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Everything posted by Snakeyes

  1. Greetings, Are there any water sources on Altis besides the water coolers at the traders? I know that I can collect sea water in empty bottles and boil it with a cooking pot and fire. How about dirty water sources? Anything else, something that I may have missed?
  2. Snakeyes

    Bloodsuckers for Exile Namalsk?

    Greetings, It looks like the EVR Blowouts are a reality for the Exile mod thanks to some talented individuals here on the forums. I wonder if there is any possibility of reviving the bloodsuckers too? Up until about 6 months ago I still had a DayZ Namalsk server running the Nightstalkers package. It's really creepy to be looting Object A2 underground and hear a bloodsucker stomping around and roaring outside. The map definitely has a post apocalyptic foreboding vibe to it. Between the cold, the zeds, EVR Blowouts, bloodsuckers, scarce loot and other players, there was a lot going on. It was a challenge to survive.
  3. Snakeyes

    infiSTAR v0062 new animations

    Greetings, Love the new animations! I laughed for 10 minutes jumping around and peeing on everything. I can't wait to try this out on some buddies this weekend. "Hey, I gotta pee. Not in real life, INGAME fool!" Very nice job with the fade in/fade out on the Notification Messages. They look much better now. Thank you!
  4. Greetings, I know that the AV Live Camera feed has worked with Exile in the past as the YouTube video in the following thread shows. Was this option turned off in a later Exile version? Perhaps thought to be too OP? It would be great if it were left to the server owner to decide with a simple toggle on or off. I'm running a PVE server at the moment so that is not an issue. We would use it as an "Eye in the Sky", locked on to the player with thermals selected and the PIP window up. This tool simply provides better situational awareness for the player. Check the 6:00 minute mark in the video to see how this works. Forum thread and You Tube video shows this feature in Arma 3. Thank you for the Exile mod.
  5. Snakeyes

    Bigfoot's Shipwrecks

    No luck with adding the DMS AI to the shipwrecks.
  6. Greetings, You have given users some flexibility/options with notification messages to the server. Would it be possible to add a fade out to each message? The notification message duration is good, but the transition from one message to the next is abrupt. A short fade transition from one message to the next would be more pleasing to the eye. Thanks!
  7. Snakeyes

    Australia Map

    I was curious about the map so I played on a server that was running Exile+Australia last weekend. My thoughts were, "this map is beautiful." The buildings are so detailed, working elevators, bars, fast food joints, post office, police barracks, etc. After awhile I realized that it is a huge map with very few buildings. Even Sydney is small. My feeling was that this feels too sterile. Everything looks brand spanking new. However, it is a work in progress and I give props to the map maker. Good job! I hope he continues to develop it.
  8. Snakeyes

    atlOffset << what is this?

    Greetings, RE- atlOffset= I've seen this in my mission.sqm for player spawns, markers, etc. What is it? Thanks!
  9. Snakeyes

    Help adding UAV's to Exile server

    I do not think you will be able to connect to the Greyhawk UAV or the Stomper UGV with the UAV terminal. You will probably have to use regular ArmA 3 to play with those. Use the search function here and you should be able to find some previous conversations regarding that. We use the Darter quad copter for recon. It is useful.
  10. Snakeyes

    Notification Messages to the server

    That's okay Chris. You will release it when it is done.
  11. By default, the decay time for a territory is 7 days. I usually change that to 30 days. Otherwise players will lose their bases for any number of reasons. Vacation, business travel, out of town, taking a break from gaming, etc. Besides, paying the protection fee every 30 days is adequate IMO.
  12. Before we get too invested on the Altis map, I wondered how Exile Reborn is working out on the Tanoa map by now? We purchased a territory flag to start a base at the end of our session today. Once the base gets started, we will be committed to Altis for awhile. Personally, I like the Esseker map. I think it suits Exile Reborn perfectly. It's not too big and the chances for PVP encounters are much better. The trees and foliage mask player movement on the map. Esseker has the post apocalypse vibe going for it. The only quibbles I heard today from new players that had never played Exile Reborn were these: "Why can't we build campfires nearly anywhere? Staying warm and healthy is fundamental to succeeding at this game." << I'm not sure what is going on here. At times we had to run to a desolate location far away from any houses or structures to build a fire. At other times we could build a fire in a structure in the middle of a city. I'm just trying to understand the mechanics involved and what works and what does not. "Why are the player respawns random and not select-able? It always puts me on the other side of the map after getting killed with no chance to recover my gear." << They don't want hand holding. Just a reasonable chance. Even the best players get killed on occasion. With 3-4 select-able spawn points on Altis a player may spend 2-3 hours gearing up and getting back to his mates. Assuming they don't have helicopters or ground transportation to do a pick-up. That said, I think they enjoyed the challenges of a really harsh survival experience. One player commented, "everything is out to kill me here, earthquakes, lightning bolts, EVR Blowouts, Head Hunters, Bandits, Zeds, the cold, being soaked by rain, etc." IMO John's vision for a hardcore survival customization for Exile is reality. It will only get better.
  13. @BetterDeadThanZed No, I am the server owner and it is stock version 0.6.1, I just downloaded it on Friday evening. I get the "You can not build here on this server" or something to that effect. We did kill a chicken and we were sharing that trying to stay warm. Another thing I noticed was a damaged car (map spawn) that I was using to offload gear disappeared after I uploaded the updated version to the server. One funny thing I saw and I want to share here. We built a campfire out in a field on Altis, We were resting/healing there when an EVR Blowout started. We ran to some nearby buildings to take shelter. After the EVR Blowout we returned to our campfire at night time and there were 4 AI standing around it. LOL
  14. We played Exile Reborn for hours and hours Friday night and early Saturday morning. We are playing on the Altis map. One thing we noticed is that we have to be 1000 meters or more from any town or village to build a campfire and light a fire. That can't be right. Staying warm is critical and we have to run to the middle of nowhere just to light a fire. Then it is raining most of the time so we are getting soaked and cold out in the open. Don't get me wrong. We like the difficulty level, but the thing with the campfire is absurd.
  15. Snakeyes

    Notification Messages to the server

    3 more hours. Okay, I'll look for it then. Thank you.
  16. Snakeyes

    Notification Messages to the server

    That's great Chris! I didn't know if it could be done or not. Thank you.
  17. Snakeyes

    mARMA - Server Monitoring, Live Map, RE...

    Greetings, I'm interested in mARMA and I need a good/solid RCon tool. The mARMA website mentions a Web RCon Client. Is that in the free or premium version? Anybody care to comment on its functions or point me to a YouTube video demonstrating it? Thanks!
  18. @John I agree with you. It is much easier to set a way point on the map and use it to navigate and/or determine distance. However, the hardcore survival purist would want it the other way. I found a badly damaged car yesterday. It has become my pack mule for off loading gear that I will need soon, but have no way to carry or store at the moment. That is a risk too, If another player(s) come across the car and check the inventory, it will all be gone. I find that scavenging the trash piles and eating berries helps me to survive. Water is more of a problem because I don't have the means to boil dirty water yet. I need an axe! I have a shovel and a sledge hammer, but no axe yet. Cutting wood will help my player stay dry and warm. Being wet and cold is a constant problem. Meanwhile, I hope to repair the car that I found. This customization of Exile has a Stalker, Shadow of Chernobyl vibe going on.
  19. Will this work in Exile? I have been trying to use the Darter quad copter UAV for some Recon, but we don't seem to be able to get the AV Camera feed to work correctly. The PIP would not work at all.
  20. Even if we could turn off setting a way point on the map, there is your map marker that has your location and directional vector. I remember how lost I was playing DayZ Chernarus until I got to know the map and found a compass.
  21. I suggest turning off the Shift+Left-Click on the map to set navigation way points. That would make player navigation hard core. Using the game world sun position and cloud flow for basic navigation. Tools like the compass and GPS would become useful again. Unfortunately, I don't think that is an option anymore with the new difficulty profile scheme.
  22. Snakeyes

    AV Camera feed for the UAV (Darter)

    @GroundLoop Thanks for sharing your fix!
  23. Snakeyes

    a3_vemf_reloaded by IT07

    Great! I will update my server this morning with the hotfix.
  24. Oh, I remember that now. Thanks for the clarification.
  25. I just played for awhile and I noticed that my XM8 is only recording my deaths. Whether I kill bandits or zombies my kills = 0.