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Everything posted by Turbonutter69

  1. Turbonutter69

    Stuck in grass (Possible Database Issue)

    This may be of assistance. Maybe.
  2. Turbonutter69

    Stuck in grass (Possible Database Issue)

    I seem to remember our server last year having this issue. I do believe our case was a double entry into the database. Which confused it. I am almost sure my mate who did the admin work just deleted the entries in the database and it allowed us to respawn. I am unsure whether anything needed tweaking but I seem to remember deleting the double entries solved it at least for us.
  3. Turbonutter69


    Are you using Arma's own launcher or the A3 Launcher? If you are using Arma's own launcher then you have to manually enable the mod Exile for it to load it up. A3 Launcher will auto load mods.
  4. Turbonutter69

    Exile Sandbox

    So it is that hard on a phone to hit enter to put it into paragraphs? I reads as garbage in all honesty. Presentation is more important than knowledge.
  5. Turbonutter69

    Exile Sandbox

    Now i'm no coder and i'm also not actually that good with grammar. But, even I can't take this guy seriously due to the complete lack of any grammar at all. Sorry, but someone had to say it.
  6. Turbonutter69

    [SOLVED] A3 Exile Occupation Vehicles Explode

    Yes you can disable them exploding.. If you want to stop AI vehicles exploding once the AI have been killed, in the config.sqf in DMS look for: DMS_AI_destroyVehicleChance = 0;
  7. Turbonutter69

    Money and Respect, Glitch, Bug

    Sounds like it is the common duping glitch. It's done with more than one player. Try to observe and see if they have a vehicle near by to the traders when the money respect is increasing. We had a few do this. I banned the lot.
  8. Turbonutter69

    Let the trader Camping begin!

    I do leave vehicles parked overnight. They are parked securely so I am ok in that respect. I want physical pop tabs for the simple reason of reward. As it stands now, I actually don't shoot players unless shot at first. There is no point wasting ammo when I know there will be nothing to loot that I need or even enough loot for me to think about taking it to the traders to sell. I think you should stop trying to judge people. Just because you don't agree with someone else isn't a reason to generalize a bunch of people that share the same thoughts. Actually I run two servers and instantly ban players that grief others, so I guess pointing this post at me was pretty useless. I want to be afraid when I go to the traders to buy a vehicle. I want the fear that someone may get the chance to take me out. If it turns out they had it planned for a while then all the better. At least thought will have to be put into things instead of just running around without a care in the world. It's a survival mod, not a day care centre. Whatever changes the Exile team make, us players just have to adapt.
  9. Turbonutter69


    So what you can deal with is what the devs should do? Out of everything you have said this sums it all up in one. Stop being selfish and let the devs decide what to add or not add.
  10. Turbonutter69

    UAZ and pink lights

    These are the UAZ's that came in with the Namalsk update? We have the same on our server on Namalsk. Actually i've not checked to see if it is the same on our Altis server. I'll get on at some point today and check it out.
  11. Turbonutter69

    [Wish] Timeban and AntiHack log notification

    There is actually already a popup on screen for the hacklog and surveillance log. But it doesn't popup for everything. I have only seen the popup message on certain occasions. I too would also like to know where the temp ban is as I have not come across that yet. I have banned a few people with infistar and all of them has been permanent.
  12. Turbonutter69

    Let the trader Camping begin!

    Sorry this came in as I was typing, and I have ran out of likes. But this is something I would of liked. This is how it should be. You play to your own style. You make good of bad situations. Large groups just need more thought to combat, Rather than just running in and spraying bullets hoping you kill someone. I'm starting to think that this was a troll thread. Again the only people that wined about car keys was the ones that wanted everything safe and secure. I won't judge who is right or wrong, but I believe genuine players of a survival game would want it just as that. Survival, meaning that it is hard. If it isn't hard, then it's by no means a survival game. Trolls will be trolls. Genuine player will work out how to deal with them.
  13. Turbonutter69

    Let the trader Camping begin!

    Solo or in a team makes no difference. You adapt. That is what survival is all about. This debate is useless. Exile needs fear when out in the wild. Bases are too strong as it stands which is why there needs to be change. Being able to take over a base is a compromise. It obviously won't be as simple as kill a player and then run in and take their flag. Well it could be for players that don't take notice of their surroundings. There are hundreds of ways to implement these things. If you think base raiding is harsh, Play/run a specific pve server. Job done. You are safe from all human interaction!
  14. Turbonutter69

    Let the trader Camping begin!

    Damn, I have ran out of likes. But yes, this is what I was getting at. So consider this post a like from me.
  15. Turbonutter69

    Let the trader Camping begin!

    And also, when the devs asked about keys for vehicles. It was going strong in favour of keys. But then all of a sudden, countless amounts of new members came on and the first post was on the Keys poll. Yeah of course these was all valid community members that wanted their say. It was more likely people making duplicate accounts, (which i'd bet money on haven't been used since) Or it was those that didn't want it implementing telling their friends to jump on/ join just to get the vote cancelled. It's a no win situation really. The devs should just take control. The only players that would be lost would be the players that want it easy on every game they play....
  16. Turbonutter69

    Let the trader Camping begin!

    I have never played Dayz, so comparing that with me is irrelevant. And from what i've heard the Standalone Dayz is nothing like the original Dayz mod, so I feel your hours are lost on a rubbish money making exercise. Go and play Ark. Then you will know what I mean with it being dangerous and unforgiving. In Ark it takes alot less to go through a "wooden door". So you build with either stone or metel. Which take a bit more damage. But at the end of the day the base is available to raid and destroy. What i'm getting at is there is a solution to every problem. There is no need to shout about the negatives (meaning campers/trollers) Adjust your approach to deal with them. And just as another example. You can spend 10 plus hours real time in Ark trying to tame a dino, just for someone to come along at the last minute to mess up the tame, or worse kill it before it gets tamed. How do we combat that I hear you ask... Well it's simple, we rethink our strategy and tame it in a way that is safe. Either by having other players help you guard or you build a structure around it. To be honest, it seems you are going by your own experiences and comparing them with others. Not everyone finds it a chore actually playing the game like it was intended. Nothing in real life is for keeps if we think about it. Yes this is a game, but it's ment to be survival. It is not survival if everything you own is totally safe from others. Regardless of whether they are trolls or genuine players. The genuine players would want the risk, considering they choose a game based around survival.
  17. Turbonutter69

    Let the trader Camping begin!

    Point me in the direction where anyone said it would be easy to loose stuff? You loose more as it stands now to arma bugs. That shouldn't be the case. I shall assume you have never played a survival game that is actually try and survive or you die. It is ment to be a survival game. If you get destroyed then you have to start again. That is the be all and end all. If you cannot see that then these sort of games are not for you.
  18. Turbonutter69

    Let the trader Camping begin!

    No skill is what i'm picking up on. Maybe they do have skill. Yes camping can be boring. But in a game like this, camping can be very useful in some respects. If you have "skill". Then you wouldn't get shot by campers. You would flank them and kill them.
  19. Turbonutter69

    Let the trader Camping begin!

    A bit off subject but oh well. Has anyone ever played Ark Survival Evolved? Anything on that game can be lost in a second. Whether it be a mistake on your part or someone else murdering you and taking all you gear. It has been there since the start of the game. They even made it harder an harder for players to survive the wild never mind other players. Some cases Ark can be a bit extreme. But isn't that what survival is? Things so far have been handed on a plate to players with so many server settings that can be changed. There are still plenty of players on Ark. Even on the official servers which are actually hardcore. If players think making a survival game harder is destroying the gameplay, then I think they should find a game that isn't survival based. It's not ment to be an easy ride which it is at the minute. It need to be harder, less forgiving.
  20. Turbonutter69

    Let the trader Camping begin!

    I'll be honest and say, Sometimes I don't agree with your opinions. (no disrespect we are all entitled to our own opinions) BUT. I have to say I agree with this. This is how it should be, after building a base there is not much to do. Now if that base could be attacked or worse taken over, Then there would still be something to do. IE gear back up, rebuild base if it hasn't been taken over, or gear up and go and take the base back. It's gives a goal at the end of the day. It may be small but it's a goal to work towards.
  21. Turbonutter69

    Let the trader Camping begin!

    I've got a fair few hours in Arma 3. All Exile hours as well. I'd like there to be some form of risk. At the minute everything is too safe and secure. Everything you can accumulate in Exile should be able to be lost in some way, (other than Arma bugs) Because base raiding has been mentioned doesn't mean it will be made easy to break in. It can be made difficult to accomplish in many ways. ( I'd rather have someone have to go and find/buy the resources to be able to take out a door or a wall on my base rather than have them camp it 24/7 waiting for me to unlock the door and come out. The whole experience would be alot better if there was an element of fear that when you do venture out, you can be vulnerable if you let your guard down too much. All this running around like headless chickens looting, killing, dying and repeat would be reduced as it would make you take note of surroundings and what's going on around you. I wouldn't even call it hardcore either, considering it's survival based. Survival should be difficult, that is the whole point. Regardless of what happens there will always be that player that camps an area. You will never stop that so using that as an excuse in my opinion isn't valid. People that troll are everywhere and changing anything in game isn't going to change their attitude on how they play. It will just change their location of camping. Also I think making a statement saying that only people that don't build bases want to be able to raid others bases is a bit foolish. We aren't all the same, if we was then life as a whole would be boring for everyone. I for one would like more risk to be involved. However it's implemented i'm sure some form of compromise can be met. There just needs to be a risk.
  22. Turbonutter69

    Medical loot on Namalsk??

    I've found loads of medical loot ontop of the hospital buildings.
  23. Turbonutter69

    Time to say goodbye.

    Sad to see you go Mr White. But best wishes for the future whatever you choose to do.
  24. Turbonutter69

    Territory Members Upgrade Flag Radius

    Can't help you with that sorry. I always thought it was a standard exile feature.
  25. Turbonutter69

    Territory Members Upgrade Flag Radius

    Yes you grant rights by clicking the 8g network, highlight whoever and on the right hit grant rights, for your selected territory. Then go back and go to Territory, Select your territory and highlight the person, and on the right hand side it says promote. Once that is done, said person will be able to upgrade the territory radius.