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Everything posted by INDY

  1. I am referring to the airfield trader. The recycle machine is missing. The trader is still there though. Also as i said when entering a trader al works fine but after you leave the trader its as if the game still thinks im at a trader as you go to shoot and get you shoot air! You are a muppet. Which then makes players have to re log. Any Ideas what this could be causing this. I updated my server to 0.9.20 so was a fresh install.
  2. @ [x] iDanich i have installed your safezone script and am having some issues.. Firstly some of the buildings and desks etc are missing at traders. Secondly after visiting a trader i go to shoot and get you are a muppet outside of trader but i have no god mode on its as if i am still in a trader zone. Any help would be greatly appreciatted
  3. INDY

    DMS - Defent's Mission System

    Can someone help me? I see you can now spawn AI in vehicles. Can someone show me how please?
  4. INDY

    [GUIDE]Welcome Intro with Music

    Thanks for your response but i ended up using GR8 server credits. Good work anyway
  5. INDY

    [GUIDE]Welcome Intro with Music

    Hi i added this to my server but i get no welcome creds or music have i done something wrong here is my Description and Init DESCRIPTION // forceRotorLibSimulation = 2; // disableChannels[] = {0, 2}; author = "Exile Mod Team"; loadScreen = "exile_client\texture\mod\logo.paa"; onLoadMission= ""; OnLoadIntro = ""; OnLoadIntroTime = false; OnLoadMissionTime = false; onLoadName = "Exile Mod"; class Header { gameType = Sandbox; minPlayers = 1; maxPlayers = 100; }; // DO NOT CHANGE THIS! + showHUD = 0; respawn = "BASE"; respawnDelay = 120; respawnDialog = 0; respawnOnStart = 0; respawnButton = 1; respawnTemplates[] = {"Exile"}; // These are broken as fuck, do not use them! corpseManagerMode = 0; corpseLimit = 20; corpseRemovalMinTime = 1800; corpseRemovalMaxTime = 3600; wreckManagerMode = 0; wreckLimit = 2; wreckRemovalMinTime = 60; wreckRemovalMaxTime = 360; // DO NOT CHANGE THIS! - // When scripted player is enabled, game no longer shows "No player select" error message upon mission start when no player unit is present. scriptedPlayer = 1; // Automatically take a free slot in lobby joinUnassigned = 0; // Removes all playable units which do not have a human player. disabledAI = true; // Disable dropping items while swimming enableItemsDropping = 0; // Briefing will still be displayed until all clients are connected and done loading briefing = 0; // Defines if the debriefing is shown or not at the end of the mission. debriefing = 0; // Allow RPT loging allowFunctionsLog = 1; // Allows access to the Debug Console outside of the editor during normal gameplay. // 0 = Default behavior, available only in editor // 1 = Available in SP and for hosts / logged in admins // 2 = Available for everyone enableDebugConsole = 0; // 2 = dangerous in MP // NO NO NO allowFunctionsRecompile = 0; #include "config.cpp" class CfgRemoteExec { class Functions { mode = 1; jip = 0; class ExileServer_system_network_dispatchIncomingMessage { allowedTargets=2; }; }; class Commands { mode=0; jip=0; }; }; class cfgFunctions { class VEMF { tag = "VEMF"; class functions { file = "VEMFclient"; class vemfClientMessage {}; class vemfClientInit { postInit = 1; }; }; }; }; class RscTitles { #include "VEMFclient\hpp_mainVemfClient.hpp" #include "addons\statusBar\statusBar.hpp" }; class CfgSounds { sounds[] = {Intro}; class Intro { name = "Intro"; sound[] = {"\intro\intro.ogg", 1, 1}; titles[] = {}; }; }; INIT #include "custom\acd_SZ\acd_SZ_config.sqf" execVM "intro\intro.sqf";
  6. INDY

    Map friendly tag

    Got a question for you i have converted the file Config.bin to .cpp and this is what i have. class CfgPatches { class exile_server { requiredVersion = 0.100000; requiredAddons = {"exile_client", "exile_server_config"}; units = {}; weapons = {}; magazines = {}; ammo = {}; }; }; class CfgFunctions { class ExileServer { class Bootstrap { file = "exile_server\bootstrap"; class preInit { preInit = 1; }; class postInit { postInit = 1; }; }; class FiniteStateMachine { file = "exile_server\fsm"; class main { ext = ".fsm"; }; }; }; }; I do not see class CfgDifficulties
  7. INDY


    Hi GR8 i already have BEC doing my restarts i was just curious how to get the built in one from exile working. The loot spawned fro you notification on the right i would like to be able to have that display and warn players that there is a server restart in X amount of time. Is this possible? Thanks
  8. INDY


    I'd also like to know how the Exile restart system works.