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About chris8712

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  1. chris8712

    Money and how it SHOULD work

    Again, what I am saying is you can store it still it just removes the thrill for people if they have nothing to raid a base for. The only time you would need to take it out would be to buy a vehicle. One Idea would be to make a safe like a bank, where tabs could go in there. But make money an object that is lootable
  2. chris8712

    Money and how it SHOULD work

    No, we are saying its an object that you store in a safe. And if you are carrying it on you, it drops. It wouldnt be percentage based
  3. Was thinking after I saw the post about vehicles having keys. One of the best things about Arma 2 epoch was the satisfaction of killing someone, taking their vehicle AND taking their money. ALSO, raiding a base and their safe being unlocked and all their money was in there. It added that motivation to base raid. It added strategy. I think the tabs should be a physical item that can be put in safes and other things... Can we get some opinions?