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Everything posted by Vergy

  1. Vergy

    [SOLVED] Watch Out Guys

    I apologize in advance but I could not find an off topic section so if a mod could either move this to one that would be great or if this is inappropriate then delete it but I feel like I need to warn other from making the same mistake. I have a friend who has been trying to set up a server but he has no clue how and neither do I so he started to try and look for someone to do it for him. Well he found "". He has paid them to install InfaSTAR which they said that they have started(A week ago) Since then every time he tries to contact them there is always excuses such as "Our coder is sleeping", "submit a ticket", "I can assist you with Arma 2 problems and not Arma 3", and so on. Its been almost a week and half and he has yet to get a professional answer. Again I apologize if this is considered inappropriate but I don't want others too fall for this. EDIT" Myself and him have been following tutorials from these forums but we are not getting anywhere with it. Oh well.
  2. Vergy

    Command Line is driving me nuts

    Can someone help me with the command line? Like what mods go where, I know the line needs to be like ex: @blaa_blaa;@stuff;@this_is_hard; -----------------> But this website has different places to put mods and its confusing me. My mods so far are all the RHS mods and CUP mods plus CBA_A3. Now I also have these two (@ExileServer;@Exile) which I assume goes in the "server mod" section or do they go on the same line as the rest of the mods? also do I check off the "auto initializing" and "file patching"? This website is really confusing me. Thanks guys.
  3. Vergy

    Command Line is driving me nuts

    I don't understand at all lol
  4. Vergy

    Command Line is driving me nuts

    Thank you!
  5. Vergy

    [SOLVED] Watch Out Guys

    I didn't know the thread was pinned, lets bash away xP I was in his discord for about 3 minutes. Asked why he's been taking over a week to install one tiny application and I get banned without a reason why LOL
  6. Vergy

    [SOLVED] Watch Out Guys

    lol fair enough, didn't really want to make a complete new thread... fell free to lock this.
  7. Vergy

    [SOLVED] Watch Out Guys

    This is my thread?
  8. Vergy

    [SOLVED] Watch Out Guys

    He did good, installed InfaSTAR for us with no BS, huge thanks for that. One question guys is my command line correct? We have one mod that is RHSUSAF.
  9. Vergy

    [SOLVED] Watch Out Guys

    NO worries I am not looking for a way to help when it comes to him I just came here to let others know but clearly I am not the first xP, Thanks guys!
  10. Vergy

    [SOLVED] Watch Out Guys

    The best thing is my buddy only sent $10 so its not a huge loss. I told him to just completely end it before he sinks more money into it. EDIT: He actually wrecked our server to the point where we had to completely delete the whole thing and re-download all the files.. was this on purpose? I have no idea but he also banned myself and my friend from their Discord..