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About apraxas

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  1. apraxas

    InfiSTAR + ACE3

    jep selbiges hier, spieler werden runter geworfen sobald sie nur in die nähe des interact menüs kommen ... was sogut wie überall ist
  2. apraxas

    Advanced Server Rules [For XM8]

    it seems that it is getting closed by infistar ... will have a chat with him to find out
  3. apraxas

    Access Violation (Server stops)

    Boys, nearly the same Problem, this is what i have seen sofar. But i am running it on a linux enviorment, anyhow it might be the same for you. My Server also died randomly with " seq faults " Ram adressing issue, and this it why: "It ran out of it ;)" so make it more clear: the server was running on a nice 8 GB 4 Core system, when i created it it was brilliant it was running and running without any problems. One day some people came online and startet playing, and * DANG * server crash... WTF It took me a while, but i figured out that the arma3server process grabbed nearly all the RAM what has been there so there have been about 120 Megabytes been left, while the boys played and shoot each other in the face, you can monitor that the 120 MB are getting less and less till it reached 10 MB, of course when it tried to grab another time some ram it crashed as there was none. I cannot tell you the reason for that but it seems that the arma3server process is leaking memory, not that much but about 1 MB per 5 Minutes. Then i start reading the BIC forum because of troubleshooting options and found a value which can be passed while server start to " JAIL " the process in its called " -maxmem= " By giving it a try i figured out " OH " it is not grabbing all of the memory only the value you give in, BUT it is still leaking, so i did the math. At the moment it is running fine as there is enough ram to leak into .. so give it a try
  4. apraxas

    Linux Exile Server crashing ( SEQ FAULT ) 0x08264f69

    it seems for me like a memory leak, monitored the server, via top -p PID and you can see how the memory is getting less and less till crash
  5. Hi there, i do have a Linux server running: it seems that a single player is causing a seq fault in the server process ( arma3server ) i looked at the core dump but didnt see anything ... strange Its always the same Address. so i did a strace while the server crashed: the client RPT log which is causing this ( tested by having only him playing on the server and crashing it ) any advice how to take it from here ?
  6. apraxas

    Chaos in my Head ;) RyanZombies

    Hi there, okay i got it Just follow best ever ! THANKS 1000 times and if you come here because of the same problems .. read the whole pages ...
  7. Hi there, i do have some questions in regards to a few Problem's i do see, but let me first show you what i did I installed the following addons: From my point of view all of them are the latest and greatest Version " on the market " please correct my if i am wrong. I am well aware that the AllInTerrainPack is outdated, but hey i am also not the youngest anymore and still do have some cool features All of this is running on a nice Linux Debian: Kernel Version 3.16.0-4-amd64 #1 SMP Debian 3.16.7-ckt20-1+deb8u2 including the Database ( Mysql 5.6 Something ) Now that was the clear bit in my head I then started to read about the whole Zombie Story, but already just by reading all the posts and tutorials my brain is starting to get damp So i found: 1.) http://exile.majormittens.co.uk/topic/5373-ryanzombies-mod-hinzufügen/ Where they are talking about using the " MODLess " Version of this stuff, in short what i got from it: Put these files into your MPMission folder, wire it up with the init scritpts and off you go. ( Dont forget to fix your BEfilters Well after getting beaten up by Warnings and Errormessages because of "\" and "/" or "Zombie" and "zomBie" I finaly got rid of all the Error messages, but nothing is happening in the world of Esseker Now i thought well if they dont spawn something with the trigger is wrong so i did some research and found a nice comment: "//Object type that triggers zombies when player in range use HouseL for A2 maps if no spawns" Thank you very much for that hint, but for me there is no " HouseL " on the map ... only "House_L" according to this list: https://forums.bistudio.com/topic/98389-building-class-names-in-oa/ 2.) http://exile.majormittens.co.uk/topic/191-exile-z-project-add-zombies-to-exile/ In here they are talking about a " Server Spawner Script " which should do the same but different Also followed the instructions, packed up a PBO File and so on. This did not work for me at all as i got stopped by some strange Errors like Error position: <_position, _civilrole]]; }; while { tr> 3.) Then i read about a guy who sticked some static spawnpoints, in the Editor, and wired them up in the mission.sqm ( cannot find the link anymore ) Now my question, what is currently the correct and working way to have this Freaks walking around punching my guests on the server ? As given at the very top of this Post, i am running Exile and Exile Server on the latest version on map Esseker 0.75, infistar is looking after everybody not to cheat ( i hope ) Thanks a mil for your replies ! - Apraxas