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  1. Rkc

    [PROJECT] Chernarus Overhaul [Closed]

    Yeah I will post up some screenshots. I am still working on the mpmission pbo for it. It might be a little while, I'm building a dedicated server from scratch. Tired of crappy monitored rental servers.
  2. Rkc

    [PROJECT] Chernarus Overhaul [Closed]

    This would roll over to the Chernarus winter map right? I don't see why it would have a problem doing so but I just thought i'd double check before trying lol.
  3. Rkc

    Server Not responding (fixed)

    Yep that fixed it, thanks. Forgot about port forwarding.....
  4. Rkc

    Server Not responding (fixed)

    Long story short I am making my rig a test server and getting everything setup before we rent a dedi. Well I have a max amount of 5 people going to be on it for now at one time which my connection and rig will handle. The problem is my friends cannot find my server in the server list and they cannot piggyback off my from steam to join. It shows server not responding when they try to join off of me through steam. I even gave them the remote info with ip and port but nothing shows. I am hardlined through a modem, inbound and outbound allowances are put in. I basically went straight through S.'s guide and it got the server running sure enough but this is the only problem I am having.
  5. Rkc

    Gaming Deluxe

    Well all I have to say about them is when they can't even install the correct BEC filters for a base setup server you rent from them then I wouldn't use them. From experience if you opened a map, xm8 or walked into a safe zone you got kicked and that is with no mods installed. First thing we did is tested the server, I hope my friend gets his money back.
  6. Rkc

    BE FILTER FAIL 0.9.34

    Didn't mean to post in other thread, pulled up the wrong one but anyways I'm having the same problems and no resolve with what has been posted. scripts.txt Line 41 7 isPlayer !="if (!isNull cameraOn) then\n{\n{\nif (!isNull _x) then\n{\nif (isPlayer _x) then\n{\nif(isHidden _x) exitWith {}; \n_distance = cameraOn distance _x;\n_alpha = (1-(_" !="s\"];\n\n_unit = _this select 0;\n_task = _this select 1;\n\nif !(isPlayer _unit) exitWith {};\n\n_newCurrent = \"\";\n_prevCurrent = missi" !="do {\nprivate [\"_display\",\"_veh\",\"_vehType\",\"_uavPosition\",\"_isPlayerInAV\",\"_icon\"];\n\n_display = _params select 0;\n_veh = vehicle" !="e \"lastGestFreezeT\";\n\nif (_VBtemp + 25 < time) then \n{\n\nif (isPlayer _this) then {} \nelse\n{\nif (random 10 < 6) then \n{\n\n\n\n\n\n\nif" scriptslog #39 "; if (!isNull cameraOn) then { { if (!isNull _x) then { if (isPlayer _x) then { if !(isHidden _x) then { _distance = cameraOn d"
  7. Rkc

    Battleeye Script Restriction # 39

    I posted in the wrong damn thread sorry
  8. Rkc

    stuck on server loading

    So basically the @Exile and @Exileserver were bad and needed an update or just not properly installed? I am having the exact same issue, same script errors and I use host havoc
  9. Rkc

    Is it possible to revive now ?

    Oh come one man, everybody knows a 12.7 APDS round going through your chest is totally fixable by shoving a tampon in it and wrapping you up with duct tape
  10. Rkc

    Waiting for release...

    Now for the servers to catch up with the update
  11. Rkc

    in game admin panel - need suggestions

    The admin panel makes it a lot easier for testing mods that you have added to your server. For example when I added AI missions I got a kick message when I decided to drive a strider through the mission to plow over some AI. Well it ultimately resulted in my demise and a respawn somehow. If I had teleport I could just go straight to the mission area and test.
  12. Well I actually had an issue where every chopper I bought was leaking fuel and we had to repair them. It was only on my character not with the others. Really gay bug to have not going to lie. Brez is right though the fuel consumption is ridiculously quick.
  13. Rkc

    Mas vehicles and weapons

    I gotcha, I wasn't sure if it was a conflicting install or not. I'm sure I can get it off of armaholic. I was wanting DMS AI Missions, Mas vehicles, weapons and minor adjustments on my server with as little pain as possible so I could open it up to the public
  14. Rkc

    Mas vehicles and weapons

    Does anybody have a download link and installation instructions for the Mas Vehicles and Weapons packs for exile? I seen them before the forum wipe but I can't find any now.
  15. Rkc

    Server Hosting

    Survival Servers is a joke, went to update Exile to 0.9.20 and the server updated right? No it doesn't even have the damn @Exile or @Exile_server files on the server anymore. Those guys are ass clowns