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About Rexhunter99

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  1. Rexhunter99

    New Weapons & Pop Tab Pouch

    It'd be good to see a double barrel shotgun and a pump action too.
  2. Actually I don't play ARK much at all. It runs like crap on my GTX 980 and octa-core processor so I've got less than 70 hours I believe. Most of that is menu idling while mods update. Also I made that post, not Requzz. I was suggesting ideas that are implemented in games like DayZ or 7 Days To Die. Crop harvesting is a very lucrative late-game business for those titles, stocking up on precious grown foods can provide much better food items in the long run.
  3. Rexhunter99

    Namalsk from 3 hours of gameplay

    Hot wiring should remove all your required tools upon failure... the thermal scanner pro is OP because you can use it five or six times as it is. The default ambient sounds on Namalsk from Arma 2 are not the same as in this, the children crying in the distance was in Arma 2 but not in this release of the map, the droning plane, ATV, HEMTT and helicopter spooling sounds were also not in the original map from Arma 2. Most of the audio samples used in Arma 2 were very STALKER-esque and low quality, these samples are much higher quality and are not the same theme as STALKER. I've not had any issues with the temperature at all. Works perfectly fine to be honest.
  4. I'd personally like it if hardcore servers could remove the health gain entirely and just stop bleeding. Long-term: Maybe adding in a few crops, like wheat and potato which you could plant in planters (a new placeable/craftable territory item) or in tilled earth by using a shovel to construct it. Just water the plants with your water bottles and maybe add fertilizer. Have them grow over X period, configurable by server admins, and then harvest the items. Wheat could be used to make bread or pie pastry, bread can be used with 'beef parts' and other food items to make sandwhiches and the vegetables could be used to make alcohols, particularly vodka for Namalsk :3 Pies would work the same way. This would likely require a new craftable 'oven' which doubles as a fireplace for cooking only. You could probably just make it require metal boards, junk metal, screws and a fireplace kit. Maybe even have it require being fed logs from the scroll wheel menu then lit with matches. Fun: Rope, maybe it's possible to use the PhysX rope to attach motorbikes, bicycles, quadbikes, etc to the roof of a garage? Would be a neat way to store small vehicles in large garages to conserve space. Additionally, sleeping mats really need to be useful, perhaps as single use respawn points?
  5. Rexhunter99

    [Updated V4]EVR Blowout for Exile

    It's up now on the OP. If you want access to the GitHub for contributing directly then please PM me here. Otherwise just fork it for any major changes that divert from the original script's intentions.
  6. Rexhunter99

    Bloodsuckers for Exile Namalsk?

    I think one of the other mutated creatures from the Zone of STALKER series would be better... Bloodsuckers are just cheap.
  7. Rexhunter99

    [Updated V4]EVR Blowout for Exile

    The script hasn't changed from what Sumrak wrote, just the relevant compatibility bits. As i recall on an Australian Namalsk server the emissions were very quick, if you didnt have an an APSI or were near a house, you were dead. John is correct, the rumbles and screen effects afterwards are aftershocks since the storm has passed. This happens in STALKER also.
  8. Rexhunter99

    [Updated V4]EVR Blowout for Exile

    I see what you mean, the script is rather rapid. Emissions take about 2-3 minutes to build up in STALKER so you can run to cover in time. I was doing some fun stuff in Esseker city and I had emissions to occur every 70 seconds (30-40 seconds delay between each one) and I barely had time to run from house to house, let alone from a field to a building. I think we can add a modifier ns_emission_buildup_timemod = 1.0 and just multiply the sleep calls by that.
  9. Rexhunter99

    [Updated V4]EVR Blowout for Exile

    I've been wondering how possible it would be to have the lightning and storm sounds playing from a certain direction like in the STALKER games, so the storm 'blows in'
  10. Rexhunter99

    [Updated V4]EVR Blowout for Exile

    If you want to emulate how emissions work in the S.T.A.L.K.E.R. universe, they actually corrode and disable vehicles, you're not safe in them. Even buildings can be unsafe, you usually need to be in a mostly closed off space or deep underground, eg; four walls a roof and a closing door to be safe from the effects of the emission. Could you try explaining what's wrong here exactly, the logs show it executed in the correct order, maybe a touch too fast. I was actually going to submit a commit to the github (which you are a collaborator on now) to define various time values, for instance, specifically set intervals between emissions, or set an interval then a range where the emission may randomly occur in.
  11. Rexhunter99

    [Updated V4]EVR Blowout for Exile

    Not sure what Sheep or Khunt thinks but I decided to throw it up as that's a great idea, collaboration will now be a heck of a lot easier and we can have branches that add different changes or functionality. I'll add a later with proper credit to the people whom got this working, we should all definitely use this. I've been thinking it might be good to add a custom "Emergency Broadcast" radio channel that plays a voiceover that an Emission is incoming and you need to get to cover. I can try recording a basic placeholder, but the STALKER files are either in russian or too specific (plus, copyright >.>)
  12. Rexhunter99

    [Updated V4]EVR Blowout for Exile

    Just tested this in the editor, works really good though the orange tint should be more red and I manually set the script to automatically change the weather to overcast leading up to the blowout, might need to find a way to remember the current weather state or add a callback/hook that a weather script could then re-initiate its own state after the blowout fades away like in STALKER. Also currently it seems to only do vanilla Arma 3 unit damage, not Exile damage, but I've not tested it on an actual server, if that's why its not working for me, please let me know. something for future modifications: when Exile has a proper medical system, applying damage to the head more than the rest of the body during a psychic/EMP emission would be more logical, EMP would affect the whole body, but the nature of STALKER blowouts are that they are mostly psychic emissions from the C-Consciousness under CNPP.
  13. Rexhunter99

    [Updated V4]EVR Blowout for Exile

    For multiple items you should use an array: ns_blow_itemapsi = ["FirstItem", "SecondItem", "SomeOtherItem"]; Then just do a for loop through the array using "count" to get the length of the array. That would be more configurable than having a set number of variables. If you're adding Exile specific client/server code, might as well add a new global configuration variable "ns_blowout_exile" instead of reusing the old names, might help alleviate future confusion and makes the code more sensible and readable to others.
  14. I'd just like to quote myself here and put the key part in bold: Offline raiding has been the biggest problem of all past, present and will be the problem of all future multiplayer online sandbox building games. It is up to the developers to stop enabling this behavior by implementing the ability to negate any damage or any hostile activities while a group is offline.
  15. Rexhunter99

    Bored with Exile...

    I'd like to point out that on average Exile gets about 2000 players a day on all the servers. one twentieth of that if not a tenth, all were trying to get on CCG's custom zombie exile that Frankie showcased for them in his scripted videos. 99% is an exaggeration and mind you the 100-200 people who wanted to very badly get on those private servers aren't all on the CCG forums complaining about the pay-to-play setup. Some are just wishful that it'll be public one day. The issue here is that people like you assume us gritty difficulty lovers want every server to be the way we want it, which isn't true, we want some servers in each country so that we can all play together the way we want while the TDM/KOTH style players can waste time in their deathmatch style Exile servers. But my point in that long post was that Exile the way most server admins present it at the moment, is condensed immensely, so you fast-paced lovers will play, unfortunately that destroys the really good work the Exile developers have poured into this game mod, if a server is configured right, you could spend ten times as long to achieve the same thing and still get all of the same satisfaction and have all of the same fun. Neither slow nor fast is better, but there needs to be variety and we need to stop sprouting a dozen new servers every other month... it kills the existing playerbases on existing servers which then deters people from playing at all due to lack of player competition/interaction. It's no fun to move around Altis or Esseker when there's five people online...