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About Blast67

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  1. Blast67

    Where are those pesky varmints?

    Got it resolved. The GSP hadn't updated the new config.cpp but they done it for me once I pointed out they were different. (dont think they actually new that they had to be changed too)
  2. Blast67

    Where are those pesky varmints?

    Yes I do know what it is, I am able to change settings in all the files on the server but having gone through Exile.Altis.pbo several times and not found any mention of animals I thought it must be somewhere else. My next step is a ticket with the server providers as it looks like they haven't updated correctly to ''Lemon''. Thanks.
  3. Blast67

    Where are those pesky varmints?

    When you say go to mission config.cpp , where exactly is this. I cant find it anywhere.
  4. Blast67

    [SOLVED] Bugs so far

    Doors in some traders aren't working. Found a (spawn) tractor with no wheels but still worked fine. If you fall or jump of of something it puts you in combat.
  5. Blast67

    oh dear here we go again

    I can and do change codes and stuff but I aint good at it, I'd rather leave it to the experienced guys so I dont fuck it up.
  6. Blast67

    oh dear here we go again

    Well after suspending my Exile server cause I couldn't be arsed with temp fixes for temp patches for temp updates etc etc, my £20 per month server rental fee will be getting used elsewhere. It's a shame cause I/we loved playing Exile but when it gets to a point of paying for nothing, that's just absurd. I will come back when everything is hunky dory but I fear as to when that will be. :-(
  7. Blast67

    New Patch

    Even Cristiano wants to know when !!! (or at least someone who looks like Scooby Doo)
  8. Blast67

    New Patch

    OK. I aint pressuring or harassing, just thought with the changelog being published it was imminent. When its done its done, I know.
  9. Blast67

    New Patch

    Can anyone say when the new patch will be out ? And before you say ''soon'' can you say it will be out in hours or days or weeks ?
  10. Blast67

    Wood Bug

    Same issue here. Has this bug been addressed elsewhere ?
  11. Blast67

    Script procedure

    Can someone help me with procedures for altering loot % drops. I have downloaded the file and altered the % for certain loot (using PBO manager then Notepad++) but how do I save the changes and get it back into the file and uploaded to my server.
  12. Blast67

    Wood cutting

    I have the same issue on Altis. As far as I can see all trees are affected and all only give the option for picking up 1 log at a time.
  13. Blast67

    Concrete Constructions - Part 4

    This is taking things to new (awesome) level !!! :-)
  14. Blast67

    A few questions from a noob.

    Air drops are a bit rubbish just now. Loads of food and beer and the odd building tool, but sometimes full of items that aren't yet implemented in the game ( shovel, screwdriver etc)
  15. Blast67

    Mods & Add-ons

    I kinda remember something being started for easy access to mods, add-ons or scripts but cant find where. I think it might have been an external page (by a Dev maybe). Not the section in the forum. Anyhoo my issue was, my friends and I are trying to install the Taru-pod loading mod and thought we'd use the forum to fix the issues we were having. Then clicked on the 3RF - igiLoad section which has the Taru-pod in it............41 pages of not a lot of help later we gave up. Would it be possible for a page with confirmed and up to date mods/add-ons/scripts to be added ? We totally appreciate the work all the guys do to create these mods and stuff but its like a blind man with no legs in a maze to the untrained eye trying to decipher the important stuff.