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About Zepheris96

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  1. Zepheris96

    Chop Wood Script directly in Vehicle

    I did a compare between the chop wood script and the original file on the Exile server. There seemed to be a lot of difference in the new version vs the chop wood script. Based on what I found, I didn't think it was a good idea to just overwrite the file. I'll look again. I'm not a coder and I learn as I go. Maybe I missed something.
  2. Zepheris96

    Chop Wood Script directly in Vehicle

    Hey @NeverAgain, here's a good idea. Fix the script so its updated and then post your fix and contribute to the community. (and I've tried to fix the script myself, but haven't been able to figure it out)
  3. Zepheris96

    [Release] Improved XM8 apps

    Hi @Jamie Thanks for the help! I was able to figure out how to add the script to my mission. I had to change the following line in my init.sqf from //XM8 Apps execVM "XM8_apps\scripts\XM8_apps_init.sqf"; to //XM8 Apps [""] execVM "XM8_apps\scripts\XM8_apps_init.sqf";
  4. Zepheris96

    [Release] Improved XM8 apps

    Hi @Jamie. I'm also being effected by the any issue. I'm looking at XM8_apps_init.sqf file. I'm not understanding how params ["_pathToFolder"]; //Setting path to app XM8_apps_folderPath = _pathToFolder; works. Where does the variable _pathToFolder come from? Also, //Apply config call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers format ["%1XM8_apps\XM8_apps_config.sqf",_pathToFolder]; What is %1 supposed to represent and where does the script get it? I'm looking to see if I can figure out how to work around the issue. Thanks!
  5. Zepheris96

    Chop Wood Script directly in Vehicle

    I compared the original ExileServer_object_tree_network_chopTreeRequest.sqf with the one posted above. Aside from the extra code that Phate added, I noticed that on this line the text was different. I'm running 0.9.41. _treeModelNames = getArray(configFile >> "CfgInteractionModels" >> "WoodSource" >> "models"); It should be _treeModelNames = getArray(missionconfigFile >> "CfgInteractionModels" >> "WoodSource" >> "models"); the getArray(missionconfigfile <--- the mission part was missing from the text