Father MIchael

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About Father MIchael

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  1. Father MIchael

    Revive player in infistar

    Was it removed again? I had it at one point and now it's gone again.
  2. @janski Thanks for what looks like a brillant add-on. I am a retard when it comes to scripts. I just buy the servers my community seems to want and then we take it from there. That often leaves me with a LOT of grey hair. Can your files at GitHub just be zipped to PBO when downloaded or do I HAVE to change all the things mentioned?
  3. Father MIchael

    Will pay for someone to help or set up my server.

    I have added you to my Steam. Running a server and need your help
  4. Father MIchael

    Pomelo version

    Hey guys, I t seems like I have been a bit too fast this time. I updated all my servers but I have one server I play on too and it has not been updated yet. It's still running Pomelo and I am running Plum. How do I download Pomelo now? It's not on the download page. Sadly. Best regards Michael
  5. Father MIchael

    [SOLVED] 1.58 Bug Fixes/Discussion

    Thanks Goblin. Much appreciated. The problem I have is that I need to add it myself. Personally I think the change distance is such a good thing that it should be coded into the mod itself and not as now.
  6. Father MIchael

    [SOLVED] 1.58 Bug Fixes/Discussion

    I have been searching high and low but without any luck. Will view distance be added to XM8 in the future or do we still have to get it added by hand on all server we run?