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Everything posted by Freakylein

  1. Freakylein

    Extended Base Mod

    Extended Base Mod for Exile Mod With this mod you are allowed to place some Arma 3 content in your Territory based at the Exile mod. For example: Sandbarriers, BagBunker, CamoNets, CncBarriers, Stonewall + Gate, Ladder, Watercooler some are following. Huge Container: 20.000 Metalshelf doublesided: 5.000 Icebox: 1.500 Shelf 1: 4.000 Shelf: 3.000 Land Container Green: 15.000 Hangar: 40.000 Ammobox: 7.000 Tentdome: 1.000 Land Container Sand Small: 13.500 Cargo container Small: 6500 Garbage Container: 8500 Metalshed 4 Layers: 5500 Suitcase: 1250 Ammo Box: 750 Woodenshelves: 2000 Metalcase: 2500 Fridge: 2000 Tool Trolleys: 2500 Microwave: 200 Suitcase: 1250 Ammobox rounds: 750 Plasticcase: 2000 EBM Airhook: 5000 Medikit: 5000 V 0.3.4 - new buildings: New Bed, Mechanical Cover, Crowsfeet, Oven, Woodencrate, Door with Frame - 2 new backpacks - new items: Bricks, Bucket of Mortar (made by RWG) - reworked all Brickwall-recipes from 0.3.3 V 0.3.3 - new Buildings:Metalwalls for all Brickwalls as an option to upgrade, Medikit (healing is possible), a pollard and an ATM - reworked all Buildings from 0.3.2 - half walls (brick & Metalwall) - lockability of windows added 14.06.2017 - clientside hotfix , where snapposition of floor/wall is fixed (server doesn't need to update) V -Hotfix Snappositions V 0.3.2 - new Buildings 11pcs. (selfmade): Brickwall System (compatible with Exile buildings), Helipad, Airhook, Parksign - deleted Pierbox (Land_Pier_Box_F_Kit), Big Pier (Land_nav_pier_m_F_Kit), and all camo nets ("CamoNet_OPFOR_open_F_Kit","CamoNet_INDP_open_F_Kit","CamoNet_BLUFOR_open_F_Kit") Admins have to delete them in the Database - updated Battleyefilters! V 0.3.1 - added 80 new buildables // Thank you Kurewe for providing me the codes of 64 Items!!! celebrate him guys! : TV, Plastic chair, Gaming Set, Gym Bench & Rack, Office interieur, PC set, Trophys, Sunshades, Stuff for the Garage like Engine Crane, Tool storages, Helipad lights, Tripod screens, Targets,... - Battleyefilter reworked - Recipe categories reworked - enabled Simulation on serverrestart! REMOVE THIS FIX: exileServer_object_construction_database_load = "EBM\exileServer_object_construction_database_load.sqf"; //Original fix by Eichi V 0.3.0 - Huge Lamp illmination fixed - doors fixed (original by Eichi) - certain apex buildings available V 0.2.9 - Guys i am very sorry, but i had to remove the APEX buildings. Arma fucked it up - fixed the damagetaking problem on earthquakes and explosives. (Breaching charges still work) V 0.2.8 - new Buildables: Airporthangar (Apex), Ammobox, Basaltwall 4m & 8m and Gate (Apex), Breakwater dry & wet (Apex), Huron ammo- and fuelcontainer, IR tent big & small (Apex), Petroglyphwall 1 & 2 (Apex), sandbags green long & short (Apex), Sandbagbunker big green (Apex), Sandbagtower green (Apex), Suitcase - all new walls with snap points - fixed the light of the Shabby Lamp and the Camping Lamp - fixed the height jump of the Pierbox & Airplanehangar V 0.2.7 - new Buildables: Bungalow, House Big, Plastic crate, Researchfacility big and small, Garage Shelter (Apex) - all things or Buildings can be destroyed by the Breaching Charges V 0.2.6 - new Buildables: Big Bunker, Bunker Rectangle, Bunker Hexagonal, Bagbunker small green, Bunkerwall 3m Bunkerwall 6m, Controltower, Barrier 3 green, Barrier 5 green, Sandbagtower green, Trench Forest & Grass(Apex) - lootspawn fixed!!! (BIG thanks to second_coming !!) - excluded Price and Traderlist to make them like recipes and menus (Thank you Greyfox! It made Tanoa Buildings a lot easier!) V 0.2.5 - new Buildables: ATM (working with lockers ) - Snapmode for walls (Just straight, No corners or gates yet) - added Non-Physic for Garbage Container and Metalshed 4 Layers - Exile Walls are only blowable by new charges V 0.2.4 - new Buildables: Concrete Mixer, Flag CSAT, Garbage Container, Metalshed 4 Layers, Watersink - fine tuned all recipes! - changed target = "Land_CargoBox_V1_F_Kit"; in menus.hpp to target = "Land_CargoBox_V1_F";. menu now working correctly. V 0.2.3 - new Buildables: Camping Chair V1 & V2, Camping Table, Camping Lamp, MapBoard Altis, Pavement straight and corner narrow and straight and corner wide. - added BRAMA categories to the recipes (Container, Walls, Flora, Misc, Buildings, Signs, Lamps) - Battleyefilter added: !"MapBoard_altis_F" V 0.2.2 - changed the way receips and menus are working, now implemented via .hpp (thank you Murgatroyd) - new Buildings: Bush, Pier, 3 kind of Stones, Sleepingbag, 2 Solarpanels - mass of the Big Dome changed to 200 - Armor of following reduced by half:CNC Wall,CNC Wall 1pc,Huge Container,Land Container Green - fixed light_1_hitpoint spam in .rpt V 0.2.1 Hotfix - removed Big Tank and Military Checkpoint. Doors not working and Errors. V 0.2.0 - new Buildings: airporttower, Barracks, Beachbooth, BigTank, Castletower, UnexplodedAmmoSign, Military Checkpoint, Transmissiontower - increased armor of military tower (100 times) - reduced weight of Airplanehangar V 0.1.9 - new Buildings: Dome (big white one), Airplanehangar, Metal Shed, Solartower, Sunchair, Sunshed, Shabby Lamp - increased armor of military tower (10 times) V 0.1.8 - new Buildings:Chair, Cncblock, ContainerSmall, Industryfence 1pt, industryfence 3pt, Lampstreet, Seawall, Tavern, Tavern middle added alternative crafting receips from MrDynamite V 0.1.7 - new Buildings:PortableFloodlight double, Radar Small, Slumplane, Table, Toilet, Pierbox Floodlight coming with next patch Sorry guys V 0.1.6 - new Buildings: CNCBarrier1, Medium CNC Barrier, Crashbarrier, Big Shed, Touristshed, Watersource, CNC Wall small 4 + 8m, Military Sign Vehicle + Base Small - bug fixed where Cargo Containers spawned a lock. -> check "addingmenutoitem.txt" - fixed the bug where containers bouncing around, now same behavior like storage crate ^^ - Tentdome can be placed outside territory - increased armor of military tower again (10 times) - slightly increased armor of all hbarriers - added alternative crafting receips in a separate .txt V 0.1.5 - new Buildings: Broken Shed, Cargo Container Sand Small, CNC Stairs, Garage, Platform, Tent, Tenthangar - added lockability to cargo containers - fixed the bug where other players can pack the container without entering the code. - Baselights now always on! fixed it hope you have fun with them. V 0.1.4 - new Buildings: CNC Shelter, CNC Wall, Fuelstation Shed, Small Shed,razorwire - Removed HalogenLights. Problem with Server restart. sorry guys - lowered Mass of all heavy items. V 0.1.3 - new Buildings: Slum Container, Cargo Container Big, Big Halogenlamp, Military Outpost Small - Hangar now lockable -Menu added - on Rusty Tank you can refuel empty Canister, not Cars. - improved armor of all Buildings - Hangar mass is set to 310 (carryall is 320) V 0.1.2 - new Buildings: Rusty Tank, Metal Shelve, Cargo Tower V2 Big, Fuelstation, BagBunker Large, Shootingpostition - Hangar now lockable - removed Helipadlights due to Memoryproblems! Players who don't have the mod are able to join again. V 0.1.1 Hotfix -new Buildings: Helipadlight Blue,White and Yellow, Wooden Pier. - added inventory to the yellow shelf and the icebox - Hatches from the outpost can be opened now - Hangar is not Lockable... sorry guys - You can build Sandbags everywhere!!! V 0.1.0 Major Patch -new Buildings: ConcreteDoor, BarGate, Helipadlights green/red, icebox, Sign Military Area, Military CncWall, Military Outpost, Steelfence, -Fixed Door Locking! now working correctly V 0.0.4 - Bugfixes - New Buildings: 3 different Types of concrete walls; Helipad; New Shelf V 0.0.3 - New Buildings: Ammobox, LandContainer, Sandbag Corner, Sandbag long, Sandbagbunker, Shelf Sandbagbunker Small, Hangar, Sandbagwall Big Corner, 6m, 4m, ConcreteRamp - Ladder fixed - Stone Gate lockable V 0.0.2 - New Buildings: CNCBarrier, Stonewall, Stonegate, Ladder, Watercooler - FIXED building location was stuck! -> battleye filter!!! INSTALLATION: Please use the readme inside the mod folder Download: Or Available at A3 Launcher Or you just downloaded it from the Workshop If you guys want to support me: Support here List of Charges: V0.3.4: List_0.3.4.cpp?dl=0 The Serveradministrator can add it to the craftreceips (included)
  2. Freakylein

    Extended Base Mod

    Hey mate, pls check the examples Folder. Your Problem is the correct include command of the recipes.
  3. Freakylein

    Extended Base Mod

    Hey mate. Pls try adding the battleye Filters
  4. Freakylein

    Extended Base Mod

    Hi mate, did you load the mod correctly on your server and clientside?
  5. Freakylein

    Extended Base Mod

    no, ..... you need to comment out the link to the file "#include "pathtoit\TraderCategoriesEBM.hpp" " ....
  6. Freakylein

    Extended Base Mod

    did you use the Easy trader setup? or sth like that? Pls comment that line out. It is defined already by my installation. Pls do that and give me a quick feedback.
  7. Freakylein

    Extended Base Mod

    puh, you messed up sth in the config. You need to check each class (easier by downloading Notepad++ and change language too C++, then there are some -/+ beside the class to minimize it) check by fold each class and look if it is closed correctly. When you got your config running, then uncomment the two lines and check again.
  8. Freakylein

    Extended Base Mod

    can you write //#include "EBM\recipes.hpp" to comment them out. This helps to see if the hpp is ok or the config.cpp is ok.
  9. Freakylein

    Extended Base Mod

    pls post me the recipes.hpp of EBM. it looks like you edited the recipes? BUT first try adding a { at the beginning Line 72 (inside your config.cpp): " class CfgCraftingRecipes { //<------ this one!!!! #include "EBM\recipes.hpp"
  10. Freakylein

    Extended Base Mod

    it is just deco
  11. Freakylein

    Extended Base Mod

    Put it in the mod section. Not as a servermod.
  12. Freakylein

    Extended Base Mod

    Then pls try Them and you will find your answer
  13. Freakylein

    Extended Base Mod

    dont get confused by the examples, it is just for reading, nothing else
  14. Freakylein

    Extended Base Mod

    shot me that part: Add the following line at the top of the CfgInteractionMenus inside your config.cpp too: #include "EBM\menus.hpp"  of your config.cpp. Did you copy the EBM folder of the mod to your mission.pbo?
  15. Freakylein

    Extended Base Mod

    did you follow the instructions and examples inside the mod step by step?
  16. Freakylein

    Extended Base Mod

  17. Freakylein

    Extended Base Mod

    how did you add it to your config.cpp? (look at the examples inside the mod folder)
  18. Freakylein

    Extended Base Mod

    looks good, does it work? if not pls post me the container u want to add a lock. (BTW try the "user action 1" in the individual controls)
  19. Freakylein

    Extended Base Mod

    hey mate, add this: class -----here add a unique classname----- { targetType = 2; target = "-----here the itemname you want to add a lock-----"; class Actions { class ScanLock: ExileAbstractAction { title = "Scan Lock"; condition = "('Exile_Item_ThermalScannerPro' in (magazines player)) && !((ExileClientInteractionObject getvariable ['ExileIsLocked',1]) isEqualTo 1) && !ExilePlayerInSafezone"; action = "_this call ExileClient_object_lock_scan"; }; // Locks a vehicle class Lock : ExileAbstractAction { title = "Lock"; condition = "((ExileClientInteractionObject getvariable ['ExileIsLocked',1]) isEqualTo 0)"; action = "true spawn ExileClient_object_lock_toggle"; }; class Unlock : ExileAbstractAction { title = "Unlock"; condition = "((ExileClientInteractionObject getvariable ['ExileIsLocked',1]) isEqualTo -1)"; action = "false spawn ExileClient_object_lock_toggle"; }; class SetPinCode : ExileAbstractAction { title = "Set PIN"; condition = "((ExileClientInteractionObject getvariable ['ExileIsLocked',1]) isEqualTo 0)"; action = "_this spawn ExileClient_object_lock_setPin"; }; class Hotwire: ExileAbstractAction { title = "Hotwire"; condition = "((locked ExileClientInteractionObject) isEqualTo 2) && ((locked ExileClientInteractionObject) != 1)"; action = "['HotwireVehicle', _this select 0] call ExileClient_action_execute"; }; }; }; and place this in the menus.hpp of the EBM mod
  20. Freakylein

    Extended Base Mod

    well, i need a more accurate description, which crates, which missions etc
  21. Freakylein

    Extended Base Mod

    well, it will be a long time scripting to work properly. But i gonna try it.
  22. Freakylein

    Extended Base Mod

    hmmm good idea, let me think about it a while i got an idea
  23. Freakylein

    Extended Base Mod

    here you go
  24. Freakylein

    Extended Base Mod

    Is there sth else you guys want to have?
  25. Freakylein

    Extended Base Mod

    that Exile_Item_Shovel is the one you need, it will not work with Exile_Melee_Shovel, i already tested it a earlier.