GTX are a good company, but not in the best light sometimes. If you get frustrated with hosts, or want to do it yourself then dedi's are all the way. Now, I believe, that QGServers do managed hosting of dedi boxes..? @QGS
  11. JackCapwell

    Personal Dedicated Server Suggestions

    You can now do a arma client launcher parameter option. mission loading, so that the client stores the mission on the VRAM to off load the server. (I think that might be only for local hosted ARMA servers, but worth a look.)
  12. JackCapwell

    Personal Dedicated Server Suggestions

    Minecraft uses RAM based off how many player there are. usually 512MB per player. I would say 8GB to 16GB. no more, unless you want more.
  13. JackCapwell

    Low server fps

    Please note. A VPS can handle an arma server, obviously not the best solution.
  14. He is fully within the right of the https://www.bistudio.com/monetization rules to do this if: >> BOB connects to server. >> BOB registers onto website. Enters steam64id in a <form> box. >> BOB connects back into the server. Then checks poptab balance and has 10K+ >> BOB is Happy. >> Bohemia Interactive is Happy. (Maybe )
  15. JackCapwell

    no players

    Hehe I laughed at this, in a good way. I understand "this" community, hence why I started a company based sole-ly* around ARMA. Dedicated Server are the way to go, for communities, but these "small servers, for people let pay, say.. £30 a month for a server and get say twice maybe three times for basically nothing." *Might be spelt wrong "this" = ARMA Comunity (not exile specifically) EDIT: What do you mean by, abuse?
  16. JackCapwell

    no players

    I suggest we get these game server providers to do something... maybe. If they would listen.