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Everything posted by DIamond

  1. Allows u to purchase a rocket launcher from the trader onto your person. http://pastebin.com/CeUPwPma This is merged with the latest exile files from 1.0.2.... needs to be run as a over write in ur config.cpp cusom code should look like this ExileClient_util_playerEquipment_add = "YOURFILEPATH\ExileClient_util_playerEquipment_add.sqf"; // Rocket launcher fix Figured i would repost this , There is another topic on this but its buried somewhere and i keep getting asked how to fix it. Hope this helps people. NOT taking credit for original fix just reposing it with instructions.
  2. DIamond

    Rocket Launcher Trader FIX. 1.0.2 Compatible

    YW Im Assuming this still works , Haven't been bothered with arma lately lol. If anyone knows if it does not anymore let me know and I will look at the code and latest exile stuff and things. ON that not if anyone wishes to tweak or add there own classes ot the lists on here By all means...As previously stated i didnt write the original just updated it. =)
  3. DIamond

    Rocket Launcher Trader FIX. 1.0.2 Compatible

    What they said .
  4. @red_ned 23:37:44 File x\addons\DMS\missions\bandit\nedcashbandits_mission.sqf, line 140 23:37:44 Error in expression <om 8999))); _vehicle = [_vehClass,[(_pos,3+(random 5))],_pinCode] call DMS_fnc_S> 23:37:44 Error position: <,3+(random 5))],_pinCode] call DMS_fnc_S> 23:37:44 Error Missing ) 23:37:44 File x\addons\DMS\missions\bandit\nedcashbandits_mission.sqf, line 140 For the New Cash mission.
  5. DIamond

    Rocket Launchers

    Yea what they said use that =p
  6. DIamond

    [scarCODE] Server Info Menu

    Does anyone have this set up as a key bind and if so what is the call for it to be used inside of ExileClient_gui_hud_event_onKeyDown.sqf?
  7. DIamond

    Rocket Launchers

    Main post i did awhile ago =)
  8. DIamond

    ExileMod Advanced Repair Script

    Idk ill have to look threw the models. They are from the Huron , or ghost hawk judging by how they looked.
  9. DIamond

    ExileMod Advanced Repair Script

    If you look in arma there are Rotor models.
  10. Should ask @StokesMagee to work with him and get it to work in his Sm_zombz =)
  11. DIamond

    IMS - Development Paused

    Love the idea =) Very cool. Cant wait for it to be optimized so i can push it to my live server
  12. DIamond

    Legit hacking or false positive?

    U know i have had this issue pop up a couple times , So @BetterDeadThanZed They can just dupe these in vics over and over again? I have seen it do this in a safe but i wasnt aware of the Vic doing it @kuplion add them to ur vehicle white list if it still does it =)
  13. DIamond

    Police AI too OP currently

    Pretty sure this is why you can change there load outs / Difficulty settings on the ai classes. Configs for EVERY BODY!!!!
  14. Any update on if this works ?=)
  15. Yup its working with everything =)
  16. Yea i tried that next that works too. Thanks for the over Writes, and help boss =)
  17. It works , So i guess u have to select all In order for it to work. Maby becasue of custom traders? I use community custom2 for our armory trader , And i use the Default exile one for the safe zone guy to sell lower end stuff. http://images.akamai.steamusercontent.com/ugc/245836995517724449/4EE52A12EEF3AEBE0E25558789EFC78568932B44/
  18. I tried it and got this. compatibility when trying to get a attach attachment to a weapon http://images.akamai.steamusercontent.com/ugc/245836995517710794/DFCEB3F8C7C2829949D6D8819CB12AB880C32214/
  19. Doesnt work with CUP=( I am using CBA as well. I tested it... I took cup off and left cba on it seems to work fine, So something with cups Cfgs maby?
  20. DIamond

    [XM8 App] Apoc's Airdrop Assistance

    logic is a myth
  21. DIamond

    [ExAd XM8 APP] Unit Scanner

    You should add a cool down timer so players Dont Abuse this.. Looks Very cool!
  22. DIamond

    Bigfoot's Shipwrecks

    Any luck ?
  23. DIamond

    DMS : AI auto kill at spawn

    Just make sure they use all the same factions uniforms..Like all independent ,BlueFOR etc. Fixed our ai from blasting each other.
  24. 6,7 sounds like a issue with the servers profile. Rest of those sound like CUP/arma LOL