xAUx KaMiKaZeE

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About xAUx KaMiKaZeE

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  1. xAUx KaMiKaZeE

    [Updated] ExileReborn - A complete survival package

    They wouldn't spawn without it for me...
  2. xAUx KaMiKaZeE

    [Updated] ExileReborn - A complete survival package

    It work's perfectly fine for me on Altis, obviously running the latest version of arma3 and exile, the only 2 things i had to do was change the vehicle grid amount from 0 to some other number besides 0 in @ExileServer/addonsExile_server_config.pbo/config.cpp, and add Exilez.pbo from here to the @ExileServer/addons folder, random survivor and bandit AI all spawned accordingly and so did the missions, note the missions do take 20 minutes to spawn. One more note, you may need to change the zombie side to something else because the default will cause the zombies to ignore you.
  3. Thanks for the reply, just one more question i don't have a xm8_server_info file at all, if i was to create one where would i put it?
  4. Hello, so i have everything working perfectly fine, but i was wondering if it was possible to move or remove the ExAd from being on the screen, i also noticed that after installing its created a "Server Rules" button on the xm8 home page but its blank and i can't seem to find where to edit it. I've gone through and setup the info page and that all works fine, I've marked in red what I'm talking about.
  5. Hello, I'm just wondering if its possible to use triggers and harassing zombies at the same time, I have a compound that i would like to say have 25 zombies spawn, i tried playing around with the zombie spawner in the editor and it all works perfectly fine in the scenario, they all re-spawn and auto delete once dead for x amount of seconds, how ever once putting it on the server they will spawn once and that's it, I'm pretty sure this has nothing to do with your addon rather the mod itself and that's fine. My main question is can i use triggers and harassing zombies at the same time
  6. xAUx KaMiKaZeE

    [XM8APPS] Paintshop/Transfer Respect + Script Collection

    Hi having an issue with paintshop, its working to the point if being in the xm8 being able to custom color things but none the presets work and when you apply them it just makes your car invisible any ideas ?
  7. xAUx KaMiKaZeE

    successfully loaded

    Hello, i noticed on some servers that the "Exile Successfully Loaded" message when you spawn in was changed. I am wondering where this is done, if anyone could help that would be great. Example below...
  8. xAUx KaMiKaZeE

    CUP Units items cannot be dragged into clothing slots

    Yeah same thing here
  9. xAUx KaMiKaZeE

    [CLOSED] Advanced Banking

    My bad
  10. xAUx KaMiKaZeE

    [CLOSED] Advanced Banking

    Hey mate nice idea, can't say much on the script itself as i havn't got it to work, while launching the server i get this error Warning Message: File mpmissions\__cur_mp.Altis\description.ext, line 94: /CfgInteractionMenus/Car/: Missing '}' i have gone through the manual numerous times this is what it looks like in the description.ext class RscTitles { #include "scripts\sb\statusBar.hpp" #include "AdvancedBanking\Dialog\AdvBanking_Client_CreditCard.hpp" }; and then the config.cpp // Advance Money class MoneyPile { targetType = 2; target = "Land_Money_F"; } class Actions { class Examine: ExileAbstractAction { title = "Examine Wallet"; condition = "((ExileClientInteractionObject getVariable ['DroppedAmount',0]) > 0)"; action = "[(ExileClientInteractionObject getVariable ['PileOwner',0]),(ExileClientInteractionObject getVariable ['DroppedAmount',0])] call AdvBanking_Client_ExamineMoney"; }; class Collect: ExileAbstractAction { title = "Collect Dropped Wallet"; condition = "((ExileClientInteractionObject getVariable ['DroppedAmount',0]) > 0)"; action = "[(ExileClientInteractionObject getVariable ['DroppedAmount',0])] call AdvBanking_Client_CollectMoney"; }; }; }; class ATM { targetType = 2; target = "Land_Atm_01_F"; class Actions { class Access: ExileAbstractAction { title = "Access ATM"; condition = "true"; action = "createDialog 'AdvBankingATM';"; }; }; }; // Advance Money Just some help to get this sorted would be greatly appreciated