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Everything posted by Jenartor

  1. Hey Exile Community, one of my players came up with a great idea ... random spawned vehicles should have some goodies in their inventory. And i thought ... why not share this, with everyone here ... so short and simple: Here it is:
  2. Hey guys, I have a strange problem/bug on my Exile-Server. Everytime I start the server, all the vehicles are deleted from the Database and not spawned. The vehicles were saved into the database correctly, but after the server started ... they are all gone. So no one of my players have their cars, regardless where they were parked. My Exile-System: Exile 0.9.4 - Server & Client DMS A3XAI
  3. Jenartor

    Dynamic Vehicle Spawn with Items in their Inventory

    It should be compatible, when Chernarus has the same lines in the config.cpp like CustomCode.
  4. Jenartor

    Custom Loadout

    Vielleicht kann dir das ja helfen:
  5. Jenartor

    Dynamic Vehicle Spawn with Items in their Inventory

    And another little itty bitty update for another bugkilling
  6. Jenartor

    Delivery Mission

    Maybe you can make that Hemmtt, you want to use for the mission, unsaleable. I don't really know, but i think ... when using "B_Truck_01_transport_F" as Vehicle instead of "Exile_Car_HEMMT " it should be 2 different Vehicles for the Server. And then make the "B_Truck_01_transport_F" unsaleable or saleprice = 1 in the config.
  7. Jenartor

    Dynamic Vehicle Spawn with Items in their Inventory

    Script on Github updated. Thanks to Flowrider85 for finding the little bug with backpacks.
  8. Jenartor

    Rabbits and toilet paper

    Nice idea with the toilet paper for crafting bandages ... On our Server you can collect all the TP and TinCan and sell them to the traders. They love to drown in these stuff and pay for it. Lol
  9. Jenartor

    bAdmin - In-Game Admin Menu from A3W

    It's working perfect on our Sever. Even when 2 Admins using this at the same time. Even no need for #login passwd - It's working with the UID. I don't know if i have to ask biabock or AgentRev for permission to edit, continue and release the changes. I hope i didn't violate any license terms, when i made changes for my server only .... but i would like to share the changes here, so that everyone can have a free admin tool.
  10. Jenartor

    Hardcore Exile (vorhandener oder neuer Server)

    Ich denke mal, dass mein bzw unser Server, an dem wir gerade dran sind die Feineinstellungen zu machen, genau in diese Kategorie passt. Bei uns ist es, dank den NPCs, Missionen und Invasionen nicht gerade ein Kinderspiel zu überleben, da an jeder Ecke der Tod lauern kann. Zusätzlich haben wir auch die Preise für Items nach oben geschraubt(manche Waffen sind eben nun auch teurer als ein Hatchback) und die Verkaufserlöse etwas gesenkt, damit man auch etwas tun muss um sich etwas zu leisten und ein Auto in Exile wieder ein Luxus ist. Teamspiel wäre da eine gute Lösung für die Spieler. Den Loot haben wir zwar auch einwenig erhöht, aber ich würde es nicht gerade als Highloot bezeichnen, da man auch problemlos durch mehrere Häuser rennen kann und noch keine Knarre gefunden hat. Vielleicht kein wirkliches "HardCore" aber dennoch mit erhöhtem Schwierigkeit und hoffentlich Langzeitfaktor.
  11. Jenartor

    Admin Load Out Help Please

    I think i got what you need. With these changes you can define your own admin-loadout. They will spawn with them. Hopefully that's what you wanted. Edit: In your case you can use: loadOut[] = { "ItemCompass", "ItemMap", "Exile_Item_XM8", "ItemRadio", "Exile_Item_PlasticBottleFreshWater", "ItemGPS", "rhs_weap_mk18_grip2_KAC", "rhs_mag_30Rnd_556x45_Mk318_Stanag", "B_Carryall_cbr", "V_PlateCarrierIAGL_oli", "U_B_CombatUniform_mcam_vest", "rhs_6b27m_ml_bala" }; But i don't know, if that will work with RHS-Items
  12. It's possible to use MySQL 5.5 for Exile 0.9.4, but you have to do much more work. I couldn't update my server that easily to a newer MySQL Version, so i found a workaround with triggers and correct use of 5.5 Syntax. You need to edit the .sql file before importing, so that you can use it with 5.5 and then you have to create triggers for each table, which will do the same as the 5.6 Syntax If you want you can download my modified .sql here: It's all ready to import with any tool you want, even from the console. For now it's working fine on my Server with mysql5.5.
  13. Jenartor

    Vehicles deleted from DB after Serverstart

    The ones which were bought disappear. After buying they got saved correctly into the Database. But at Server-Restart the table vehicles got cleaned and not one of the bought vehicles spawn.