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Everything posted by CHEECH

  1. This will import into 3den and be editable via the debug console private _objects = [ ["Land_HBarrier_large",[4070.01,11688.2,366.779],[[0.381459,0.91962,0.093745],[-0.0718115,-0.0716257,0.994843]],[false,false]], ["Land_HBarrier_large",[4077.86,11684.9,367.098],[[0.422536,0.901371,0.0948362],[-0.0704904,-0.0716368,0.994937]],[false,false]] ]; { _object = create3DENEntity ["Object", _x select 0, [0,0,0], true]; _position_atl = ASLToATL ( _x select 1 ); _object set3DENAttribute ["position", _position_atl ]; _object setVectorDirAndUp ( _x select 2 ); _pitch_bank = _object call BIS_fnc_getPitchBank; _dir = getDir _object; _object set3DENAttribute ["rotation", [_pitch_bank select 0, _pitch_bank select 1, _dir]]; _object set3DENAttribute ["allowDamage", _x select 3 ]; } forEach _objects;

    [XM8 App] Personal Base Location Markers

    I got the same problem also. Blank screen.
  3. Is there a way to edit this in the update v0071?

    [SOLVED] Infistar waste dump anti dupe

    Yea same here. Has to be infistar. Didnt do it before the v0071 update. We need a way to disable the infistar part of the wastedump.

    [SOLVED] Infistar waste dump anti dupe

    Thank you Craminu. That works.

    Real time restarts not working properly

    same for me aswell.
  7. Zupa I have an issue where the missions dont say whos capping them. Its enabled but it just says "is Capping XXX". Not "Cheech is Capping XXX". Any idea how to fix this?

    DMS - Defent's Mission System

    got ZCP, Occupation, and DMS.
  9. I have v69a and I get this error when the server starts and when someone logs in the are glitched in the ground. 15:04:47 "<> 0 - Thread #1: Preparing Server Loop #1.." 15:04:47 Error in expression <}; }; "; if(!_USE_RESTART_TIMES_ARRAY && _SHOW_RESTART_TIMER)then{ _asd = _asd> 15:04:47 Error position: <&& _SHOW_RESTART_TIMER)then{ _asd = _asd> 15:04:47 Error &&: Type String, expected Bool,code 15:04:47 File a3_infiSTAR_Exile\EXILE_AH.sqf, line 6822 15:04:47 Error in expression <}; }; "; if(!_USE_RESTART_TIMES_ARRAY && _SHOW_RESTART_TIMER)then{ _asd = _asd> 15:04:47 Error position: <&& _SHOW_RESTART_TIMER)then{ _asd = _asd> 15:04:47 Error Generic error in expression 15:04:47 File a3_infiSTAR_Exile\EXILE_AH.sqf, line 6822 If I remove that part of EXILE_AH.sqf the server works great.
  10. CHEECH

    DMS - Defent's Mission System

    I have an issue with too many AI spawning. Im using the default files and a moderate mission spawns 14 AI. Here is the code for Hatchback steal for example case "moderate": { _AICount = (4 + (round (random 4))); _crate_weapons = (2 + (round (random 2))); _crate_items = (3 + (round (random 4))); _crate_backpacks = (2 + (round (random 1))); }; That mission is spawning 14 AI with moderate difficulty marker on map.
  11. CHEECH

    [SOLVED] Infistar Restart Error

    Still the same error