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Everything posted by ExiledVibe

  1. ExiledVibe


    You sure they're up to date? mines called zombies and demons.
  2. ExiledVibe

    looking for someone to help fix a few thing

    Spaces in traders are 9 times out of 10 because you're using red neds premade traders and you have a mod listed in the trader that you're not actually running on the server or client so you're unable to see the images of it etc.
  3. ExiledVibe

    Custom Traders/Spawns/Rad Zone Help

    Post your mission.sqm on pastebin please and paste the link here, i'm going to guess that you don't have the units placed in your sqm for the players t chose their slots. In your sqm these will be labelled as type "Exile_Unit_GhostPlayer". If you don't have these then your players are unable to chose a slot upon joining the server hence why you're getting the server full message regardless of your slot size.
  4. ExiledVibe

    Custom Traders/Spawns/Rad Zone Help

    Download the Exile 3Den plugin and enable it, then when in 3Den you will see in your toolbar at top "Exile" iirc, you will see export initplayerlocal.sqf and initserver.sqf. Initplayerlocal.sqf are for your trading NPCs. InitServer.sqf is for all your custom placed objects, copy each one and save it to the corresponding file (Over writing it all if you wish to only have your traders) Thats the jist of it anyway, could be wrote a bit better but try that and see how you go.
  5. He's changed the link, it was uploaded to a premium service. @noelite Thanks for release and changing the link.
  6. $5 subscription to download? no thanks.
  7. Converts well to Redux apart from the everything around the tower at hilltop vendor is floating, and the Airfield trader is none existent due to the redux map additions.
  8. ExiledVibe

    1.0.4 "Pineapple" Release!

    From which pbo was this? I just checked all the pbos from my download and this section of code is fine, all semi colons present.
  9. ExiledVibe

    Nitrado server not loading due exile not present

    The part where he says he is new to this?
  10. ExiledVibe

    Nitrado server not loading due exile not present

    I'm going to say what everyone else is going to, firstly, post your server RPT, this shows alot and will help with trouble causing (For this and future issues) Secondly, why did you jump into renting a server before actually testing on your own PC?
  11. ExiledVibe

    1.0.4 CfgExileArsenal Updates

    i use a tool called DiffMerge to open both files side by side and it compares and tells me what was added and taken away, and you only have to click a single button to transfer a block over from one file to the other.
  12. ExiledVibe

    Limit Mission AI Wandering Range

    Are you using DMS? i've heard that DMS has issues keeping it's patrols in check, i've also witnessed it on servers aswell where Ai from missions disappear and never come back leading the players to be unable to complete the mission. So yeah, if you're using DMS I'd assume it was this, if not then *Shrugs* sorry
  13. ExiledVibe

    Custom PVE Zone

    Not had chance to get to it yet but this is something i'm going to be looking at, if i'm not mistaken infistar has something which will allow us to do this.
  14. Wanting to use this but the site is down anyone have the files?
  15. ExiledVibe

    Chernarus Redux & CUP Stary Trader

    Looks good, reminds me of Klen in Epoch for Arma 2
  16. ExiledVibe

    [Updated] Easy Trader set up

    Not sure if this has already been addressed but I came across this when installing. ErrorMessage: File mpmissions\Exile.Chernarusredux\TRADERS\FFAA\ItemListFFAA.hpp, line 69: /CfgExileArsenal/: '/' encountered instead of '{' This was due to this line here, ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Faceware ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //class AN/PVS-7 { quality = 2; price = 80; }; <<<<<<<< class NVG { quality = 2; price = 80; }; class ffaa_Glasses { quality = 1; price = 10; }; class ffaa_briliat_item_nbq { quality = 2; price = 450; }; ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// in ItemListFFAA.hpp, the / was been read so i've commented this line out for now. There is also this error ErrorMessage: File mpmissions\Exile.Chernarusredux\TRADERS\FFAA\TraderCategoriesFFAA.hpp, line 119: '/CfgTraderCategories.classclass': 'F' encountered instead of '=' The above error is due to the following section of code found in TraderCategoriesFFAA.hpp class FFAAPointerAttachments { name = "Pointer Attachments"; icon = "a3\ui_f\data\gui\Rsc\RscDisplayArsenal\itemacc_ca.paa"; items[] = { "ffaa_acc_puntero_ir" }; }; classclass FFAABipodAttachments <<<<<<< Culprit { name = "Bipod Attachments"; icon = "a3\ui_f\data\gui\Rsc\RscDisplayArsenal\itembipod_ca.paa"; items[] = { "ffaa_bipod_G36" }; }; as you can see the culprit is the classclass FFAABipodAttachments found on line 120, just need one of the "class" deleting so it reads class FFAABipodAttachments Other than that, great release and really appreciated
  17. ExiledVibe

    Chernarus Redux Loot Positions

    Thanks for this, they seems to be less spawn points than on normal chernarus though, is this right? Or are my configs messed up somewhere? haha EDIT: Fixed, forgot i could crank loot amount up
  18. ExiledVibe

    Warning Message: Embedded skeleton [...]

    Checked noLogs in parameters and it worked, I could kiss you! Thanks!
  19. ExiledVibe

    Warning Message: Embedded skeleton [...]

    Having this issue too and i'm unable to click "Close" on the message, as a server owner how am i supposed to bypass this? Surely there's a fix for it.
  20. ExiledVibe

    [Release] Simple Dynamic Status Icons

    Attempted to add a blue glow to these, saved as png, converted to .paa using texview2, yet it still shows old icons Anything special i'm missing? I've looked through the files to try and change it so it loads the png instead of paa (I prefer working with png) however i'm unable to find it.
  21. Ok so as above, when attempting to load infi my RPT reports, server password not set. yet as you can see, they're both set properly. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Vibe
  22. ExiledVibe

    [SOLVED] InfiStar server password not set?

    Ok solved, i'm thinking it was due to me using TADST as im running it on a local machine for testing, checked the tabs on TADST and had an option for servercommandpassword, added my pass in there and all is good.
  23. ExiledVibe

    [SOLVED] [SOLVED]InfiSTAR won't load ingame

    Currently in the same situation, thread is marked as solved, care to share what the problem was?
  24. Is this a newly added thing? as when I asked before you told me it was kinda hard coded in for branding reasons. Either way good to see this option.
  25. It's not an image it's text, I believe it's part of a stringtable somewhere and quite well hidden as I have looked at this previously, they is a simple way to do it but it requires practically removing all ExAd branding and as said above, give credit where it's due.