[VNM] cobra4v320

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About [VNM] cobra4v320

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  • Birthday April 24

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  1. [VNM] cobra4v320

    Adding map markers

  2. [VNM] cobra4v320

    Community is King

    Awesome cant wait for this
  3. [VNM] cobra4v320

    Pay to win bei Exile erlaubt?

  4. [VNM] cobra4v320

    Venom Squad Gaming "Multi Gaming Community"

    Oh can I join or nah?
  5. [VNM] cobra4v320

    [Release] Exile Occupation (Roaming AI) & More - updated 2019-01-23

    Under occupationSky.sqf you want to add something like this: _vehicle spawn { while {alive _this} do { _this setFuel 1; sleep 60 } };
  6. [VNM] cobra4v320

    ExileZ 2

    If you want random poptabs on spawned zombies. spawnZombie.sqf _zClass createUnit [ _position, _group, " if (ZombieWallet > 0) then {this setVariable ['exilemoney',(2 + ((round random ZombieWallet) - 2)),(true)] }; if !(call _vestGroup=='') then {this addVest call _vestGroup}; if !(call _lootGroup=='' && call _vestGroup=='') then {this addItemToVest call _lootGroup}; doStop this; this disableAI 'FSM'; this enableAI 'ANIM'; this disableConversation true; this addMPEventHandler ['MPKilled', {_this spawn ZMPKilled;}]; nul = [this,_avoidTerritory] spawn ZombieDeleter; " ]; fn_init.sqf - add this line under zombieMoney ZombieWallet = 50; // Money spawned on zombie
  7. [VNM] cobra4v320

    a3_vemf_reloaded by IT07

    Yeah we just did a mission and no guns at all
  8. [VNM] cobra4v320

    ExileZ 2

    Straight from DMS github: "Zombies are NOT SUPPORTED by DMS, nor do we ever plan to support zombies within DMS"
  9. [VNM] cobra4v320

    ExileZ 2

    Did you try hitting your computer with a sledgehammer? Works everytime.
  10. [VNM] cobra4v320

    ExileZ 2

    I believe if DMS detects Ryan's Zombies it automatically offloads to the client.
  11. [VNM] cobra4v320

    ExileZ 2

    Just start over dude LOL, you're just mashing shit together at this point. Use all of the latest BE filters from inifstar. Then add what I posted above. Then take care of each kick one at a time. When you upload a mod or script do them one at a time then test, then you add the next one, etc...
  12. [VNM] cobra4v320

    a3_vemf_reloaded by IT07

    Base attack notifications are not working at the start of the attack. When all of the AI is killed though it will pop up. Is anyone else having this issue?
  13. [VNM] cobra4v320

    a3_vemf_reloaded by IT07

    class crateSettings { allowThermalHelmets = 0; // Allow/disallow special (Apex) thermal-vision helmets in loot crate rifleSlotsMax = 7; // Maximum primary weapons in each loot crate rifleSlotsMin = 2; // Minimum primary weapons in each loot crate pistolSlotsMax = 3; // Maximum number of secondary weapons to be in each loot crate pistolSlotsMin = 1; // Minimum number of secondary weapons to be in each loot crate magSlotsMax = 8; // Maximum number of magazine slots in each loot crate magSlotsMin = 6; // Minimum number of magazine slots in each loot crate attSlotsMax = 4; // Maximum number of attachment slots in each loot crate attSlotsMin = 2; // Minimum number of attachment slots in each loot crate itemSlotsMax = 4; // Maximum number of attachment slots in each loot crate itemSlotsMin = 2; // Minimum number of attachment slots in each loot crate vestSlotsMax = 3; // Maximum number of vest slots in each loot crate vestSlotsMin = 1; // Minimum number of vest slots in each loot crate headGearSlotsMax = 3; // Maximum number of headGear slots in each loot crate headGearSlotsMin = 1; // Minimum number of headGear slots in each loot crate bagSlotsMax = 2; bagSlotsMin = 1; }; You changed these lines?
  14. [VNM] cobra4v320

    ExileZ 2

    Dude are you running inifstar??? Did you upload the be filters from his files? Add this to your remoteexec.txt //new 7 "" !="true" !="vehicle this land 'LAND'" !="exileserver_system_network_dispatchincomingmessage.*" !="fnc_adminreq \[.*\]" !="_this spawn ZMPKilled;" 7 "ExileClient_system_network_dispatchIncomingMessage" 7 "FN_infiSTAR_C" 7 "SERVER_REQ_INFI_CLIENT"