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Everything posted by SillymeX

  1. SillymeX

    Debian 8.1 startup script issues

    Hello everyone, I'm currently using this startup script and occasionally it works fine but for majority of the time when I launch my server through it, it will say "server is already running" when it's not. Occasionally when it did that, I managed to find out that some mods were having issues which did not allow the server to start. After fixing the issues, the startup script worked again. This time its different. Firstly I tried running the script with only exile mod just to be sure that it's not an issue in the mods. It would still say "server is already running" which means that it's not a mod issue. Also I always check if it actually starts the server by doing the top command. Unfortunately, I don't have any processes running, yet it repeats "server is already running". It will not make any logs since the server is not actually up. As soon as I go to my a3 root folder and launch it with the parameters, the server loads up with all of the mods with no errors. I would appreciate a working solution to this. Here is the script that I use: #!/bin/bash ### BEGIN INIT INFO # Provides: exile # Required-Start: $remote_fs $network # Required-Stop: $remote_fs $network # Should-Start: mysql # Should-Stop: mysql # Default-Start: 2 3 4 5 # Default-Stop: 0 1 6 # Description: ArmA 3 Exile init.d Script by Flodding ### END INIT INFO #======================================================================= #======== CONFIGURATION PARAMETERS ======== #======== MUST BE EDITED MANUALLY TO FIT YOUR SYSTEM PARAMETERS ======== #======================================================================= USERNAME="pirkka" # This user *MUST* exist on the system. EXILE_DIR="/home/${USERNAME}/arma3/" # Change to your path... NAME="cfg" # You can use any name here, your server, or clan... CONFIGFOLDER="${EXILE_DIR}/${NAME}" CONFIG="${NAME}/config.cfg" # Remember to move config files from @exileserver/*.cfg to YOUR_INSTANCE_NAME/! CFG="${NAME}/basic.cfg" # Remember to move config files from @exileserver/*.cfg to YOUR_INSTANCE_NAME/! BEPATH="${EXILE_DIR}/battleye" LOG_DIR="${CONFIGFOLDER}/logs" PORT=2302 PIDFILE="${CONFIGFOLDER}/${PORT}.pid" if [ -f ${PIDFILE} ]; then RUNNING=1 PID=$(cat ${PIDFILE} > /dev/null) else RUNNING=0 fi SERVICE="arma3server" MODS="@exile" SERVERMOD="@exileserver" #CPU_COUNT=2 # Some common options # -ip= # -port=2302 (default) # -mod=@exile;kart;mark;heli; # -servermod=@exileserver # -config=C:\Arma\Server\@exileserver\config.cfg # -cfg=C:\Arma\Server\@exileserver\basic.cfg # -name=INSTANCE # -profiles=INSTANCE # -log # -nolog # -world=empty # -nosplash # -nosound # -nopause # -malloc=system -malloc=tbbmalloc # -autoinit OPTIONS="-port=${PORT} -pid=${PIDFILE} -name=${NAME} -profiles=${NAME} -cfg=${CFG} -config=${CONFIG} -mod=@Exile\;@AllInArmaTerrainPack\;@esseker\; -servermod=@ExileServer\;@infiSTAR_Exile\;@enigma_exile\; -log -nopause -nosound -nosplash -autoinit" TMUX_SESSION="exile" # You can use any name here. #======================================================================= # CONFIG END #======================================================================= TMUX=$(which tmux) [ ! -x "$TMUX" ] && echo "Tmux not found" >&2 && exit 1 if [ ! -d "$LOG_DIR" ]; then echo "${LOG_DIR} not found. Creating..." mkdir -p $LOG_DIR fi exile_start() { if [ ! -f $EXILE_DIR/$SERVICE ] then echo "$SERVICE not found! Stopping..." sleep 1 exit else if [ ${RUNNING} -eq 1 ]; then echo "$SERVICE is already running!" else echo "Setting Permissions..." #chmod -R 0755 $EXILE_DIR chown -R $USERNAME:$USERNAME /home/$USERNAME echo "Starting $SERVICE..." cd $EXILE_DIR # Fix: find @exile/ -depth -exec rename 's/(.*)\/([^\/]*)/$1\/\L$2/' {} \; find @exileserver/ -depth -exec rename 's/(.*)\/([^\/]*)/$1\/\L$2/' {} \; if [ "${2}" == "-silent" ]; then su ${USERNAME} -c "${TMUX} new-session -d -s ${TMUX_SESSION} \"./${SERVICE} ${OPTIONS} > ${LOG_DIR}/exile.log 2> ${LOG_DIR}/errors.log\"" else su ${USERNAME} -c "${TMUX} new-session -d -s ${TMUX_SESSION} \"./${SERVICE} ${OPTIONS} 2> ${LOG_DIR}/errors.log | tee ${LOG_DIR}/exile.log\"" fi echo "Searching Process ${SERVICE}..." sleep 8 if pgrep -u $USERNAME -f $SERVICE > /dev/null then echo "$SERVICE is now running." RUNNING=1 else echo "Error! Could not start $SERVICE!" RUNNING=0 fi fi fi } exile_stop() { if [ ${RUNNING} -eq 1 ]; then echo "Stopping ${SERVICE}..." su $USERNAME -c "$TMUX kill-session -t $TMUX_SESSION" $TMUX kill-session -t $TMUX_SESSION killall -9 $SERVICE else echo "$SERVICE is stopped." fi if [ -f ${PIDFILE} ]; then rm -f ${PIDFILE} fi } exile_status() { if [ -f ${PIDFILE} ]; then PID=$(cat ${PIDFILE}) echo "Server is running (PID=${PID})..." else echo "Server not running..." exit 0 fi } case "$1" in start) exile_start ;; stop) exile_stop ;; restart) exile_stop exile_start ;; status) exile_status ;; attach) su $USERNAME -c "$TMUX at -t $TMUX_SESSION" ;; *) echo "$0 (start|stop|restart|status|attach)" exit 1 ;; esac exit 0
  2. SillymeX

    ExileZ 2

    I'm missing something, I switched to use 1 trigger, although I don't see a reason why we can't use more then 1 trigger simultaneously? That being said, it doesn't work..
  3. SillymeX

    ExileZ 2

    I copied the Esseker cords from the Triggerpositions to the fn_init.sqf. Additionally I only changed few lines from false to true
  4. SillymeX

    ExileZ 2

    Unfortunately I got this again:
  5. SillymeX

    ExileZ 2

    Appreciate this, will test it now
  6. SillymeX

    Advanced Server Rules [For XM8]

    Could you possibly share the backround picture? Or tell us the dimensions ?
  7. SillymeX

    ExileZ 2

    I tried, but it wouldn't spawn any zombies. I will try it again just to double check. Thanks for the quick reply. PS: For Linux users, do not add the "ryanzombiesfunctions" under class missions, for it will not work. Simply just add ryanzombies and it will work. class Mission { addOns[]= { "exile_client", "Ryanzombies", "ryanzombiesfunctions", "a3_map_altis", "A3_Characters_F" };
  8. SillymeX

    ExileZ 2

    Great post thanks for sharing. However I have one issue with this add on. Each time I set the value for City zombies, they become global settings. What I would like is that the add on wouldn't spawn zombies anywhere else other than cites and military bases. Could you explain to me how I could do that? Here is my current settings: Br, Ricky
  9. SillymeX

    Some advice needed from Exile modders

    This is coming from a person who managed to finally set up a server thanks to the help of this community and google. It is not "hard", but it is very time consuming and you have to be VERY accurate in your doings, There was times when I spend 4 days figuring out why the hell the server wasn't booting up just to find out that there was tiny error in my launch parameters "mod=@Exile\:<-- instead of ";" . So I would recommend to start your server regardless of what people answer you here and if run into a problem, first try to search an answer here in this forum, if you can't find one try googling it. Still can't find the problem, ask help in this forum. But I most point out that it is very time consuming. Hopefully this answer will help you. Br, Ricky
  10. SillymeX

    [Script] init.d service script

    I have the same issue with Debian 8.1. When you kill the process and launch it again, it will say "server is already running" when it clearly is not. Did you manage to fix this issue?
  11. I think that is the idea. If you die, and someone revives you you will not be able to access your inventory
  12. SillymeX

    Bambi creation error

    I just had this same problem with Debian, and I removed @CBA mod and it worked.
  13. Appreciate the help. Eventually this is the line which works: -mod=\"@Exile;@AllInArmaTerrainPack;@esseker;\" -servermod=@ExileServer\; We get the mods running but as soon as you get into the server, as in parachute down and walk for few moments, we get no message received error. We've checked the database, reinstalled it. Checked mods, terrain mods, regardless of our steps, it still will time the players out. And yes, we added the line sql-mode = NO_AUTO_CREATE_USER,NO_ENGINE_SUBSTITUTION also but that didn't fix it. Any ideas that might cause this issue?
  14. Will try this soon. Thank you for this script Happy!
  15. I got the Exilemod working in Altis map, thanks to helping hand of this forum. But when I place, lets say chernarus map or Esseker, I get stuck at Virtual Reality loading screen. I've edited the needed lines inside the mpmission and config.cfg. I have the right keys in the key folder. Not sure what else to do? My launch parameters are: fn_parms(){ parms="-cfg=${networkcfgfullpath} -config=${servercfgfullpath} -mod=@Exile;@AllInArmaTerrainPack;@Esseker; -servermod=;ExileServer; -profiles -filePatching -autoInit" } I've also tried placing AIA and Esseker to servermod line e.g -servermod=@Exile;@AllInArmaTerrainPack;@Esseker;ExileServer; but that didn't help neither. I appreciate any help I can get. Here is the server rpt log when I launch the server: 1:36:44 SteamAPI initialization failed. Steam features wont's be accessible! 1:36:48 Updating base class ->Base, by a3\dubbing_radio_f\config.bin/CfgHQIdentities/PAPA_BEAR/ 1:36:48 Updating base class ->Base, by a3\dubbing_radio_f\config.bin/CfgHQIdentities/AirBase/ 1:36:48 Updating base class ->Wreck, by a3\data_f\config.bin/CfgVehicles/PlaneWreck/ 1:36:49 Updating base class RscShortcutButton->RscButton, by a3\editor_f\config.bin/RscDisplayEditObject/Controls/B_OK/ 1:36:49 Updating base class RscSliderH->RscXSliderH, by a3\editor_f\config.bin/RscDisplayEditObject/Slider/ 1:36:49 Updating base class RscText->RscPicture, by a3\editor_f\config.bin/RscDisplayEditObject/Preview/ 1:36:49 Updating base class RscShortcutButton->RscButton, by a3\editor_f\config.bin/RscDisplayMissionLoad/Controls/B_OK/ 1:36:49 Updating base class RscShortcutButton->RscButton, by a3\editor_f\config.bin/RscDisplayMissionSave/Controls/B_OK/ 1:36:49 Updating base class ->RscControlsGroup, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/RscControlsGroupNoScrollbars/ 1:36:49 Updating base class ->RscControlsGroup, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/RscControlsGroupNoHScrollbars/ 1:36:49 Updating base class ->RscControlsGroup, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/RscControlsGroupNoVScrollbars/ 1:36:49 Updating base class ->RscText, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/RscLine/ 1:36:49 Updating base class ->RscActiveText, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/RscActivePicture/ 1:36:49 Updating base class ->RscButton, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/RscButtonTextOnly/ 1:36:49 Updating base class ->RscShortcutButton, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/RscShortcutButtonMain/ 1:36:49 Updating base class ->RscShortcutButton, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/RscButtonEditor/ 1:36:49 Updating base class ->RscShortcutButton, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/RscIGUIShortcutButton/ 1:36:49 Updating base class ->RscShortcutButton, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/RscGearShortcutButton/ 1:36:49 Updating base class ->RscShortcutButton, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/RscButtonMenu/ 1:36:49 Updating base class ->RscButtonMenu, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/RscButtonMenuOK/ 1:36:49 Updating base class ->RscButtonMenu, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/RscButtonMenuCancel/ 1:36:49 Updating base class ->RscButtonMenu, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/RscButtonMenuSteam/ 1:36:49 Updating base class ->RscText, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/RscLoadingText/ 1:36:49 Updating base class ->RscListBox, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/RscIGUIListBox/ 1:36:49 Updating base class ->RscListNBox, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/RscIGUIListNBox/ 1:36:49 Updating base class ->RscText, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/RscBackground/ 1:36:49 Updating base class ->RscText, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/RscBackgroundGUI/ 1:36:49 Updating base class ->RscPicture, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/RscBackgroundGUILeft/ 1:36:49 Updating base class ->RscPicture, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/RscBackgroundGUIRight/ 1:36:49 Updating base class ->RscPicture, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/RscBackgroundGUIBottom/ 1:36:49 Updating base class ->RscText, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/RscBackgroundGUITop/ 1:36:49 Updating base class ->RscText, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/RscBackgroundGUIDark/ 1:36:49 Updating base class ->RscPictureKeepAspect, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/RscBackgroundLogo/ 1:36:49 Updating base class ->RscMapControl, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/RscMapControlEmpty/ 1:36:49 Updating base class ->RscPicture, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/CA_Mainback/ 1:36:49 Updating base class ->CA_Mainback, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/CA_Back/ 1:36:49 Updating base class ->CA_Mainback, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/CA_Title_Back/ 1:36:49 Updating base class ->CA_Mainback, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/CA_Black_Back/ 1:36:49 Updating base class ->RscTitle, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/CA_Title/ 1:36:49 Updating base class ->RscPictureKeepAspect, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/CA_Logo/ 1:36:49 Updating base class ->CA_Logo, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/CA_Logo_Small/ 1:36:49 Updating base class ->RscButton, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/CA_RscButton/ 1:36:49 Updating base class ->CA_RscButton, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/CA_RscButton_dialog/ 1:36:49 Updating base class ->RscActiveText, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/CA_Ok/ 1:36:49 Updating base class ->RscText, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/CA_Ok_image/ 1:36:49 Updating base class ->RscText, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/CA_Ok_image2/ 1:36:49 Updating base class ->RscText, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/CA_Ok_text/ 1:36:49 Updating base class ->RscPicture, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/RscVignette/ 1:36:49 Updating base class ->RscControlsGroupNoScrollbars, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/RscMapControlTooltip/ 1:36:49 Updating base class RscUnitInfo->RscUnitInfoAirNoWeapon, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/RscInGameUI/RscUnitInfoAir/ 1:36:49 Updating base class RscShortcutButton->RscButtonMenu, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/RscDisplayDebug/Controls/B_OK/ 1:36:49 Updating base class RscShortcutButton->RscButtonMenu, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/RscDisplayDebug/Controls/B_Cancel/ 1:36:49 Updating base class RscShortcutButton->RscButtonMenu, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/RscDisplayDebug/Controls/B_Clear/ 1:36:49 Updating base class ->RscText, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/RscDisplayCapture/controls/TimeLines/ 1:36:49 Updating base class RscShortcutButton->RscButtonMenu, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/RscDisplayCapture/controls/ButtonAverages/ 1:36:49 Updating base class RscShortcutButton->RscButtonMenu, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/RscDisplayCapture/controls/ButtonSavePreviousData/ 1:36:49 Updating base class RscShortcutButton->RscButtonMenu, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/RscDisplayCapture/controls/ButtonPreviousData/ 1:36:49 Updating base class RscControlsGroup->RscControlsGroupNoHScrollbars, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/RscDisplayMain/controls/ModIcons/ 1:36:49 Updating base class RscPicture->RscPictureKeepAspect, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/RscDisplayMain/IconPicture/ 1:36:49 Updating base class IconPicture->RscPictureKeepAspect, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/RscDisplayMain/DlcOwnedIconPicture/ 1:36:49 Updating base class IconPicture->RscPictureKeepAspect, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/RscDisplayMain/DlcIconPicture/ 1:36:49 Updating base class RscListBox->RscCombo, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/RscDisplayCustomizeController/Steepness/ 1:36:49 Updating base class ->RscStandardDisplay, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/RscDisplayControlSchemes/ 1:36:49 Updating base class ButtonOK->RscButtonMenuCancel, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/RscDisplayControlSchemes/controls/ButtonCancel/ 1:36:49 Updating base class RscButton->RscButtonMenuOK, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/RscDisplayControlSchemes/controls/ButtonOK/ 1:36:49 Updating base class RscPicture->RscPictureKeepAspect, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/RscDisplayFileSelectImage/controls/OverviewPicture/ 1:36:49 Updating base class RscShortcutButton->RscButtonMenuCancel, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/RscDisplayFieldManual/controls/ButtonCancel/ 1:36:49 Cannot delete class B_KickOff, it is referenced somewhere (used as a base class probably). 1:36:49 Updating base class RscButton->RscButtonMenuCancel, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/RscDisplayPublishMission/controls/ButtonCancel/ 1:36:49 Updating base class RscShortcutButton->RscButtonMenuOK, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/RscDisplayPublishMissionSelectTags/controls/ButtonOK/ 1:36:49 Updating base class ButtonOK->RscButtonMenuCancel, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/RscDisplayPublishMissionSelectTags/controls/ButtonCancel/ 1:36:49 Updating base class ->RscSubmenu, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/RscMainMenu/ Cannot update non class from class a3\ui_f\config.bin/RscCallSupport/Items/ Cannot update non class from class a3\ui_f\config.bin/RscRadio/Items/ 1:36:49 Updating base class RscStandardDisplay->, by a3\ui_f_mp_mark\config.bin/RscDisplayRespawn/ 1:36:49 Updating base class ->VehicleMagazine, by a3\weapons_f\config.bin/CfgMagazines/24Rnd_missiles/ 1:36:49 Updating base class ->RocketPods, by a3\weapons_f\config.bin/cfgWeapons/missiles_DAR/ 1:36:49 Updating base class ->GrenadeLauncher, by a3\weapons_f\config.bin/cfgWeapons/UGL_F/ 1:36:49 Updating base class ->Rifle, by a3\weapons_f\config.bin/cfgWeapons/Rifle_Base_F/ 1:36:49 Updating base class ->SlotInfo, by a3\weapons_f_mark\config.bin/UnderBarrelSlot/ 1:36:49 Updating base class RscStandardDisplay->, by exile_client\config.bin/RscDisplayMain/ 1:36:49 Updating base class RscStandardDisplay->, by exile_client\config.bin/RscDisplayMultiplayerSetup/ 1:36:49 Updating base class RscPicture->RscText, by exile_client\config.bin/RscDisplayVoiceChat/controls/Picture/ 1:36:49 Updating base class ->Car_F, by Exile_psycho_Gaz_volha\config.bin/CfgVehicles/volha_Base/ 1:36:49 Updating base class ->Car_F, by Exile_psycho_SUV_a3\config.bin/CfgVehicles/SUV_Base/ 1:36:49 Updating base class ->Ikarus_Civ_Base, by Exile_psycho_Ikarus\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Ikarus_Civ_01/ 1:36:49 Updating base class ->Car_F, by Exile_psycho_lada\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Lada_Base/ 1:36:49 Updating base class ->Ural_Base, by Exile_psycho_Ural\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Ural_RU/ 1:36:49 Updating base class ->Ural_Open_Base, by Exile_psycho_Ural\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Ural_Open_RU/ 1:36:50 Initializing Steam Manager 1:36:50 unable to load subscribed content list. list will be updated from steam 1:36:50 unable to load published content list. list will be updated from steam 1:36:50 unable to load cached items meta info. save and update functionality will be broken 1:36:50 Steam Manager initialized. 1:36:50 ============================================================================================= List of mods =============================================================================================== 1:36:50 modsReadOnly = true 1:36:50 safeModsActivated = false 1:36:50 customMods = true 1:36:50 hash = '88884BF41F08E619CD2A58A9EF5327E995B7641FCD' 1:36:50 hashShort = '432426' 1:36:50 name | modDir | default | origin | hash | hashShort | fullPath 1:36:50 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1:36:50 Exile Mod | @Exile | false | GAME DIR | 4b8e6640eb459fb898e541926d8de5b83428f0a5b74e | 600f0700 | /home/a/steam/serverfiles/@Exile 1:36:50 Arma 3 DLC Bundle | dlcbundle | true | NOT FOUND | | | 1:36:50 Arma 3 Marksmen | mark | true | GAME DIR | a3cb8bd43000292471f7ecedb65aca970ce6a3e880 | 3021f00c | /home/a/steam/serverfiles/mark 1:36:50 Arma 3 Helicopters | heli | true | GAME DIR | 21385ab446ae1a725af129e211d3a9f373b0447d1c83 | 5c1dd0e0 | /home/a/steam/serverfiles/heli 1:36:50 Arma 3 Karts | kart | true | GAME DIR | fc0cb7d2662348324d9651bfc620aff863ad545e0346 | 4bdcb8a9 | /home/a/steam/serverfiles/kart 1:36:50 Arma 3 Zeus | curator | true | GAME DIR | 352756ce4c422c2b788be47ffe3b754e3426ef3b8ba3d | c6890f55 | /home/a/steam/serverfiles/curator 1:36:50 Arma 3 | A3 | true | NOT FOUND | | | 1:36:50 ========================================================================================================================================================================================================== 1:36:50 InitSound ... 1:36:50 InitSound - complete 1:36:50 Dedicated host created. 1:36:50 PhysX3 SDK Init started ... 1:36:50 PhysX3 SDK Init ended. Attempt to override final function - rscminimap_script Attempt to override final function - rscdisplayloading_script Attempt to override final function - rscdisplayloading_script Attempt to override final function - rscdisplayloading_script Attempt to override final function - rscdiary_script Attempt to override final function - rscdisplaysinglemission_script Attempt to override final function - rscdiary_script Attempt to override final function - rscdisplayremotemissions_script Attempt to override final function - rscdisplayloading_script Attempt to override final function - rscdiary_script Attempt to override final function - rscdiary_script Attempt to override final function - rscdisplaystrategicmap_script Attempt to override final function - rscdisplaycommon_script Attempt to override final function - rscdisplaygarage_script Attempt to override final function - rscdisplayloading_script Attempt to override final function - rscdisplaycurator_script Attempt to override final function - rscdisplayattributes_script Attempt to override final function - rscdisplayattributes_script Attempt to override final function - rscdisplayattributes_script Attempt to override final function - rscdisplaycommon_script Attempt to override final function - rscdisplaydebriefing_script Attempt to override final function - rscunitinfo_script Attempt to override final function - rscunitinfo_script Attempt to override final function - rscunitinfo_script Attempt to override final function - rscunitinfo_script Attempt to override final function - rscunitinfo_script Attempt to override final function - rscunitinfo_script Attempt to override final function - rscunitinfo_script Attempt to override final function - rscunitinfo_script Attempt to override final function - rscunitinfo_script Attempt to override final function - rscunitinfo_script Attempt to override final function - rscunitinfo_script Attempt to override final function - rscunitinfo_script Attempt to override final function - rscunitinfo_script Attempt to override final function - rscunitinfo_script Attempt to override final function - rscunitinfo_script Attempt to override final function - rscunitinfo_script Attempt to override final function - rscunitinfo_script Attempt to override final function - rscunitinfo_script Attempt to override final function - rscunitinfo_script Attempt to override final function - rscunitinfo_script Attempt to override final function - rscunitinfo_script Attempt to override final function - rscunitinfo_script Attempt to override final function - rscunitinfo_script Attempt to override final function - rscunitinfo_script Attempt to override final function - rscunitinfo_script Attempt to override final function - rscunitinfo_script Attempt to override final function - rscunitinfo_script Attempt to override final function - rscunitinfo_script Attempt to override final function - rscunitinfo_script Attempt to override final function - rscunitinfo_script Attempt to override final function - rscunitinfo_script Attempt to override final function - rscunitinfo_script Attempt to override final function - rscunitinfo_script Attempt to override final function - rscunitinfo_script Attempt to override final function - rscunitinfo_script Attempt to override final function - rscunitinfo_script Attempt to override final function - rscunitinfo_script Attempt to override final function - rscunitinfo_script Attempt to override final function - rscunitinfo_script Attempt to override final function - rscunitinfo_script Attempt to override final function - rscunitinfo_script Attempt to override final function - rscunitinfo_script Attempt to override final function - rscunitinfo_script Attempt to override final function - rscunitinfo_script Attempt to override final function - rscunitinfo_script Attempt to override final function - rscunitinfo_script Attempt to override final function - rscunitinfo_script Attempt to override final function - rscunitinfo_script Attempt to override final function - rscunitinfo_script Attempt to override final function - rscunitinfo_script Attempt to override final function - rscunitinfo_script Attempt to override final function - rscunitinfo_script Attempt to override final function - rscunitinfo_script Attempt to override final function - rscunitinfo_script Attempt to override final function - rscunitinfo_script Attempt to override final function - rscunitinfo_script Attempt to override final function - rscunitinfo_script Attempt to override final function - rscunitinfo_script 1:36:53 BattlEye Server: Initialized (v1.207) 1:36:53 Host identity created. [S_API FAIL] SteamAPI_Init() failed; SteamAPI_IsSteamRunning() failed. Setting breakpad minidump AppID = 107410 1:36:53 Game Port: 2302, Steam Query Port: 2303 1:36:53 Initializing Steam server - Game Port: 2302, Steam Query Port: 2303 Arma 3 Console version 1.54 : port 2302 1:36:54 Connected to Steam servers
  16. SillymeX

    Purchased InfiStar ~2 years ago

    EDIT: I was told false information. I apologize for the nature of this thread. No more help needed. "Hello, I purchased infiStar 2014 and recently got back to Arma. My arma 3 infiStar file doesn't work with exile, so I decided to use your update-service. It's now been over 2 days since and I still haven't got any emails. I did check my junkfolder also, nothing. Br, Ricky"
  17. SillymeX

    Purchased InfiStar ~2 years ago

    Before I reply I want to point out that this is my personal view and it does have nothing to do with why I am here in this forum. I am here to learn how to install Esseker map to Exile mod via Linux. I disagree with " You really should just be lucky you do not need to pay a monthly subscription. After all he does keep it up to date." This Exile version, has nothing to do with NEW infistar, It's the same build based on A3 one with more features on it, so it can support the items of Exile. So if anything, it's just updated version. Secondly I disagree with your statement relating to subscriptions. This would kill his sales numbers, had he done that. Also I am very sure that just like him, someone else will eventually copy the code and make a new one. That's my 2 cents on this topic.
  18. SillymeX

    Purchased InfiStar ~2 years ago

    You are entitled to your opinion, I personally disagree with your statement. Don't misunderstand me, the tool is solid.
  19. SillymeX

    Purchased InfiStar ~2 years ago

    Also just to be clear, when these infis came out, it worked universally for every mod both in arma 2 and 3, so my assumption wasn't far fetched.
  20. SillymeX

    Purchased InfiStar ~2 years ago

    This thread is done already. Read up the EDIT and keep yourself from continuing to comment on this thread.
  21. SillymeX

    Purchased InfiStar ~2 years ago

    Although I understand what you mean, but I was told by few exile forums member that "if you have the old A3 inistar, just send them message on the forums to get the update". I own both A2, A3 infis. Since there is no A4, I personally think needing to pay for A3 exile version is a bit too much.
  22. SillymeX

    Purchased InfiStar ~2 years ago

    Actually, I have send him 4 emails and 2 messages hoping to reach him with this matter. He hasn't responded
  23. SillymeX

    Purchased InfiStar ~2 years ago

    I actually have both arma 2, arma 3 infiStar. Do I actually need to buy Arma 3 Exile infiStar? That would be ridiculous.