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About Adir

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  1. Adir

    RHS Uniforms And Weapons

    Thanks, I will look for the thread of the CBA. The pictures of the gears (not only uniforms) are not showing up, and believe me, I did ok while adding them to the trader, because they are there just without pictures, and without the abilility to wear them. Uniforms are not being locked from the inventory such as boxes, but from the trader zone.. as I said before, I am buying them, paying the money but they're not showing either in the inventory or on the character. I tried using "Unlocked Uniforms" but it didn't work.
  2. Adir

    RHS Uniforms And Weapons

    Hello, I'm creating an Exile dedicated server and I encounter a problem which prevents from me to use RHS stuff on my server. First thing first is the weapons, after I buy a weapon and then click on the weapon suitable gear filter it shows nothing but the ammunition and I added alot of suitable stuff. Secondly, it's the wearable gear, such as uniforms, vests and backpacks. When I add these to the equipment trader, and look for the uniforms it doesn't have a picture besides it and also I can't wear it. It's like I bought it but it's not on me. I've read that it's because arma blocks the wearing of equipment of other factions. What can I do to fix these problems? Thanks!
  3. May anyone give me an example about how to add a new action for the scrolling wheel on the office trader?
  4. Adir

    Yet Another Trader Question

    Hello parsec. How did you put the scroll menu into the Black Market trader? I've searched it everywhere but couldn't find the answer.
  5. Oh, ok then. I saw the ExileClient_object_trader_create.sqf file. It's obvious that there's a file calls the trader creator. I saw the traders section in the Config.cpp but couldn't see the "Purchase Territory" lable. Sorry for my noobie. ><
  6. Thanks for the answer It's in the client files. Even if I change it, it won't work because it's client side.
  7. Hello, Exile community! I'm playing in a server which is running this mod, I like this mod and I like to play in that server. But I also would like to script and add things to the mod, maybe then offer them to the server owners. There's one thing I'm trying to do but it requires me to get in the office trader init to add a scroll action. I found the lines of the office trader in the initPlayerLocal.sqf file but I couldn't find the init of the unit that stands there in the terminal. I'd appreciate it if you may help me to find it. Thanks for your help, cheers!
  8. Adir

    netural resources

    like there is in Altislife like copper,oil,mining salt,fishing even drug? and then processing it and you can sell to make tabs or use it as upgrade the base