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  1. deck123

    exile 1.0.0 chernarus mission file

    I have temp removed this , but it will be back on within the next few days.
  2. deck123

    exile 1.0.0 chernarus mission file

    hey man am not sure how to do that atm but I will be looking into while am away bare with me.
  3. deck123

    exile 1.0.0 chernarus mission file

    remove the announcepay forgot todo that as I will be adding lockers in when home
  4. deck123

    exile 1.0.0 chernarus mission file

    So I have been busy and hitting a few bugs and I have to go away for 5 days but here is a working missions file this is with only the ai traders and no building atm I will finish it whe home, feel free to add any in though
  5. deck123

    exile 1.0.0 chernarus mission file

    Hello I built one just adding some little tweaks but got work so it might not be ready until monday, maybe tomorrow if am lucky but once its ready I will post it.
  6. deck123

    Updated 1.0.0 mission files

    Hello my server is just about running just adding some lockers and sorting loot out, but this will take until monday as I have work if you can hold on I dont mind helping out.
  7. deck123

    How to Exile Chernarus (or any other map)

    does any have a basic missions file for cherno 1.0.0 as since this was posted a ton of files have been changed this would help me out a lot, thanks in advanced.
  8. deck123

    Updated 1.0.0 mission files

    hello I have the same issue as yourself but cant seem to find anything, I am currently working on one but not 100% sure if it will work but if it does I will send the cherno one across.
  9. deck123


    hello guys am just wondering if anyone has these for 1.0.0 as so many files have changed since ? thanks
  10. deck123


    So I have just created a new Tanoa server and would love to get some players in to enjoy it, just search UEX in A3. Join our [UEX] members on Exile TODAY! - [UEX] Welcomes New Players [UEX] Stands for Ultimate Exile. Wish to play with us? Well you can, with this IP ( you can join us through A3 Launcher or through the direct connect option in the Arma 3 MP Lobby. [UEX] Has a 25K PopTab Start. (If you do not spawn with the 25K Contact an Admin and they will sort you out ASAP) If no admin is around when you need your 25K PopTabs, simply wait for an admin to get on the server, or just ask a well known player in the server if they will help you out (99% of the time they will help you.) [UEX] Has the friendliest admins to date! They are always there to help you out when you are in need and are always active at some point in the day. [UEX] Provides members of it's community with a TeamSpeak server where members can interact with each other. It also has a help desk so that any members that have an issue in the server can wait in there so an admin knows to speak with you. Hear is the TS IP ( [UEX] Community members are always there to help you out if you need it. Now besides [UEX] being a PVP server, members will always joke around after a firefight. [UEX] Does not Condone: Swearing, Racial Abuse, Virbal Abuse, Cheating, Glitcing, Exploiting Game and/or Mod Bugs. Any member that is caught doing any of the above will be punished accordingly to what rule they have broken. Any member that is a victim of Racial or Virbal abuse must contact a [UEX] Staff member ASAP to discuss what has occurred.
  11. deck123

    exile 1.0.0 chernarus mission file

    I have a few servers running so now I was after a chernarus one but as I am still new here I am in need of a little help getting the missions file running as I have not got one for 1.0.0 I only have the 0.9.61 "Plum" and I know a load of files was changed so I am not able to use the old one, so does anyone have a basic missions file I could use and edit or maybe help me got my old one working. Thanks in advance.
  12. So I have just created a new Tanoa server and would love to get some players in to enjoy it, just search UEX in A3, its got high loot, 25k start, friendly admins and other free starting gifts.
  13. deck123

    ACiDy Tanoa Bridges

    cant seem to get this to work i added this inside my initplayerlocal.sqf /** * Created with Exile Mod 3DEN Plugin * */ [] execVM "custom\acd_TB\run.sqf"; [] execVM "addons\statusBar\statusBar.sqf"; : if (!hasInterface || isServer) exitWith {}; but nothing happens am i doing this correct ?
  14. deck123

    DMS - Defent's Mission System

    so I have just got a Tanoa server which works fine but wanted to add dms , I use it on my altis server so can I just copy the file across and it will be work or will i need to make changes ? I am still fairly new to this Thanks.
  15. deck123

    No entry: bin\config.bin/CfgWeapons/ItemInfo.scope

    did anyone find a fix for this ?