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  1. Hey, I've read some threats where some ppl talked about combining Alive with Exile. I thought about it and I rly wanna get those mods together. So my idea is to let Alive populate my Tanoa exile server. I choosed the ALive Required - Modul, the ALive Virtual AI Sytsem - Modul, the Civilian Population - Modul and the CQB Modul. I added them to the top left cornor of the map with no syncing and safed the mission. then i started my server but there where few errors. 1st: There did not spawn any AI 2nd: No traders were placed. Dont know why it doesnt work so i started searching. I found few ppl who already run alive and exile so i hope some of them will find this here and could help me out. log file:
  2. Sabura

    xcam Taunus spawn points and traders

    class Land_pfeiler_025_025_300_clean_cnc { table = "Industrial"; positions[] = { {-13.251,-1.80371,-1.46991}, {-10.8965,3.28418,-1.4533}, {-20.3486,3.6582,1.74262}, {-21.4492,-2.53418,1.74761}, {-5.33496,3.22559,4.87023}, {-10.8027,-5.0918,4.86588}, {-20.1025,-16.8047,4.91364}, {-20.5879,-7.56543,4.86916}, {-5.0459,-17.3867,4.86887}, {-5.64941,-8.47266,4.86739}, {-16.7021,-0.881836,1.74262} }; }; class Land_wand_500_025_300_clean_cnc { table = "Industrial"; positions[] = { {1.58887,-0.955078,-1.1431}, {-8.2959,-0.96875,-1.14174}, {-6.36523,-7.9375,-1.14174}, {-12.5693,-10.5195,-1.14174}, {-12.6436,-4.15234,-1.14174}, {-0.204102,5.21289,-1.14174}, {1.2373,0.90625,-1.14174}, {-7.82031,3.63086,-1.14174}, {-11.7959,2.08398,-1.14174}, {-16.335,1.92383,-1.14174}, {-24.1484,-2.26172,-1.14174}, {-23.6992,-9.88477,-1.14174}, {-23.8311,-20.4609,-1.14342}, {-18.6582,-18.7969,-1.14174}, {-17.4941,-12.5313,-1.14174}, {-14.1064,-18.3105,-1.14174}, {-2.60938,-19.1016,-1.14301}, {0.0117188,-14.166,-1.14174}, {-18.1367,-17.7422,1.75488}, {-10.9707,-19.834,1.75488}, {-4.77441,-11.9551,1.75488}, {-11.127,0.103516,1.75488}, {-5.71777,-0.640625,1.75488}, {-15.7119,-6.99805,1.75488}, {-21.2012,-14.2402,1.75488}, {-13.5439,-14.6309,1.75488}, {-24.3066,-12.0313,1.75488}, {-27.7285,-17.7891,1.75488}, {-16.3467,-3.22656,1.75488}, {-15.7363,1.49805,1.75488}, {-21.2441,-0.160156,1.75488}, {-27.2686,6.29102,1.75488}, {-0.00976563,7.56836,1.75488}, {0.969727,-7.08984,1.75108}, {4.30762,2.9668,1.75488}, {4.36621,-15.6699,1.74915}, {1.54883,7.9082,4.97988}, {-26.2363,-18.3926,4.97988}, {-9.70703,4.625,1.75488} }; }; this could make some problems. those "Buildings" are just simple walls. Team X-Cam created some walls and glasses and roofs just to create diffrent houses like lego.
  3. i found out that the colors are respect binded. If u change lv 6 to 50k the color changes
  4. i know that ^^ its basic i meant to change that
  5. Hey, Simple question. I want to add a 7th and 8th quality to the trades for special Items. How do I do that ?
  6. sure but not all, cause those strider and hunter textures were bought and costs me some money
  7. Thank you. I realy love ur script I like to texture things so i made 30 skins in the last hours
  8. Got an other Arma server. There it works like charm but it dont change into my skin. 21:07:14 "[SNEAK_CUSTOMS]spend money" 21:07:14 "[SNEAK_CUSTOMS]Adding vehicle 1 with skin SneakCustoms_Car_Strider_Bangbus" 21:08:07 "[SNEAK_CUSTOMS]spend money" 21:08:07 "[SNEAK_CUSTOMS]Deleting vehicle 1." 21:08:07 "[SNEAK_CUSTOMS]Changing baseclass in database of non custom vehicle, vehicleId: 1, skin SneakCustoms_Car_Strider_Ceadeus" 21:08:31 "[SNEAK_CUSTOMS]spend money" 21:08:31 "[SNEAK_CUSTOMS]Adding vehicle 1 with skin SneakCustoms_Car_Strider_Desert" Changing into the other skins works like a charm (as u can see in the logs). But if i want to change it into my skin. it dont display the name in the Skinname-Box (dont know how to call it, only shows the price). And it dont change the skin of the Vehicle. my SneakCustoms_Config.cpp: class CfgSneakCustoms{ class SneakCustoms{}; //add new skins like this class Exile_Car_Strider_Abstract{ skins[] = { {"Exile_Car_Strider", 1750}, {"SneakCustoms_Car_Strider_Desert", 1750}, {"SneakCustoms_Car_Strider_Bangbus", 1750}, {"SneakCustoms_Car_Strider_Ceadeus", 5000} }; }; class SneakCustoms_Car_Strider_Desert : SneakCustoms{ //class derivative to distinguish between standard and custom skins skinName = "Desert"; hiddenSelectionsTextures[] = {"a3\soft_f_beta\mrap_03\data\mrap_03_ext_co.paa", "a3\data_f\vehicles\turret_co.paa"}; }; class SneakCustoms_Car_Strider_Bangbus : SneakCustoms{ //class derivative to distinguish between standard and custom skins skinName = "Bangbus by Aphex"; hiddenSelectionsTextures[] = {"mpmissions\__cur_mp.Altis\textures\SneakVehicleCustoms\bangbus_by_aphex.jpg", "a3\data_f\vehicles\turret_co.paa"}; }; class Exile_Car_Strider : SneakCustoms{ //standard strider is listed here because there is no texture entry in the standard exile config skinName = "Hex"; hiddenSelectionsTextures[] = {"a3\soft_f_beta\mrap_03\data\mrap_03_ext_indp_co.paa", "a3\data_f\vehicles\turret_indp_co.paa"}; }; class Exile_Car_Strider_Ceadeus : SneakCustoms{ skinName = "Ceadeus Strider"; hiddenSelectionsTextures[] = {"mpmissions\__cur_mp.Altis\textures\SneakVehicleCustoms\ceadeus_strider.jpg", "a3\data_f\vehicles\turret_co.paa"}; }; }; and the skin (just a black one): 1,3MB big and a JPG.
  9. it automaticly creates the CfgRemoteExec.hpp but again without the cfgremoteExecAntiHackoverride-content
  10. no effect. still overwrites CfgRemoteExec.hpp
  11. I host my server on Nitrado. There is an Infistar-Light-Version preinstalled. I think this causes the Problems. currently my CfgRemoteExec.hpp looks like this: but when i restart my server it looks like that: it looks like something overrides the CfgRemoteExec.hpp every restart but i cant figured it out. I found this in my description.ext: so I though this overwrites it. i changed it to: but that did not help. Do u have any idea how i can fix this ?
  12. ty. Everything is working fine. But if i pruchase a skin. It dont change the skin.... nvm. i cant write the SneakCustoms_change_skin into the CfgRemoteExec.hpp. Found this in my description.ext: #include "config.cpp" class CfgRemoteExecAntiHackOverride { class Functions { mode = 1; jip = 0; class ExileServer_system_network_dispatchIncomingMessage { allowedTargets = 2; }; }; class Commands { mode = 0; jip = 0; }; };