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Everything posted by hawkie52

  1. hawkie52

    Bomb Jacket && Use Radio Blow

    This is a script you can wear a Bomb Jacket,then use raido blow up yourself. 1,Radio Version Open your MP config.cpp Create a sqf named ExileClient_gui_inventory_event_onSlotDoubleClick.sqf,also create a folder named "custom",and put the sqf in the folder create a sqf named Jacket.sqf,and put it in your custom folder If you have taunt sound,just put it in sounds folder and inclue the lines in description.ext
  2. hawkie52

    [Updated V4]EVR Blowout for Exile

    These old codes were convet from A2 Namalsk Crysis. I Try working on these on A3,Now Thanks for @Major Khunt @FallingSheepfix the bug,good work! If you want test pls follow our test server thku. http://exile.majormittens.co.uk/topic/9238-wip-modexile-divide-3-4a3-alphatest2-tavichernarusnamalsk/ Old codes from: old codes What is EVR Blowout? A super EMP blowout,can destroy any thing whole map.If you want anti the blowout need find a APSI to protect yourself. How to work? 1,Put these addons in your mp folder(Sounds Files). https://mega.nz/#!YR5iBKxQ !ycz4BVWmLqGooaLjaKFyaYarpbOhtmeKE3pMnTPsz2s 2,Recent Edited Scripts Version Github Form @Rexhunter99 https://github.com/Rexhunter99/a3_emission/
  3. hawkie52

    Creepy Night Fog for Exile

    This origin old codes were from A2 Old codes Now it can working with A3 Exile,the fog will start when at night around player or player vehicles. 1,Create a sqf file named "ground_fog.sqf" 2,ground_fog.sqf 3,init.sqf 4,If you want change daytime,pls check line 58 change the daytime numbers.
  4. hawkie52

    DMS - Defent's Mission System

    Hey,I check new version DMS_fnc_PlayerAwardOnAIKill. What is _playerRank = (_playerRank+_rankChange); _killer setVariable ["ExileRank",_playerRank]; GR8 HM1.4 was not had ExileRank variable,I check your codes _playerRank = _killer getVariable ["ExileHumanlity",0];Why _killer setVariable was ["ExileRank",_playerRank];?
  5. hawkie52

    ExileZ 2

    Still stable until now?Our server was used v19 that had random crashes when added too many zeds.
  6. hawkie52

    ExileZ 2

    V19 was much better,but still had some random crashes.
  7. hawkie52

    ExileZ 2

    v16 was much better then before,but still have some random crashes.
  8. hawkie52

    ExileZ 2

    Great. Some guys said that V14 was no crashed more than 24 hours,but Exile+Ryanzombie with hords and static triggers still crash between 1h 30min~2h.
  9. hawkie52

    ExileZ 2

    At usaual just put the functions in CfgRemoteExec should work. But Exile devs. limite all bis_fnc_mp codes about the mod securtiy problems,since 0.9.4. BIS devs. said that CfgRmoeteExec was not limite Bis_Fnc_Mp code working,If you want whitelist some client or server functions and commands just put in the list. https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/BIS_fnc_MP This is another feedback report about BIS_fnc_MP from Epoch. https://github.com/EpochModTeam/Epoch/issues/442 If want the zombie mod fully support Exile that need modfiy all codes are not base on BIS_fnc_MP or let the devs remove the limite. V14 released,looks like they fixed a crash problem. I will going to test on my Esseker server.
  10. hawkie52

    ExileZ 2

    Looks like v12 fixed some page files memory crashes,but still not fix ryanzombie problems that if increase the spawn counts = crashes.
  11. hawkie52

    [Updated V4]EVR Blowout for Exile

    if you like that copy all cfgsound sections in you descrption.ext,and remove from define.hpp,that maybe work.
  12. hawkie52

    ExileZ 2

    Ryanzombie all zombie functions were based on bis_fnc_mp,such as infection,throw....I think you have a lot of work to do,hope you can finish the rewrite.Good luck
  13. hawkie52

    ExileZ 2

    Hey,op.I unpack the mod pbo,and check ryanzombie some scripts,I think if we remove all bis_fnc_mp codes,and instead the animations switchmove to a publice variable to local side,and make a Boolean variable on server side to make sure the switch move is that work or not,if work just call the publicvariable on client side maybe can fix the problem,other way just make the code work on client side ,because the melee actions not so useful sync animations for everyone.Any ideas?
  14. hawkie52

    ExileZ 2

    v12 still crashed when server running 2h 10min.
  15. hawkie52

    ExileZ 2

    V12 was released.
  16. hawkie52

    ExileZ 2

    Only way to let Exile dev to remove 'bis fnc mp' limite.Because this code was support many MP framework mod functions and commands,ryanzombie was one of use the code to support animations.I read a Epoch dev issues feedback from their github that about this too,the developer said they will remove overrule in 0.360,but Exile developer said the code will break mod security,I'm not a coder that not sure what security problems cause they still limite the code,cheat,hackers or what? Was InfiSTAR AH can not control them? I think a good way to let it work that tell Exile developers to make a project about,if some server adimns worried about the security problems just use default settings,otherwise let everyone know how to make a custom code way to remove the overrule. Regard
  17. hawkie52

    ExileZ 2

    Still crash if hord and trigger spawners were true.
  18. hawkie52

    ETG Helicrash and Drop Script

    Some players told me that just a red smoke in the air,sometiem can not find any boxes around the airdrop markers.
  19. hawkie52

    ETG Helicrash and Drop Script

    2.0 Version cause lootbox dissappear when cargo on the ground.
  20. hawkie52

    Bloodsuckers for Exile Namalsk?

    My mate already based on ryanzombie modifed mod called XM2 NOTD Zombie mod,there are many new kinds of zeds in our mod,such as zombie dog,new soldier zombies.....One of bosses is a invisable zombie and move really fast,when move that the zombie will invisable same like bloodsuker.But my mate was busy on his famliy work.so the version still only worked on 1.52.If someone can update base on 3.5 will be awesome.
  21. hawkie52

    ExileZ 2

    RyanZombies already updated 3.5
  22. hawkie52

    ExileZ 2

    Both sides need same version.If you check debugs and errors in rpt. use prof version.And feedback your error reports on that topic.Let BIS fix them.
  23. hawkie52

    ExileZ 2

  24. hawkie52

    ExileZ 2

    Were those rpt. errors cause new crashes?
  25. hawkie52

    ExileZ 2

    V10 released ,maybe fixed some UI menu and memory crashes.