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About [S.C.]Zedmag

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  1. [S.C.]Zedmag

    AiA missing required mods fix

    Hey guys, first sorta release post and not sure if it should go here and most may not really need it but thought i would help out. This is just a small server side addon for those of you server owners that still use AiA since it is better than cups BUT is not longer supported. Since the 1.60 update alot of class names changed on the default A3 .pbs. There for throwing a number of errors when using 3rd party mods such as AiA and few others. This simply adds those missing class names back in. Allowing the server to auto restart with out errors. You can even reference the new class name to the old class name IF you know it. If they will actually work is a toss up. This is really just to get the errors to quit so you can keep the server up and restating. Very simple, and there for no real need for any copyright that i know of. Im sure someone will tell me. And if this isnt the right place, please let me know or move me. Hope it all helps. @A3DummyAiA
  2. [S.C.]Zedmag

    Supply drop crates loading into vehicles.

    i was able to mount it in the truck, but now i cant get an option to unmount. i just want to sell the inventory. and i quickly ran up to it, mounted in my truck and drove off. havent tried at my base yet though.
  3. [S.C.]Zedmag

    Steam Workshop is doing my head in

    @happydayz booo where abouts?
  4. [S.C.]Zedmag

    Steam Workshop is doing my head in

    I'm on the east coast too. But I'm sprorting 50/50. Upgrading to 300/300 next month. The beauty of fiber!
  5. [S.C.]Zedmag

    Server Script help

    **BUMP** Ok so i realized that the custom commands in BEC are only able to be called by players during ingame chat such as global or side. (side and below only works if another player is in game) So now im trying to figure out how to have the server send a globalchat on behalf of the player that initiates a trigger lets say. Essentially there is a trigger, and when a player triggers it, it sends a globalchat msg with my custom BEC command in it. it HAS to act as if the player them selfs typed it into globalchat. I am racking my brain trying to figure this out. ANY help would be appreciated.
  6. [S.C.]Zedmag

    Server Script help

    Howdy guys. Im having trouble figuring out how to have my server side script pull and execute a custom BEC command. the BEC command works perfectly if i call it from the Scheduler or manually while in game. but im trying to get the Server to call the command. Mainly i dont know HOW to have the server do it, though i know it is possible since the Exile server already pulls BEC commands using the "call ExileServer_system_rcon_event_sendCommand" as done when in the config option to use the #shutdown option. Example in server files is the '#shutdown' call ExileServer_system_rcon_event_sendCommand; But no matter how i try using this with my command, it throws errors like ExileServer_system_rcon_event_sendCommand not defined. and the likes. Anyone willing to help me out? you can PM me or reply here. once i figure this out, its going to be epic.
  7. [S.C.]Zedmag

    Namalsk Horde

    Ryan Zombies, testing out the diff settings. did a Namalsk map with heavy fog in the weather rotation. cranked up the amount per trigger and per player and slowed them down. had to turn off the Boss class since it was too OP.
  8. [S.C.]Zedmag

    Namalsk Horde

    Just a few Screen shots..... ...yes...i died ALOT
  9. [S.C.]Zedmag


    i cant believe i missed that.. lol thanks.
  10. [S.C.]Zedmag


    missed it. was in my Server root but forgot all about my client. EDIT: Nope, it looks like its the Namalsk key thats missing. i dont have a server key for that.
  11. [S.C.]Zedmag


    Another problem, the bisign is wrong. claims the client isnt signed, anyone else?
  12. [S.C.]Zedmag

    Two weeks of testing Namalsk over?

    well keep up the good work. i loved the Nam map and all the extras you guys are adding. really should make it able to remove flagpoles though. hope thats part of RC4.
  13. [S.C.]Zedmag

    Two weeks of testing Namalsk over?

    I noticed the testing is claimed to be over yet the server is still up and running. I've been stashing and building. and people have been on and off. not the pop it was before but still active. why not keep playing it until its wiped? why did the traffic die off?
  14. [S.C.]Zedmag

    Base building

    yea you could just remove the "Office" from the traders. then make the flagpole kit a mission item or a custom recipe. lots of ways to make the flagpole and end game item. what i hate is you can't break down a flag. i put on in the wrong spot and not i can't remove it
  15. [S.C.]Zedmag

    Player markers

    check in your server.cfg under the mission template. difficulty = "recruit"; // difficulty: recruit, regular, veteran or mercenary (see CfgDifficulties in the main game config)