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DeathInc last won the day on November 1 2017

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  1. Hope you still working with the idea on utilizing ALIVE with exile. Did you ever get it to work? I have been trying for awhile now and it does seem like the Exile breaks it in some way. 

  2. DeathInc

    ALiVE AI in Exile

    You can always not use BE filters. I did not run BE Filters. I ran BE. Just not BE Filters.
  3. DeathInc

    ALiVE AI in Exile

    I don't know what to say. I never ran into that problem when I ran Exile with ALiVE and ACE3. I dont run Exile servers anymore. I run Epoch now. I dug around in my files to see if I could find my old mission files that used ALiVE. Looks like I got rid of all my Exile stuff. This is my only remaining Exile code and I had removed ALiVE from it.
  4. DeathInc

    ALiVE AI in Exile

    What you actually do is open your Exile mission. Then place the ALiVE modules you want to use. Then save it. If you get BE kicks, add the BE filters to Scripts.txt instead of publicvariable. That should resolve the issue. I dont really recommend using ALiVE generated missions in Exile.
  5. DeathInc

    ALiVE AI in Exile

    Why dont you just ask the ALiVE devs? I asked essentially the same question when I ran ALiVE.
  6. DeathInc

    ALiVE AI in Exile

    If your player faction is Indie like most are, the Blufor can be set to be hostile to Indie. Therefor they will attack on sight.
  7. DeathInc

    ALiVE AI in Exile

    You are overloading it then. Set the AI groups to a lower amount and reduce the spawn number to something like 60. Also, I set ALiVE AI faction to BLUFOR. That solved that problem.
  8. I have a question. Can I disable all ExileWeather for an external weather mod? I don't want the two to clash. If so, how?
  9. DeathInc

    Install ACE3? (FIXED)(CLOSE)

    ACtually it does
  10. Might I get a copy of your Chernarus mission with ALiVE in it? I want to adjust/tweak it and run it for the Hostile Takeover community. Im working slowly to port it myself but would appreciate a completed version to compare to.

  11. DeathInc

    ALiVE AI in Exile

    you dont need ALiVE in the serverMod section. That section is only for ServerSide mods. AKA anything that doesnt need to load on the client.
  12. DeathInc

    ACE3 spawning issue?

    With respect, it does
  13. DeathInc

    Tree house?

    Learn to read and comprehend first before responding.
  14. DeathInc

    Tree house?

    I suggest you get your head out of your ass and stop being a douchebag in your posts. Your previous post did not specify that the plot pole would be off the ground. I was going by the assumption that you could not start your base off the ground. Building into a tree or in the foliage of the tree is idea. But... A treehouse is a broad term. True, the basic definition is the following: "a structure (such as a playhouse) built among the branches of a tree" - Merriam-Webster. If you go strictly by that definition then yes, I have no idea what I am referring to or the meanings of words. And yet you would still be an asshat. If however you were to read more about tree houses you would find for example: " Even today, treehouses are built by some indigenous people in order to escape the danger and adversity on the ground. In some parts of the tropics, houses are either fastened to trees or elevated on stilts to keep the living quarters above the ground to protect occupants and stored food from scavenging animals. " -- wikipedia Treehouses article. I italicized and underlined the part about stilts. If you were to read further down the article you would find a section on Support Methods and Technology in which you would find a section specifically mentioning the use of Stilts. " Struts and stilts are used for relieving weights on a lower elevation or straight to the ground; Tree houses supported by stilts weigh much less on the tree and help to prevent stress, potential strain, and injury caused by puncture holes.[5] Stilts are typically anchored into the ground with concrete although new designs, such as the “Diamond Pier”, accelerates installation time and they are less invasive for the root system.[6] Stilts are considered the easiest method of supporting larger tree houses, and can also increase structural support and safety. " Here is a Treehouse in Papua New Guinea: Notice in the above photo, the liberal usage of Stilts? I think I have proven my point. On the topic of the flag, when I last played Exile (~6 - 8 months ago), you had to place the plot pole on the ground. Therefore, it would not be untoward of me to assume that it was still the case especially when reading other threads mentioning the inability to place a plot pole on a ship due to the plot pole actually referencing the sea bed. Again, you sir are an asshat. The Treehouse guide on Treehouses: Since the base would be in a jungle and among the trees, it can easily be assumed that it would rely on trees for support in some fashion assuming the player wants their base to blend in. Otherwise, it would not qualify as a treehouse. Sources: house
  15. DeathInc

    Save removed trees to DB

    ill look into it thanks! Im wanting to do a Vietnam themed Exile and the community im doing it for was saying the map I selected had too many trees and such.