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  1. @RanjidTatu As Brenner already mentioned there are two folder you need to be aware of. Please follow the steps in the README.md -> Chapter "Copy Files" and only those files which are mentioned into the folders on the Client/Server https://github.com/ole1986/a3-admintoolkit#copy-files
  2. @frobbert Hi, the AI part was actually a real quick example on how to implement "extensions" into the ATK. It is actually not quite good enough to work with. But for targeting a person, you can precisely aim the enemy with the cross-hair and quickly choose "Attack Target" from the menu. The AI should then attack it. More details: README.VanillaAI.md - source
  3. Have you already seen this readme?! https://github.com/ole1986/a3-admintoolkit/blob/master/README.MissionFile.md
  4. @Lady Val 2.) in the servers profile file (check out this link to figure out the location). The profile is binary and it isn't easy to delete single parts (as not only ATK mod uses it dependent on what other mods you are running). You can of course delete the compete profile file but then you may not only loose ATK settings
  5. What resolution are you using. Also, please tell me the menu size option you have configured in arma. If possible make a screenshot of your menu options
  6. Check out the config.cpp of the admintool_servercfg.pbo (unpacked) and customize the "ModeratorExtCmds" to limit commands for extension being able to execute b moderators.
  7. @XaneXXXX if you use the Pbo Manager you might only need to rename the $PBOPREFIX$ to $PREFIX$ which allows the Pbo manager to set the prefix correctly (according to there "Features" list - http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=16369). Some application use $PREFIX$ some use $PBOPREFIX$ to properly set the addon prefix path and there is no standard for. Filebank does not use any of these files and requires to set it using the "-property" argument.
  8. @XaneXXXX If only exile commands seem not to work. its proberly not correctly installed in the admintoolkit_servercfg. Most often the reason is, that the $PBOPREFIX$ file is not used, when repacking the admintoolkit_servercfg folder into admintoolkit_servercfg.pbo. You have two options 1. Use the armadev extension for vscode and run "Arma 3: Build" command inside the a3-admintoolkit directory to build all pbo files 2. Do it manually using FileBank FileBank.exe -property prefix=x\admintoolkit_servercfg -dst @AdminToolkitServer\addons source\admintoolkit_servercfg UPDATE: Always make sure you deleted the previous *.pbo file as FileBank does not seem to overwrite it
  9. ole

    "Cannot open object" Fehlermeldung in der Console

    @ChaosToasterHH Kollege, Deine Eigenart anderen mitzuteilen, jedes mal mods zu beheben ging mir ein wenig aufs Zahnfleisch. Daher bist du mir Ihr auch gleich mal negativ aufgefallen. Die Warnungen in deiner Logdatei ziehen Schlüsse darauf, das ein 3d Objekt (in diesem Fall der Lada) nicht geöffnet werden konnte. Dies kann damit zusammen hängen, das du z.B. von einer vorherigen Version (wie in deinen Vergangen Foren - Beiträgen) auf eine neuere gewechselt hast, wo entweder dieser Lada sich nicht mehr dort befinden, aber immer noch in der Datenbank steht. Es kann aber auch genau der Fall sein, das ein Bug in der Version ist, der vergebens nach diesem Objekt sucht, obwohl es ggf. nicht mehr existiert. Alles in allem, wenn du diesen Lada eh nicht verwendest (oder deinen Spielern bereit stellst) ist es weniger wichtig. Vermisst du Ihn, dann prüfe die Datenbank nach den vehicles die ggf. von Spielern oder Dir verwendet wurden und ersetze diesen durch gültige Einträge (oder spar dir die Mühe und lösche sie, und schenke dafür dem Spieler poptabs - als wiedergutmachung). ----- Gruß Ole, AdminToolkit Entwickler
  10. possible duplicate with issue: https://github.com/ole1986/a3-admintoolkit/issues/43
  11. ole

    Scratchies v1.5 - gambling for Exile Mod

    To those who cant wait testing the updated scratchies version (1.5) supporting ExileMod 1.0.4 "Pineapple" on Exile.Altis Here it is: https://github.com/ole1986/a3-exile-scratchie/archive/master.zip PLEASE NOTE: The README.md has been updated and is divided into "Novice User" and "Advanced Users / Developers" Testers are welcome!
  12. @Brenner As far as I can remember kick and ban does only work with battleye using the ServerCommand password configured on your servers config (which must be the same in the file admintoolkit_servercfg/config.cpp) Suggestions are always welcome - Whenever I have the chance, I promise I am working on my two Arma 3 / Exile projects. Not only the idea of having the position coords (issue #40) came up but also the use of extDB2 (issue #42) to store all building related information into the database.
  13. ole

    Arma Dev for Visual Studio Code

    Updated to version 0.0.12 - Release Notes
  14. @Capu you may need to playaround with the file source/mission_file/atk/extension/ExileMod.sqf // [...] case "exile_getvehicle": { _list = "(getText(_x >> 'VehicleClass') in ['ExileCars', 'ExileBikes', 'ExileChoppers','ExileBoats','ExilePlanes']) and (getNumber (_x >> 'scope') == 2)" configClasses (configFile >> "CfgVehicles"); [RscAdminToolkitDetailList_IDC, _list, _filter] call AdminToolkit_uiList; _show = true; }; // [...] I do not know all VehicleClasses, but possible not all are included here. So adding the correct class can already solve the issue UPDATED: The Developer thread has some examples