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Everything posted by Enforcer1975

  1. Enforcer1975

    Killin Zedz Chernarus Reborn

    Tried to join twice but got kicked. Which mods do i really need or not need in that list? And do i have to whitelist? Didn't see anything in the forum.
  2. Enforcer1975

    First person view server

    It works with other shooters too so why not? It's surprising how many claim to come from CoD or BF but play 3p. The excuse of getting nauseous is easily stopped by disabling headbob and tweaking fov which again is basically the same as with other shooters ( 3p and 1p have the same fov for btw which is a false claim against 1p ). If you don't give players a choice they will still play it because all the good outweighs the bad or why else is the BF series still thriving even though so many fans say it's basically the same stuff over and over?
  3. Enforcer1975

    First person view server

    The problem is out of 10 players asking for a 1p server you will not even find half of them on it when you take the time to set one up. And if we had a better option to filter 1p only servers ( here in the forum, with a3launcher and vanilla launcher because there either is no option or they just don't work and with admins labeling their 3p server "hardcore" because ai is at top difficulty or whatever is "hard" in their eyes it brings more confusion, ofc players will just go whatever then i'll just play on a 3p server or not play at all ) we wouldn't have 20 servers with 2 players each because those who like to play 1p just set one up for themselves. We really need a norm to make filters work. I had to join like 10 hardcore servers just to find one that actually had 1p and some servers with 1p in their name had 3p...
  4. Enforcer1975

    First person view server

    Well then just let me show you this links how realistic your option is in case you overread it.
  5. Enforcer1975

    First person view server

    That's a simpleton way of dealing with a problem of that kind. It's like telling someone to start eating fluid stuff when he has toothache instead of sending him to the dentist. Anyway OP it's going to be hard to find populated 1p servers. I only know of one and quite a few have this hybrid 3p script. The best hybrid for me is forced 1p when you take your weapon into your hands. You can still abuse over / behind the wall peeking but you will be switched immediately. At least you can't do the close quarters 3p peekaboo stuff anymore which is a good change and will keep most KoS players away.
  6. Well they exist in the game but admins should filter them out for the sake of playability. I have only seen one server where f.e. all rifle suppressors are banned so players think twice if they want to announce themselves and not just be able to do silent kills at 1500m. Iirc handgun suppressors have been removed too but they aren't as game breaking. High caliber guns have a place too but should be limited via script. APCS. ..maybe but only a few hand selected ones..Tanks, attack helos? Why not play a wargame mode instead? So far almost every Exile server is Wasteland with zombies minus the base parts collectIng anyway...not much variety and far away from playing a person who has been sent to fight for survival. It's more like a warzone.
  7. Enforcer1975

    What servers can I play on

    I would say a couple small sessions wouldn't hurt but with controls i just went into the editor to get used to them and tweak if needed. It sucks having to change them in game and iirc it's blocked anyway. Also a controller isn't bad when you plan on using vehicles a lot. At least i feel more comfortable with it when i can make small corrections. Players i take on a ride see the difference immediately because it's much smoother than mashing a key to f.e. get around a corner. Exile uses the same keys but has some mod specific ones like for the earplugs, XM8 and user actions like lock/unlock.
  8. Enforcer1975

    What servers can I play on

    I would try a few hours of vanilla exile before jumping into mods just so you have a rough idea how vanilla gaming differs from modded gaming. A lot can go wrong and you might dislike exile because ( clueless / ignorant ) admins overload their servers with mods which kill the game as you were hoping it to be.
  9. Enforcer1975


    Would be great if you could modify the capacity and not "balance by price" because that's not solving the problem imo. It just doesn't make sense if you look at the cargo volume some vehicles have . The box van from my experience us one of the most cost effective transport vehicle so far. It's fast, can haul a lot, quite bulletproof and protects you from shots in the back thanks to the box. And it's small enough to be concealable.
  10. Enforcer1975

    Crafting from vehicle

    Heey there. Does anyone already have a script where it is possible to craft things that need way more ressources than you would able to carry in your backpack? Like either having them either in a vehicle or put them on the ground and craft them that way?
  11. Enforcer1975


    Having problems when my client has to download a new mission file. The admin of the server i am playing on was kind enough to have an external download of it ready when needed. If not i just delete the mission file in the mpmissionscache folder, connect, do the alt-tab thingie and hope for the best. I don't think the cause for this problem is exile. BIS seems to have broken ArmA quite a bit lately. Performance is way down the bottom.
  12. Enforcer1975

    Board up buildings

    One problem is the in game buildings aren't really fortified in the sense of them collapsing when you put enough fire inot them. So in the end it's easier to break into your base that way. I'd still put some exile walls in/around it or at least sandbags that keep players from getting close to the wall.
  13. Enforcer1975

    Added: Prototypes of hunting, farming and fishing

    No need to catch them, they are coming on land by themselves
  14. Enforcer1975

    8G Bullet Cam

    The had get might be fun but let's be honest here. Don't we already have too many weapon related things in the game ( plus the weapon mods )? We really need some things like at least animals...asking to be able to farm might be too much but that's possible too. I mean this game is about survival but up until now it's just about surviving the next mass shooting and not about how to feedback myself. If i was in a situation like Exile i would prioritize surviving and then maybe fighting for food. Every mod so far ( Exile and the other mod with E, DayZ and so on ) have offered nothing so far except maybe the occasional steak you could harvest from the pigs, rabbits and sheep and a bit of fishing in DayZ mod and E...*cough*
  15. Grind....hard...those are words that you can stretch pretty much. I had an admin who though hardcore was either finding a full set of gear and weapons every other house or absolutely nothing, set up ai that hunt you down in helos, with armed vehicles and on foot en masse. Yes that was an exile server. For me the concept of hard is actually having to MOVE around the map to find what you need. Most players just stick to their turf and don't go further because the admin set lot too easy most of the time. Actually having to move to the next town 5km away to the next industrial to look for baseparts is a hastle ...they want 5 min spawn intervals. I mean why are players asking for a hard mode and bigger island when all they do is sit near their base and do nothing? I see so many players asking for 1st person only servers but when you have a couple around they are either empty or they gather on the server that gives them an easy time...just with 1st person. Others want hard to find loot and "low tech" armament and hard to find special stuff. No matter what you do you can only appeal to a small amount of players. You set the server as you like it, if the players like it they play. They might even ask you to do this and that and you could do that if it's reasonable and fits your concept. It's a compromise after all but don't bend over to players threatening to leave if you don't do x or y. Never. You don't need their type.
  16. Enforcer1975

    Shadows of Humanity HC Survival

    Have been playing for a few weeks now and witnessed a change in the server from "like every other server" to something that stands out of the crowd. If you are looking for a server where you are fully equipped after looting a couple of houses and go PKing for fun look elsewhere. Traders are minimal, you have to find most of what you need. Like Harleus mentioned above the admin is open for a lot of things and tries to implement them if they're reasonable and in line to how he thinks the game should be played. Life on the server is going to be harder day by day since the admin is tweaking things everytime.
  17. Enforcer1975

    "hidden" Territory

    I don't know if it's already possible and the admins just don't turn it off but i would love to be able to keep the presence of my territory hidden. Every time you get close to a flag you immediately know there must be base nearby. Since i am a player who loves to conceal his presence i would love to be able to have this feature. At least make it a feature for the smallest base area ( 15m ). It makes no sense looking for a safe base location when everyone and his dog who happens to be in range of the trigger gets to know where you have your stash.
  18. Enforcer1975

    "hidden" Territory

    Good stuff Mudbone. He even removed town notifications and stuff which is kind of funny. Now you actually have to recon to know where you are unless you already know the layout of each town or know where you are in general. Now I have to find out how he can remove the markers. Dunno if it's an ArmA thing or the thing from Exile or both. The server gets harder and harder He even removed messages and markers on town missions but put them back in for now. Was kind of hard when you don't know and drive right into a hmg especially since vehicles can only be found. But then again...recon...?
  19. Enforcer1975

    Performance problems

    Most likely the server you are playing on. A lot of admins have no idea what they are doing and just put mod after mod on the server not knowing how taxing bad implementation can be on performance. If the server is running zombies it's even worse. My admin is currently looking how to limit their numbers after he found out it almost kills half the server fps when there are too many around.
  20. Enforcer1975

    Repairing Tanks Interaction Menu?

    ...tanks....why aren't you just playing Wasteland instead?
  21. Enforcer1975

    Equipment loss upon reconnect

    So things are getting worse somehow...losing bigger stuff up to ending up with only the vest left, losing the primary, losing the backpack. When i'm lucky i get part of the starterkit meaning a pistol, some clothing and a small backpack. Or might this be a possible cause some people are losing stuff randomly? ( f.e. when switching uniforms, gear or backpack the map of compass is lost ).
  22. Enforcer1975

    Vehicles blowing up in base.

    So i have been having the problem that vehicles just blow up randomly either when i'm near them or get close to my base after restart. It kind of sucks to have to buy a vehicle or two every other day and it's still full of stuff...it's so much safer to just hide the vehicle in the woods than in a "safe" base. I thought this problem has been adressed already? Really losing the fun in playing when you have to grind money to get a vehicle every time that happens. Just lost 1 a week or two ago and 3 in the laat 2 days.
  23. Enforcer1975

    "hidden" Territory

    Thxfor the all the tips. I have indeed found a very good admin who tries do do things different than most did so far. Even though it's not really needed anymore i'll still tell him he will probably add it because he wants it himself. What he is planning goes beyond what most servers do. Survival on what you find and not what you buy with your poptabs. He wants to reduce the economy system to a minimum but he knows he can't completely remove it. We had a wipe today and are testing out if his vision works. You eat what you find, you use what you find or sell it for some poptabs. You can only buy a few food types and boats ( since there are some problems spawning boats in the ocean iirc ). You can only claim vehicles but not buy them so good luck looking for a codelock, you have 4 hours. Weapon drops are minimum but there are spots where you can find good loot if you are lucky ( not the volcano though, it has been removed on purpose )
  24. Enforcer1975

    Vehicles blowing up in base.

    Exactly like that. A player gets close, vehicle is triggered active and goes boom for whatever reason. I know having vehicles spawn in exactly the same spot in the same direction is doable from ArmA 1 with some database work.
  25. Enforcer1975

    Vehicles blowing up in base.

    That doesn't seem to be the problem. This is an old bug from ArmA where a vehicle basically floats a few cm above the ground and is "activated" and drops to the ground when a player gets close. That isn't the real problem though because if the vehicles were where you put them the last time and not randomly move all of a sudden at some point ( restart or whatever ) they wouldn't collide with eachother in the first place. If there is a script we need something than gives them godmode until the owner interacts with them, ofc only when they are in the base. Or a virtual garage which would take the fun out of base raiding unless they can access the garage ( we do have moedls for garages or vehicles bunkers iirc ) then they would be safe from game bugs. But that would mean more stuff for the database.