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About MedeirosPT

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  1. MedeirosPT

    Need help with selectable spawns

    You need to to go on you mission pbo and extract with any pbo tool i use pbo manager and inside on the mission sqf you will find what you need on the bottom you can add more. but normally it's not only random you have some from default.
  2. MedeirosPT

    still no godmode with ryanzombies yet

    Same here.
  3. MedeirosPT

    BE Filter IgiLoad/R3F

    Try to do like this !"default_mass" and not like this !="default_mass" and if doesn't work try this !="default_mass" = 10867.8 2:722 Exile_Car_Zamak , and the same for the other. Hope this helps you.
  4. MedeirosPT

    Buy Taru Pods

    No problem glad i could help.
  5. MedeirosPT

    Buy Taru Pods

    You only can lock and unlock if you use your custom key, you don't have the scroll option, at least its how i do it.
  6. MedeirosPT

    A3 Launcher

  7. Hi, Changing the duct tape with the wrench to repair, but also one time use like the duct tape and change the toilet paper with the duct tape for the prisoners.
  8. MedeirosPT

    Script Restriction #22

    I added like this and seems to work: !="fnc_addWeaponCargoGlobal","CBA_fnc_createCenter","CBA_fnc_createMarker","CBA_fnc_createTrigger","CBA_fnc_defaultParam","CBA_fnc_" you can try.
  9. MedeirosPT

    A3 Launcher

    Thanks that helped , now i get the message: Oh snap! Found unknown mod: R3F Armes 3.4 witch is the mod that it's not on the A3 launcher and the reason why i use the game launcher cause normally i use A3 launcher but this i also had before with CUPS, i even did a full reinstall to the server. Thanks for the help
  10. MedeirosPT

    A3 Launcher

    Thanks, i have changed yesterday so its almost 24h after the change, but will wait otherwise people just have to reconnect manually. Thanks, like i said before its almost 24h past, tried to use the link you sent me and says: Oh snap! It looks like the server is offline, and its not, i can find the server on the A3 with the old mods I have CBA, R3F weapons that its not on the A3 launcher thats why i use the game launcher so i can choose my mods and Mas weapons and vehicles. I'm not saying that A3 launcher it's irrelevant most of the people use A3 launcher even me, but to join my server i use the game launcher cause it's missing one of the mods that i use, i did sent a message to the owner think that it's mentioned on the end of the right corner in the A3 official website if it was possible to add the mod, never got an answer back at least to say something about witch i think it's kinda rude, and not only talking about him but many people that ask for help here cause they don't know and don't get any answer at all from the guys that really understand of all about this. But much appreciated for the help and a big thanks cause the first answer that i got was not what i was expecting for help.
  11. MedeirosPT

    A3 Launcher

    Like i told you the problem its not me its players, and i use the game launcher that works fine for me i can choose whatever the mods i need not like A3 that you are limited to what they want, i asked them if they could add the R3F weapons pack that its a great pack no answer so i really don't need A3. Hopefully it will be a good launcher without limitations.
  12. MedeirosPT

    A3 Launcher

    Well as i think that you know people tend to just click on the server to play with A3 Launcher and it choose the right modes to play otherwise it was not needed don't you think, i use the game launcher so i choose my mods to play dont need you to tell me to learn how to enable our disable manually but many people don't know how don't you think?
  13. MedeirosPT

    A3 Launcher

    Hi yesterday i have changed from Cups to Mas but the A3 launcher still asks for the Cups and not Mas, how can i solve this? Thanks