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About SLIMDOG_187

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  • Birthday 01/08/1979

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  1. SLIMDOG_187

    The proper way of editing difficulties in detail

    Thanks man, appreciate your time... the pain..
  2. SLIMDOG_187

    The proper way of editing difficulties in detail

    Fak finally found that sob...
  3. SLIMDOG_187

    The proper way of editing difficulties in detail

    Hmm not finding that specific file server.cfg
  4. SLIMDOG_187

    The proper way of editing difficulties in detail

    El Barto, booted server with the implemented PBO and still showing Regular , I don't think my server is running the latest Exile says 1.76.128 others show 1.76.142 maybe the issue?
  5. SLIMDOG_187

    The proper way of editing difficulties in detail

    Awesome brotha! thank you...
  6. SLIMDOG_187

    The proper way of editing difficulties in detail

    Where do these files get implemented at?
  7. SLIMDOG_187

    Server difficulty setting

    anyone have instructions on implementing the files? from Kuplion? thanks!
  8. SLIMDOG_187

    [RGSB] - Exile Statusbar - Moved to Exile Expansion Mod

    Thanks Dragon, Appreciate your time!
  9. SLIMDOG_187

    [RGSB] - Exile Statusbar - Moved to Exile Expansion Mod

    I tried to remove but it wouldn't load after //display the information ((uiNamespace getVariable "StatusBarExile")displayCtrl 55554)ctrlSetStructuredText parseText format["<t size='1' shadow='0' shadowColor='#707070' color='%10'> </t> <t size='1' shadow='0' shadowColor='#707070' color='%10'><img size='2' image='icons\health.paa' color='%5'/> %4%1</t> <t size='1' shadow='0' shadowColor='#707070' color='%10'><img size='2' image='icons\temp.paa' color='%28'/> %27°C</t> <t size='1' shadow='0' shadowColor='#707070' color='%10'><img size='2' image='icons\climate.paa' color='%30'/> %29°C</t> <t size='1' shadow='0' shadowColor='#707070' color='%10'><img size='2' image='icons\hunger.paa' color='%11'/> %10%1</t> <t size='1' shadow='0' shadowColor='#707070' color='%10'><img size='2' image='icons\thirst.paa' color='%13'/> %12%1</t> // <t size='1' shadow='0' shadowColor='#707070' color='%10'><img size='2' image='icons\radiation.paa' color='%26'/> %25%1</t> <t size='1' shadow='0' shadowColor='#707070' color='%10'><img size='2' image='icons\poptabs.paa' color='%7'/> %6</t> <t size='1' shadow='0' shadowColor='#707070' color='%10'><img size='2' image='icons\locker.paa' color='%9'/> %8</t> <t size='1' shadow='0' shadowColor='#707070' color='%10'><img size='2' image='icons\respect.paa' color='%17'/> %16</t> <t size='1' shadow='0' shadowColor='#707070' color='%10'><img size='2' image='icons\compass.paa' color='%21'/> %19</t> <t size='1' shadow='0' shadowColor='#707070' color='%10'><img size='2' image='icons\players.paa' color='%3'/> %2</t> <t size='1' shadow='0' shadowColor='#707070' color='%10'><img size='2' image='icons\restart.paa' color='%24'/> Restart: %22H%23M</t> <t size='1' shadow='0' shadowColor='#707070' color='%10'><img size='2' image='icons\fps.paa' color='%15'/> %14</t>", "%", _players, _colourPlayers, _damage, _colourDamage, _poptabs, _colourPoptabs, _locker, _colourLocker, _hunger, _colourHunger, _thirst, _colourThirst, _serverFPS, _colourFPS, _respect, _colourRespect, _colourDefault, format["%1/%2",_xx,_yy], _dir, _colourLocation, _hours, _minutes, _colourRestart, // _statusRadiation, // _colourRadiation, _bodyTemp, _colourTemp, _ambientTemp, _colourAmbientTemp ]; }; }; Also tried to remove completely same thing , am I missing something to remove some of the Icons and values?
  10. SLIMDOG_187

    [RGSB] - Exile Statusbar - Moved to Exile Expansion Mod

    Does anyone else compass not working?
  11. SLIMDOG_187

    Kick for a BadNameVariable

    Added and seems to be running smooth bud , appreciate your time fellas, I added the first file and thru the battleye filter program it was janky thought maybe that had to be an issue but wasnt sure
  12. SLIMDOG_187

    Kick for a BadNameVariable

    no servers up and running just when a non-admin tries to log in after 5 mins or so kick These were the last script log files 28.12.2016 14:34:58: =KCK= SLIM ( 0d14a54d06ee643a9235b198a22670de - #15 "x) joinString ", " ]; _result pushBack _entry; } forEach allVariables _hash1; _result joinString "<br/><br/>"; }] call CBA_fnc" 28.12.2016 14:37:17: =KCK= SLIM ( 0d14a54d06ee643a9235b198a22670de - #15 "ariable ["cba_settings_autosavedPresets", [[],[]]]; if !(allVariables cba_settings_missionSettings isEqualTo []) then { private" 28.12.2016 14:51:48: =KCK= SLIM ( 0d14a54d06ee643a9235b198a22670de - #15 "ariable ["cba_settings_autosavedPresets", [[],[]]]; if !(allVariables cba_settings_missionSettings isEqualTo []) then { private"
  13. SLIMDOG_187

    Kick for a BadNameVariable

    This should be the exact kick from start to finish from server rpt log 16:12:37 "<>HL| 0h 5min 49s | dinosaurTaco(-------------------------------) | BadVariableContent in missionNamespace: [setvehicleammo] in [bis_fnc_firesupport]\r\n { private _fnc_scriptnameparent = if (isnil '_fnc_scriptname') then {'bis_fnc_firesupport'} else {_fnc_scriptname}; private _fnc_scriptname = 'bis_fnc_firesupport'; scriptname _fnc_scriptname; #line 1 ""a3\functions_f\combat\fn_firesupport.sqf"" params [ [""_unit"",objnull,[objnull]], [""_position"",objnull,[objnull,[],""""]], [""_magazine"","""",[""""]], [""_radius"",50,[999]], [""_limit"",10,[999]], [""_delay"",10,[999,[]]], [""_condition"",{false},[{}]], [""_safezone"",0,[999]] ]; if (_magazine == """") then {_magazine = (getartilleryammo [_unit] select 0)}; if (isnull _unit) exitwith {[""artillery support: non-existing unit %1 for support used!"",_unit] call bis_fnc_logformat; false}; if (_unit getvariable ""bis_firesupport"" == 1) exitwith {[""artillery support: %1 is already providing fire support!"",_unit] call bis_fn 16:12:37 "<>KICKLOG| dinosaurTaco(------------------------------) ID: -10 (v0033)" 16:12:37 "<>KICKLOG| dinosaurTaco(------------------------------) ID: 4 (v0033)" 16:12:37 Successfull attempt to execute serverCommand '#kick ------------------------------' by server. 16:12:37 Successfull attempt to execute serverCommand '#kick ------------------------------' by server. 16:12:37 NetServer::SendMsg: cannot find channel #605526881, users.card=1 16:12:37 NetServer: users.get failed when sending to 605526881 16:12:37 Message not sent - error 0, message ID = ffffffff, to 605526881 (dinosaurTaco) 16:12:37 NetServer::SendMsg: cannot find channel #605526881, users.card=1 16:12:37 NetServer: users.get failed when sending to 605526881 16:12:37 Message not sent - error 0, message ID = ffffffff, to 605526881 (dinosaurTaco) 16:12:37 "<>ConnectLog| #0 Disconnected: dinosaurTaco(--------------------------------) ID: 4 SteamName: diinosaurTaco [UpTime: 0h 5min 49s | - ServerFPS: 35.4767] (v0033)" 16:12:37 Client: Remote object 4:0 not found
  14. SLIMDOG_187

    Kick for a BadNameVariable

    Server RPT log
  15. SLIMDOG_187

    Kick for a BadNameVariable

    Server RPT, and also infiSTAR AH log