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  1. Annie

    WildAnnie's Traders Napf

    sorry, ive no idea about that as I never experienced it. *shrug
  2. Annie

    WildAnnie's Traders Napf

    heya, It's not a case of won't its a case of can't as they just don't exist any more due to an ssd malfunction and replacement. I'll have a check later and see if I have any older files hidden anywhere, but I think they were all nt he same drive. sorry guys
  3. Not sure which topic to put this in, so I figured the general section would do. I created full trader camps for the Napf map with new map markers etc. This was for our own server, but I figured I would share the work here in case anyone else would like to use it. You can get the relevant files from my github - The README: WildAnnies-Traders-Napf- Traders and Marker files and code for use with arma 3 Exile on the Napf map. Included files: classMarkersFromMission.sqm - A revised set of map markers to show new trader positions and safezone sizes (smaller safe zones than default) initPlayerLocal.sqf - Trader positions, types, animations initServer.sqf - Trader camp objects, signs, etc NOTES Helipads (inlcuding invisible pads) are set at vehicle traders to mark suitable safe spawn positions if the server is set up to use the ExileServer_system_trading_network_purchaseVehicleRequest by krwtt. You can find it at Rememeber that if you are using infistar you will need to add trader exclusions (anti-TP) to stop spawns being immediately moved back. Feel free to change around the camps as you require for your server. Don't blame me if things go bang - you will need to set things up right to get it working right and I DO recommend using the above mentioned script by krwtt to make sure new bought vehicles dont go boom. If you are able to give a little credit or kudos if you use the camps then thats awesome. If not, then meh, that's life. Huge thanks to TheKnightTemplar & Utomnia for their server hosting and help, and the Wild Crew for testing and breaking everything. Enjoy. **Update** For those of you that want to have the lockers added to the traders, H42M4T has sent me the following positions for those. All you do is add it to the end of your initServer.SQF You can thank H42M4t for this one ................................................................... //LOCKERS private _vehicles = [ ["Exile_Locker", [2807.83, 7928.18, 83.5267], [-0.300959, 0.953637, 0], [0, 0, 1], true], ["Exile_Locker", [8255.26, 15475.7, 4.176], [0.646598, -0.762831, 0], [0, 0, 1], true], ["Exile_Locker", [15445.5, 5817.18, 204.547], [-0.238338, 0.971151, -0.00778005], [0, 0, 1], true], ["Exile_Locker", [14202.6, 12674.1, 9.44298], [-0.982429, -0.186638, 0], [0, 0, 1], true] ]; { private _vehicle = (_x select 0) createVehicle (_x select 1); _vehicle allowDamage false; _vehicle setPosWorld (_x select 1); _vehicle setVectorDirAndUp [_x select 2, _x select 3]; _vehicle enableSimulationGlobal (_x select 4); _vehicle setVariable ["ExileIsLocked", -1, true]; if (_vehicle isKindOf "Exile_RussianRouletteChair") then { ExileRouletteChairs pushBack _vehicle; ExileRouletteChairPositions pushBack [_x select 1, getDir _vehicle]; }; } forEach _vehicles;
  4. Annie

    Power Grid for Exile!

    Well this is using power grid, which is a remote for PC functions in and out of games. It doesn't do live maps.
  5. Annie

    Power Grid for Exile!

    Hey guys, I basically made this for myself because I have a memory like a sieve and keep forgetting the keys when i jump in and out of various Arma 3 configs, but I thought I'd share it with the community in case anyone else can find it useful. Exile Power Grid : Its a remote Roccat Power-Grid 'Grid' for Exile. (For those that don't have Power-Grid, it's free from Roccat What does it do? Basically it will allow you to use your phone or tablet as a remote for some of the functions in Exile. Some basic keys are already setup, but for Power Grid to play nicely with Arma 3 I found avoiding the PgUp, PgDn and Ctrl buttons to give the best results. Anyway, feel free to put your own key configs in (whatever you find suits you best). Exile Power Grid : I hope some of you will find this useful (and a fun extra tool to use) Enjoy! Annie