n00dles w/Oculus

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Everything posted by n00dles w/Oculus

  1. n00dles w/Oculus

    Irregular Apocalypse

    If you are looking for something that is quality over quantity, and doesn't spoon feed players, this might be for you, a relaxed environment for mature people. This project is a one man affair, a hobby project that is attempting to do things its own way. The project is still work in progress (went "live" on the 1st Nov) but functional to the level of most other servers, our advanced features will take some more time. No loot spam. No Traders. (only p2p trading, and base upkeep) No 3rd person. No laggy scripts. No extra mods that don't add to gameplay. Powerful items are actually rare. Headless clients. Features are being added over time, I am are open to suggestions provided it has meaningful gameplay potential (another gun/shirt for the sake of another gun/shirt, or cosmetic aspects add nothing). Current big ticket item is custom AI for Zombies (sight/sound, swarm/flocking behaviour, plus more). Other prospective features include game masters (Human and AI Director), greater depth than one button mechanics, custom client side mod, improved flashlights/flares, FULL(including medical/repair) ACE3 integration, TFR or ACRE, website with player stats tracking (graphs and other shiny toys) and possibly more. Mod Collection: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1199170867 Zombie AI development videos:
  2. n00dles w/Oculus

    InfiStar Headless Client kick.

    Just FYI, Isn't fixed if you have more than one HC. MariaDB [exile]> select logentry from infistar_logs where logentry REGEXP 'PLAYER-OBJECT' LIMIT 5; +----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | logentry | +----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | HC3(HC26284) | WRONG PLAYER-OBJECT HeadlessClient_F with netId 5 308 @[7758.93,2769.53,-5.10453] | 0h 29min 25s [30-10-2017 23-45-10 - v87] | | HC3(HC26284) isAdmin? false SLOG_SKICK HC3(HC26284) | WRONG PLAYER-OBJECT HeadlessClient_F with netId 5 308 @[7758.93,2769.53,-5.10453] | 0h 29min 25s [30-10-2017 23-45-10 - v87] | | () isAdmin? false HC3(HC26284) isAdmin? false SLOG_SKICK HC3(HC26284) | WRONG PLAYER-OBJECT HeadlessClient_F with netId 5 308 @[7758.93,2769.53,-5.10453] | 0h 29min 25s [30-10-2017 23-45-10 - v87] | | HC3(HC26653) | WRONG PLAYER-OBJECT HeadlessClient_F with netId 9 4 @[7758.93,2769.53,0.251542] | 0h 34min 41s [30-10-2017 23-45-10 - v87] | | HC3(HC26653) isAdmin? false SLOG_SKICK HC3(HC26653) | WRONG PLAYER-OBJECT HeadlessClient_F with netId 9 4 @[7758.93,2769.53,0.251542] | 0h 34min 41s [30-10-2017 23-45-10 - v87] | +----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ 5 rows in set (0.00 sec)
  3. n00dles w/Oculus

    XM8, pop tabs

    Replace line 27 in: ExileClient_gui_xm8_slide_apps_onOpen.sqf // FIX: xm8 show current balance //_popTabsValue = (player getVariable ["ExileLocker", 0]); _popTabsValue = (player getVariable ["ExileMoney", 0]); Add file as an override to mission config.cpp class CfgExileCustomCode { ExileClient_gui_xm8_slide_apps_onOpen = "overrides\ExileClient_gui_xm8_slide_apps_onOpen.sqf"; };
  4. n00dles w/Oculus

    Irregular Apocalypse

    If you are looking for something that is quality over quantity, and doesn't spoon feed players, this might be for you, a relaxed environment for mature people. This project is a one man affair, a hobby project that is attempting to do things its own way. The project is still work in progress (went "live" on the 1st Nov) but functional to the level of most other servers, our advanced features will take some more time. No loot spam. No Traders. (only p2p trading, and base upkeep) No 3rd person. No laggy scripts. No extra mods that don't add to gameplay. Powerful items are actually rare. Headless clients. Features are being added over time, I am are open to suggestions provided it has meaningful gameplay potential (another gun/shirt for the sake of another gun/shirt, or cosmetic aspects add nothing). Current big ticket item is custom AI for Zombies (sight/sound, swarm/flocking behaviour, plus more). Other prospective features include game masters (Human and AI Director), greater depth than one button mechanics, custom client side mod, improved flashlights/flares, FULL(including medical/repair) ACE3 integration, TFR or ACRE, website with player stats tracking (graphs and other shiny toys) and possibly more. https://www.gametracker.com/server_info/ Zombie AI development videos:
  5. HeliCrashes.sqf // Create the wrecks //_centerPOS = EZC_centerPOS; <-- Dumb can be automated as below _middle = worldSize/2; _centerPOS = [_middle,_middle,0]; Also for EZC_maxDist maxDist (Optional): Number - maximum distance from the center position. If -1, the world's "safePositionRadius" entry will be used Adding a var for terrain elevation, and blacklist array would prob be a reasonable suggestion also.
  6. n00dles w/Oculus

    class CfgExileCustomCode

    Would someone be kind enough to provide me with several examples of lines using this class? I what to access scripts/functions contained within other mods and packed inside .pbo's but don't seem to be able to find the correct path, I've checked the BI wiki for path variables and search paths but no combination seems to work. Cheers
  7. n00dles w/Oculus

    Adding knock-out, broken legs & actual bleeding

    I'm in the process of re-writing my project from the ground up as the proof of concept I hammered together has out grown the scope of the parts used to test it. I have a working prototype that as full advanced ACE medical system database persistence as a core feature, But the mod is some way off any public release. If you interested there is info on about the proof of concept here: http://steamcommunity.com/groups/zxile but is no longer maintained.
  8. n00dles w/Oculus

    [SOLVED] Infistar login/logout as admin

    If you login to the server directly it will postfix the player name with admin, this is done using #login <rcon pass> in chat. This can also be done using the login option from the infiSTAR menu its in white near the middle/bottom of the list. This doesn't require a password. Obviously people that haven't done this won't me marked in the player list. I'd suggest your admins enable the infiSTAR option when they have the panel open, the use the save option state button at the top of the screen so it is enabled upon login, to save forgetting todo it. Although I'm not 100% sure that option would be saved, haven't bothered to go that far myself, I'll test it later.
  9. n00dles w/Oculus

    [SOLVED] Infistar login/logout as admin

    Type !admin in chat, you'll be thrown to server browser, when you rejoin you'll be a regular player. Or you could set yourself in the infiSTAR config to start as a normal player, you'd then use the same !admin command to access the panel.
  10. n00dles w/Oculus

    Box of matches invisible?

    Sadly I cannot offer further insight, haven't taken to looking at it further. What I can offer is what I might try to debug the issue, make a loot table exclusively of small items, matches etc.. slap on some debug, and manually inspect in what instances they appear and don't appear. Then as an ugly work around tune the spawning to account for a "failure" rate. This is a example of what I'd do to get on, I'm not in the habit of letting small things get in the way of the larger project as a whole and as iterating on your balance is the goal here, I'd find an interim method such as above to achieve that and return to the issue later. Chances are the problem will evaporate in a later patch which will be obvious by the over abundance of matches, at which point you can just cut back on the drop rate. Hope this gives you at least another perspective on the issue. Solving a problem isn't always worth the effort, Just in my opinion.
  11. n00dles w/Oculus

    Box of matches invisible?

    I have several other methods of spawning items in world, and only with the Exile spawn system do they "not appear" I've already looked at the asset, there doesn't appear to be any issues with it. This also happens with earplugs, can openers, screw drivers, etc.. I imagine issues like this are why the Arma assets for things like the compass, map etc.. are standardized as an ammo pouch. Not only saves time but removes issues finding fiddly small items in world.
  12. n00dles w/Oculus

    A word to server owners

    Take a look at my group, http://steamcommunity.com/groups/Zxile Its easier to point you to what has already been written than restate. There is a "guide" posted that explains in more detail. We are running an experimental concept that tries to address each one of your concerns. The whole premise of the project is to build a workable solution to current mediocrity, and your issues are in large part the driving force behind starting the project. If you have any other gameplay/mechanics issue that isn't already being tackled by the project I'd be interested in hearing your points.
  13. n00dles w/Oculus

    Box of matches invisible?

    I believe the issue you are having is that they spawn below ground level, I have noticed this with several of the smaller items. I have taken to placing spawn positions slightly higher, its fugly and immersion (what little there is) breaking. But somewhat negates the issue.
  14. n00dles w/Oculus

    Server Restart Loop

    I take it you edited the mission file with Exiles 3DEN editor tool? When saving the mission Arma writes 3DEN as a dependency, thus I take it the server didn't have the mod loaded and bombed each time saving missing content. Either add 3DEN to your server mods, (dumb imo) or edit the mission file and remove the 3DEN dependency from the addons array. addons[]= {} or simpler yet, just use the tool to write out the required files. Don't use it to edit the mission directly. Its all a guess based solely on you mentioning "3DEN".
  15. n00dles w/Oculus

    Looking for players and potential Game masters

    This is old and boring now. I'm only replying because there's so much stupid floating about lately, read, react, but they don't comprehend. My post was never the issue up for debate, nor did I give two fucks. Somehow the content from this thread was dragged in here in some attempt to invalidate my points about threads being deleted without warning or notice, I made the mistake of mentioning several posts of mine that had been removed as EXAMPLES of the point I was making. Thus people took it upon themselves to assume I was complaining. If you had read the post above your last it would be perfectly clear. It seems people have forgotten what an example used to illustrate actually is and the fact its totally possible for someone to comment on a concern without "crying about it" If my posts where an issue, I'd have done something at the time!
  16. n00dles w/Oculus

    Server Restart Loop

    Something is broke, Check your .rpt log. Most likely a typo in a config. If you open your mission file in the editor for example it'll prompt you if there's a typo somewhere.
  17. Its an example, I wasn't doing the work for him! There is more required for a complete working UI replacement solution. I have just pointed out where in the code you need to poke to get at the root of the Exile UI, and given an example. Its by far not the best or most elegant way to do it. Forgive me if I hand people just enough rope to hang themselves, and little more.
  18. I have done, and am in the process of doing more extensive replacement. The following is one way to make changes to the UI. An override is needed for RscExileHUD class which is defined within exile_client/config.cpp For example: class RscTitles { class RscExileHUD { class controls { class Grenade: RscControlsGroup { show="false"; y=-1; }; class Weapon: RscControlsGroup { show="false"; y=-1; }; class Vehicle: RscControlsGroup { show="false"; y=-1; }; class Stats: RscControlsGroup { class controls { delete StatsBackground; }; }; }; }; }; This removes all elements, except the hunger and thirst display and removes the background image from that UI element. Ugly Hacky, but gets the job done, you will also need to either re-enable the Arma UI or add your own replacement. At least imo. In my limited only < 6 month total experience modding Arma, you cannot modify the contents of a config.cpp after load time, or using code overrides from a mission file like what is provided from CfgExileCustomCode, for obvious reasons that these are generally custom functions that are complied at run time and not class definitions. Altering the UI in the way referenced above you'd have to load a custom client side mod and patch over exile_client. Someone please correct me if I'm wrong? I would be interested in finding out alternatives.
  19. n00dles w/Oculus

    Exile: Too Easy?

    If you are referring to my project, the economy is dynamic prices and availability change based on supply and demand. Also making use of the nice player trading addon to allow players to directly obtain rare items or just make a buck. There are Zero scripted or going out on a limb predicable events, like found in the various mission systems that are on nearly all servers, which just encourage repeated patterns of farming. Every event in my project is hand crafted. Difficult isn't a thing, there are elements a player has to account for and adapt too. Which just simply don't exist elsewhere do to the scripted nature of them.
  20. n00dles w/Oculus

    Exile: Too Easy?

    Finally someone "important" laying out what I've been banging my drum about for years. This is way no one plays anything that doesn't shower its player base with everything. Your servers are boring! 90% of servers are carbon copies doing the exact same tried thing. Maybe now someone like Jim is calling out the Bullshit people will realise.
  21. n00dles w/Oculus

    Teno - Emergent Survival

    Backgound Teno Is an attempt to create an immersive emergent survival experience, driven by equal parts player base and human game masters. Hostile placement, economy, missions and more change regularly. Meaning in theory endless stories to tell, and no game session the same. You do not start with everything and end game is not about tower building. Grinding for loot, and farming are not such a factor as game masters generate in world content including missions, encounters, supply drops/bases if you can think of it a GM can do it. Even up to full scale server wide events for all. With a GM on the table you never know what you might posses at the end of your session, you could join with nothing and 5 minutes later have only instance of a powerful item. Guide: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=726299836 Footage: Rough clips from dev and live GM sessions, Mods Teno has be desgined to be as lightweight as possible for the user so only a small number of mods are needed, and all except one are available via steam workshop for easy management. The reason we won't add more Although things extra mods provide might be nice they often have unwanted effects, most obviously being download size, management, and conflicts with other mods. They also negatively effect gameplay performance and FPS and have more subtle drawbacks such as weapons having unbalanced stats, and as Teno has authentic ballistics simulation this really screws with gun balance. This project is maintained by one person and fixing all the conflicts and config errors doesn't warrant the gains. Required Mods Here is the list of minimum required addons, This list will never change. Exile mod: Exile is unavailable via Steam workshop, as such you will need to obtain it via the Exile website or via tools such as A3Launcher. CBA: CBA is an arma scripting extention that provides code needed by other addons. http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=450814997 Tenome: The Teno core, this is a package of modules and code that make the required changes to gameplay to support Tenome. http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=707301378 Ryans Zombies: A mod that provides Zombies in game. http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=501966277 Mod Collection: There is also a collection on Steam workshop that is a one stop for almost everything required, and a few of the optional extras the server supports. If you sub to the collection you ONLY need to obtain Exile(linked above) and can ignore the other links on this page. http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=721402583 Mod Whitelist: At time of writing the full whitelist of optional mods is: Blastcore Phoenix DragonFyre Eden (as of writing isn't compatiable with Tanoa) ShackTac UI Exile Extended base building
  22. n00dles w/Oculus

    Looking for players and potential Game masters

    This was all that needs to be stated. If it is in fact the primary criteria. I only referenced other posts to illustrate the apparent double standard. I have no issue with any contributions made by others, (hence the lack of using the report function) this is the internet after all, and a video game, none of it means anything. Even if I hadn't had personal experience with an unclear practice I would have raised the same concerns, the fact its my post is irrelevant. In reality I'm highlighting an issue to make your job easier. Had my original observations been in place STARTairsoft780 wouldn't have had to ask the questions he did. Its not a criticism of you, your life, or however you've taken it. I take very little interest in the content being deleted, Its the way in which it is removed. Just pointing out observations. But you are clearly playing in a area used to slapping butt hurt children, and can't see past the fact someone can express concerns on a topic irrelevant of their personal experience, only used to illustrate, next time I shall use examples separate from personal experience. I have edited any posts relating the project to conform with your wishes. If you find any I have missed, let me know and I'll make the relevant changes.
  23. n00dles w/Oculus

    Exile: Too Easy?

    Paging Master Floss, paging Master Floss. Server advertisement! Banana? What!
  24. n00dles w/Oculus

    Looking for players and potential Game masters

    Hence you see no reply to FragZ inline. As for the rest well, I'm looking for people to join/help test a project. And have provided them the relevant information. The post also states GMs are NOT admins. I can only conclude you don't understand the project, perhaps I need to use simpler terms? Or do you simply take offence at the sever link as for example MetalMan has a "recruitment" post where 80% of the content is about the "features" and mods on their server, is there something he did right and I got wrong? Use of colour perhaps. I correct my point, the referenced post has be updated since (22 june), and I don't have time to look for another example. Sure I'll find several later.