=TBM= BangL

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Everything posted by =TBM= BangL

  1. =TBM= BangL

    Goodbye, Arma!

    +1 for making it open source. anything else would be stupid at this point. EDIT: well.. who am i to judge that. thanks for your hard work until here!
  2. heya, as you might know already, the 2D editor will be removed soon, and so we all have to switch to 3den. For some reason my 3den cannot import the old exile mission file, so i ported it manually from scratch.. It has the same spawn positions and time settings as the original version of 0.9.41 now. http://pastebin.com/A0WqYjac
  3. =TBM= BangL

    [CLOSED] Advanced Banking

    thanks man, i really appreciate that. and by the way.. i am totally feeling for you. it is a fucked up situation, and they didn't act fair. so don't get me wrong, i am not trying to defend their actions at all. - i am a lover of open source as well, thats why i am trying to defend it beeing open source. - thats all.
  4. =TBM= BangL

    [CLOSED] Advanced Banking

    take another look at the license you've put the code on: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/ in fact i could upload the copy i still have in my download folder right now, and it would be absolutely legit. i am not gonna do that for now, i am just saying. i am pleasing you.. rethink your point. - you may think now what these "fuckwits" did is whats killing free software, but actually its stubborn reactions like this. do you really believe anybody is paying these "fuckwits", if you force them to fulfil your license by filing a DMCA? - i dont. but if people dont even find the code on github, they may.
  5. =TBM= BangL

    [CLOSED] Advanced Banking

    i like you and your work, really. but this is kinda childish imho.
  6. =TBM= BangL

    What is Contractc*****?

    it all depends on the license of each script. i guess no one forced dev X to put script Y under license Z. you know what? the free software community exists for more than 30 years now, and i am sure it wont die because of some greedy dicks like these now. put your stuff under the GPL (pref. v2), and if something goes wrong trigger a DMCA. no reason to panic.
  7. =TBM= BangL

    What is Contractc*****?

    i totally understand your madness here, but actually... theyre doing pretty much the same what companies like RedHat do... offering service/help with free stuff. - I guess they should add the sources, and make it even more clear that you pay for the service instead of the scripts though. did you guys see this? "Beware, some of these scripts are public scripts made by community coders, we do not take any credit from them, they did a great job making whatever they made, we are just here to install it on your server without issues." i dont even want to protect them, but flaming/blaming like this cant be the right way. look, think, and then react wisely.
  8. =TBM= BangL

    Visual Bug

    same here. nvg only
  9. =TBM= BangL

    virtual garage portbar nach exile?

    ich bin der typ
  10. =TBM= BangL

    CBA fixes

    lol.. for what? you just repeated what was posted several times already whatever..
  11. =TBM= BangL

    [CLOSED] Advanced Banking

    just dont set a default value for the column in `account`.`money`. set it for `player_bank`.`playerWallet` and/or `player_bank`.`playerBank` instead. EDIT: uhm.. nevermind, i thought you were talking about the starter poptabs
  12. =TBM= BangL

    virtual garage portbar nach exile?

    konntet ihr das problem schon lösen? sonst lass uns mal im ts quatschen.
  13. =TBM= BangL

    BangL.de ExileZ

    MODS: - Exile 0.9.6 http://exile.majormittens.co.uk/downloads/ - Namalsk 1.0 http://exile.majormittens.co.uk/downloads/ - CBA_A3 2.3.1 http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=450814997 - TFAR 0.9.8 http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=620019431 - Zombies & Demons 3.6 http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=501966277 - RZ Infection 0.3a http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=614815221 EXILE SCRIPTS: - DMS (Missions) - A3XAI (Patrols) - Exile-Z - StatusBar - Travelling Trader - Enigma Exile Revive System - XM8 Apps (Stats, View Dist., Crafting) - Welcome messages - 3rd person view only when driver, pilot or unarmed! - Advanced Banking SETTINGS / TWEAKS: - Base size/object limits x2 - DMS respect x10 - Vehicle spawns x2 - 2500 Starter poptabs (500 on body, 2000 in bank) - Custom intro music - Custom loadout - rebalanced loot secured by infiSTAR (and me) PLANNED: - loot table reworks! - trader reworks! - animals & pet dogs! - more weapons! - more vehicles! - more AI missions! - more "hardcore" settings (like no crosshair, even less 3rd person and so on) - eBase? - Scratchies & Lottery? - igiLoad? - detailed vehicle repair? - ACE? - i might wanna write and release my own virtual garage script, lets see if i find the time for that - and more
  14. =TBM= BangL

    Why is Showcase Server Closed?

    which makes it hard to get a server populated. just my 2 cents
  15. =TBM= BangL

    [CLOSED] Advanced Banking

    may be a condition race. the code-part you're talking about is in ExileServer_system_network_event_onPlayerConnected btw. and in your RPT's you might wanna search for "Does player have a bank?" EDIT: make sure to have "ADVBANKING_SERVER_DEBUG = true;" in advbanking_server\bootstrap\fn_preInit.sqf
  16. =TBM= BangL

    [CLOSED] Advanced Banking

    ok then its not infistar. you should re-check your scripts and RPT's. i can tell that its usually working well when installed properly.
  17. =TBM= BangL

    [CLOSED] Advanced Banking

    are you using infistar? if yes: it reverts money changes higher than X.. (i dont remember the exact amount now) however.. usually it should detect that advanced banking is runnning and turn it off by default.
  18. =TBM= BangL

    Searching for Namalsk survival server.

    you got me wrong then, theres no need to "work" on it, or renting it. the server is there, i will do the work. all i would want from you is: ideas and opinions.
  19. =TBM= BangL

    Searching for Namalsk survival server.

    i can offer you something, i think. my server runs for like 1 week now, still working on it.. the thing is: i don't really know exactly where i wanna go with it, but what i can tell so far.. i am totally a friend of "hardcore". i already have TFAR, which adds a shitload of realism to the communication, i turned off 3rd person when having a weapon, i have zombies, and i will also change some other things related to crosshairs and so on.. on the other hand.. yea, theres alot of loot, you can buy military stuff and so on.. but all that is stuff i didnt think about so far. and.. my server is hosted in germany. so.. maybe we can work out a nice server concept together? looks like you have a good sense for balancing. hit me on steam, same name and picture as here.
  20. =TBM= BangL

    Searching for Namalsk survival server.

    maybe take a look into the server showcase forums then? my server fits your description except for the rare loot point. EDIT: and i am sure there are some more
  21. =TBM= BangL

    Headless Clients

    genau so siehts aus, also das ist nun wirklich keine option. als nächstes dann auchnoch battleye und infistar aus oder was? ne, also ehrlich.. danke für den versuch, aber von symptom-bekämpfung halte ich nichts. Ursachen-bekämpfung ist das Ziel.
  22. =TBM= BangL

    [CLOSED] Advanced Banking

    now it makes sense. gj
  23. =TBM= BangL

    [CLOSED] Advanced Banking

    ExileServer_object_vehicle_network_rekeyVehicleDialogRequest needs some rework as well. i would do it, but something is weird there.. i dont get where the _playerObject var comes from. oO do you guys know how to use the new rekey feature, so i can test it? nevermind.. it is in the menus of the vehicle customs. working on it now...
  24. =TBM= BangL

    Headless Clients

    @Blacksheep, laufen deine HC's unter Linux? Wenn ja.. wie hast du das "signature timeout" Problem gelöst?
  25. =TBM= BangL

    Visual Bug

    i didnt experience this yet. is your exile code vanilla/untouched?