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Monkeynutz last won the day on May 26

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About Monkeynutz

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  1. Monkeynutz

    Fix combat storing for Virtual Garage.

    You've done something wrong with something else which affects this.
  2. Monkeynutz

    Fix combat storing for Virtual Garage.

    Says who? I would much rather change one variable than add a new file and override blah blah
  3. Monkeynutz

    Fix combat storing for Virtual Garage.

    Indeed but changing a variable file already in the mission pbo rather than adding a new file to then add more code to override it, is much more lightweight and quicker
  4. Monkeynutz

    Fix combat storing for Virtual Garage.

    The script: ExileClient_gui_virtualGarageDialog_event_onConfirmButtonClicked.sqf is broken and also has backwards config in the config.cpp of the mission file. And since it won't be fixed any time soon, I am here to help! Basically the variable name is wrong and the 1 or 0 is the wrong way around according to the instructions, should the name be right. Quickest fix is the following: Change 'canAccessGarageInCombat' to 'canUseGarageInCombat' in your config.cpp of your mission file and also do the opposite of what it tells you. E.g. it says 0 means you cannot store in combat, set it to 1 instead. And set it to 0 if you wish to allow storing in combat. Enjoy.
  5. Monkeynutz

    [RELEASE] Use DLC vehicles without the DLC.

    Lmfao, people kicking off BI are stupid enough too add the commands to move people into vehicles and try and make people pay. If they send me an email asking me to remove it, i'll tell them where they can go.
  6. Monkeynutz

    *NEW AND IMPROVED* Sell Crates At Wastedump for R3F

    I updated the script without testing it tbf. If you could pastebin your RPT files and stuff i'm sure we could fix it.
  7. Monkeynutz

    *NEW AND IMPROVED* Sell Crates At Wastedump for R3F

    You didn't fix it. You removed the server and databse updating
  8. Monkeynutz

    [RELEASE] Missile warning for all vehicles

    Okay stone mage.
  9. A while true loop inside of a while true loop... FPS will get hit hard with this stuff, I’ll write this better for you when I get time and show you a neat trick.
  10. Monkeynutz

    [RELEASE] Missile warning for all vehicles

    Oh dear... a while true poop. That’s rough... I will download this later and show you a better, less laggy way of doing this.
  11. Monkeynutz

    *NEW AND IMPROVED* Sell Crates At Wastedump for R3F

    Would you care to share your fix so other people can use it?
  12. Monkeynutz

    GADDvent Calendar

    Another update to add quantities to the items you give.
  13. Monkeynutz

    GADDvent Calendar

    Updated. Added a configurable option to weapons where you can have it spawn with magazines and also choose the number of mags it will spawn with.
  14. Monkeynutz

    GADDvent Calendar

    All fixed! Thank you!!
  15. Monkeynutz

    *NEW AND IMPROVED* Sell Crates At Wastedump for R3F

    Thanks, I’ll look into it.