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Everything posted by valaukgaming

  1. valaukgaming

    Vanilla Virtual garage not working

    Hi all i've seem to ran into a issuse when we go to store and sort of vehicle into the virtual storage, we are met with Failed to store vehicle, Waiting for server response or nothing at all. We are running InfiSTAR and ExAd but stay'd with the default garage. exile.ini - RPT Log - Looking at the rpt this line stands out 20:15:37 "ExileServer - Network message dispatch failed: Invalid function call! Called: ExileServer_object_vehicle_network_storeVehicleRequest" i have inculded that as well . ExileServer_object_vehicle_network_storeVehicleRequest -
  2. valaukgaming

    Hide Lock Code Pin # (streaming)

    Sorry nut no can do, best but is streamer ui, if your using xsplit you can easily set up a cloned scene and set up a key bind and swap between the two, the same can be done with OBS but i have found it easier with xsplit
  3. Hello community, My name is Valauk, a map Editor and streamer from Australia, and this is my passion project. Over the past couple of months i have been trying to find that perfect sever to play and with severs shutting down to under performance of other severs myself and some community members have decided to start and host a passion project sever. One of the issues we have encountered so far is the lack of loot class's being shared that supports maps such as Chernarus, Esseker and all other maps supported with AiA or CuP. Below you can find the tables that i have complied so far, there may be some buildings missing and i will add these as i discover them, also in the future i will be checking map assets files for structures that are not on Chernarus by default and adding those. Thanks goes to Spear for updateing the original tool by Eichi, maca for their loot position script and Johnson11B2P for his teleport function. Thanks to maca123 for his M3Editior. Valauk out
  4. valaukgaming

    Arma2 Building Loot Class, works with AiA,CUP maps

    Yeah like stated before you can use the arma2 loot tables to do it but i haven't tried to get them so not sure the best place to start looking
  5. valaukgaming

    Arma2 Building Loot Class, works with AiA,CUP maps

    @Ghosttown taking a quick look none of those items are a building, looking those items they seem to be from CUPS, did you try to compile a new loot table to include cup items? if so i would be double checking that to see if items are listed twice, but that is only a punch in the dark as i never en counted that issue. @SilenceFiction best way would be to try and find a Amra2 loot point as BetterDead mention'd otherwise using the above tools you can go threw and make you own, follow the instructions mentioned in those post and you should be sweet
  6. valaukgaming

    [PROJECT] Chernarus Overhaul [Closed]

    WoW thanks alot man !
  7. valaukgaming

    [PROJECT] Chernarus Overhaul [Closed]

    Sad to see you closed this work off to the public Dutchy looking had so much hope for this project, when you first posted i downloaded your Balota and im using it with your name credit on map and once my web guy gets it done will be on the our website to.
  8. Hi guys, Im in the process of setting up a new server which im running CUP Vehicles everything else is running fine till we go to buy any vehicle that has been added with this mod, when we purchase any said vehicle we receive failed to purchase vehicle 13. As you can see for our CfgExileArsenal and CfgTraderCategores we include files for our tables as inculed. CfgExileArsenal CUPV is comment'd out atm due to this error CfgTraderCategores CUPV is comment'd out atm due to this error We have set up ItemListCUPV.hpp and TraderCategoriesCUPV.hpp and still receive the above error. ItemListCUPV.hpp TraderCategoriesCUPV.hpp Checked ExileServer_system_trading_network_purchaseVehicleRequest.sqf and modified Y,Z below trying anything from 5,150 to 40,300 with no luck I have also tried the following method by BetterDeadThenZed with no luck any help would be loved Val
  9. Also if it helps we are running AiA, CBA_A3, CUP Units, CUP Weapons, CUP Vehicles TRYK's Multi-Play Unifroms, DMS and we also use infiSTAR which using we also can't spawn in CUP Vehicles with.
  10. valaukgaming

    [Req] Chernarus Trader City

    Traders at Stary Sober and Olsha, Aircraft traders independent from trade citys. If you decide to use please credit
  11. valaukgaming

    Arma2 Building Loot Class, works with AiA,CUP maps

    Cheers for that BetterDead i did have that thought but decided to go a the way it would work.