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About TheBigfootPlays

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  1. TheBigfootPlays


    @Bobwarsrvng. Look through this whole thread I thought I saw something, and I recommend buying either a Windows Dedicated or Windows VPS from somewhere like dedi spec or OVH and if you need help with how to setup the server I can help with that as well as Windows server setup just pm me on the other hand if you can't find anything on vilayer in here pm the author of this thread or the author of the original badmin thread for exile
  2. TheBigfootPlays


    Send me your RPT file on pastebin @Warrior
  3. TheBigfootPlays


    @Warrior, you need to put -filePatching parameter in your .bat launch file, and in your config for the server you need to modify the allowedLoadExtension of Sqf
  4. TheBigfootPlays


    Also, @Razor77 and @NRG_ Chaos put your .RPT file in a pastie or paste bin and send me the link and I can check and see exactly what your issue is
  5. TheBigfootPlays


    @Razor77 if that doesn't work, check your Description.ext in your Altis.Exile mission.pbo and also, pop tabs don't work yet, hopefully in a future update they will, for now go to accounts in your database and find the person you want to add pop tabs to, and change their pop tabs or balance to the number you wish to set them to.
  6. TheBigfootPlays


    Make sure your Description.ext is correct @NRG_ Chaos Check your Battle Eye filters @Razor77
  7. TheBigfootPlays


    @doublee313 make sure your startup.bat file includes -filePatching parameter and your confit file has allowedLoadFileExtension={"sad"}; and allowedLoadFilePatching=1; PM me if you have more problems
  8. TheBigfootPlays

    AdminToolkit for Arma 3 v2.2.2 - Exile Edition

    @Enoli4z Are you using ? If so that may be your problem with your BE Filters and Scripts.txt Message me if you hvae more problems after reinstalling infistar if you have it and redoing your AdminTools
  9. TheBigfootPlays


    @Enoli4z do you happen to use ? if so that may be your problem. If not just say so
  10. TheBigfootPlays

    Exile IgiLoad with TaruPodMod

    Just thought id let you all know, Make sure when isntalling you read the readme not his install instructions here There are some missing and the semicolon is missing from the [] execVM "IgiLoad/IgiloadInit.sqf"; Other than that, Great Script!
  11. TheBigfootPlays


    @d3vil69kill3r does your Description.ext include on the 'Includes'? That may be the reason it's not working or, did you put the includes into a class, make sure you don't have the included in any {} (curly braces) otherwise it will not load hope I could help, if you need any more help just PM Me
  12. TheBigfootPlays

    AdminToolkit for Arma 3 v2.2.2 - Exile Edition

    @Shadowfying they don't spawn with you owning them and they aren't added to database
  13. TheBigfootPlays

    [SOLVED] fn_preStart.sqf not found

    Just copy fn_preInit or fn_preStart and Rename it to its counter part @towatai I had the same problem and this fixed it for me My Deaths will prove that lol Hope this works for you if you need more help just say so
  14. TheBigfootPlays


    When will vehicle spawning be implemented?
  15. TheBigfootPlays


    @scottieo321 which one did you do? The -filePatching and allowedFilePatching = 1; and direct your CD to C:\SERVER_DIRECTORY\ thats all I had to do and I understand you didn't mean to be rude man in sure I've done it before