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  1. Birchy

    Battleye Script Restriction #18

    ill give you some more info, im running a game server from vilayer on altis currently with no mods
  2. Birchy

    Battleye Script Restriction #18

    just added that to my server and still getting the battle eye #18
  3. Birchy

    Battleye Script Restriction #18

    im getting the same problem on my vilayer game server, can you help with that? Birchy
  4. Birchy

    Starting a Exile server

    thanks gents, I have a vilayer exile server and i really need help on installing infiSTAR to the server, its becoming way above my head Birchy75
  5. hey buddy, ive sent you an steam invite, i need help setting up my vilayer exile server. thanks Birchy75
  6. Birchy

    Starting a Exile server

    calling all experts, I'm looking to start my own server but i have no idea how to input mods, mission files ect. Can anyone point me in the right direction. I will be running a 50 player vilayer dedicated server. Thanks in advance Birchy
  7. Birchy

    Car Keys and Locking

    i say no, as im looking into running my own server i feel this will be a nightmare with players loosing there keys ect